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Everything posted by renegadelizard

  1. The dye will not take..i had a similar accident with gum trag...i ended up using vinagroon..this worked..
  2. Trust me, it could get a lot worse....3 weeks ago, right as it was starting to get hot, ac and fridge go out, same day...a week later, my darling wife puts dawn in the dishwasher and walks out...i come home to a flooded kitchen that has worked its way through 3/4 inch bamboo flooring and leaking into the basement....one week later, hot water heater bursts and 50 gallons of water flood my basement, ruining an antique toy chest and a 6 year old berber carpet...all in all, about 14 thousand dollars worth of damage in 3 weeks...im working on a 14 thousand dollar holster at the moment if any of you guys have a customer with really deep pockets..lol...
  3. Think of yourself as an investment Eric. You have spent countless hours perfecting your trade, and spent a ton of money in the process. Now someone wants to learn the easy way what you have spent years learning the hard way. Thats worth quite a bit. dvd's sell cheap because you cant ask a dvd 20 questions...books sell cheap because so few people can write well, and fewer can read well...your offering the complete, interactive program...dont short yourself... God Bless Don
  4. You hit it on the head there neighbor....ive been slowly trying to get away from the detail boned holsters...today's holsters look more like plastic than leather...i know there is always going to be someone who wants that, so ill never escape it altogether, but i prefer that classic look..and exotics of course...ive done more elephant, shark, and hippo holsters here lately than anything else...
  5. why calf skin?...Rusty at springfield turned me onto using horsehide, and i have to say, once its formed, they dont flatten...ever...you would almost have to stand on it to get it to smoosh....
  6. Hey all...i just finished up this holster, elephant with shark accents...when i started, the shark was a medium brown...after forming however, its almost as dark as the black elephant....is there any way to lighten this up?...will bleach work...peroxide?...anything?...
  7. i should probably clarify, i use horsehide for bullet loops..it has to be pretty wet to form without cracking...and i leave the casing in the loops til they are almost dry
  8. Fine work Sir...as always...i wish i could tool half as well as you...i had a customer that wanted the gadsen/dont tread on me as well...i thought about it for a while and went with a concho...lol...im just not that artistic...my snake would have looked like an overused slinky....great job man...love the color on those as well...
  9. 170 in the oven, prop the door open about two inches with a wooden spoon...put it on the rack and bake for 20 minutes....if you are getting bake lines in your leather, its too wet when you molded it and put it in...let it dry out a bit before you wet mold and a little after you have molded it...
  10. i would glue it before i sewed it on..in fact, i dont think i have ever sewed something with out glueing it first...let it dry before you sew, and try to get a nice even edge on it before you glue it up...it should look like a finished piece before you glue...
  11. what weight leather are you using?...are you sewing it wet? do you glue before you sew it on? my last question is more of an observation, but may help out...your edging on the piece looks a little uneven, this, i think, gives it that bulky look...you might need to cut the through hole a little wider to get the leather to lay just a bit flatter as well.good luck and i hope you get it ironed out..
  12. Hey All...its been awhile since i posted anything, so i thought id share a few of last months projects with you...before i do though, i have to thank Josh Ashman for sharing his knife sheaths with us...they were a great inspiration and actually got me to tool for the first time...hope you guys like them..as always, criticism is welcome... and another...im in the "i shaved a zebra club"... elephant set...this was fun and Finally, the IWB was for my Kimber..
  13. Nope..same with the strap goods plate..i tried to use it once...coudnt figure out the tension, so back in the drawer it went...someday i may tinker with it again..
  14. I make a pattern for each holster i do as well...i have about a hundred patterns stored in plastic folders...when i get a request for a certain gun, if i hav a pattern for it, ill reuse it..if not, i make another one..one day, i will have a pattern for everything..lol...i thought about the clicker die, but i just cant justify the expense...
  15. Very nice...i hope the one im working on turns out as good as yours...its a lot smaller..and well, i shaved a zebra tonight...hair everywhere...but so far so good...i wish i could have done a two piece...
  16. Try Kevin at springfield Leather...it may not be on there website, but that doesnt mean they dont have it..
  17. I think it looks pretty good...i punch my belt slots after the holster is sewn together, and i cut them long and wide enough so that a slight cant to them will not interfere with the beltway...i dont know that i would start over on this holster...add another stitch line and i think it will be good to go...just alter your pattern so that next time the stichline is closer...
  18. Does anyone know where i could find 1 inch or so Saint Michael conchos?..specifically im looking for the screwback conchos...any help would be appreciated...
  19. If you have a local machine shop, see if they will make you a custom press die...i use mine with a 1 ton arbor press from harbor frieght..its quick, easy and very clean...it takes me about 30 seconds to cut both slots in a holster..
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