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Everything posted by Suze

  1. don't let the ones that make cheap stuff -- cheaply -- win I like your work. maybe you just have not found the right market for it yet. it is hard to fight the Wal-mart mentality anymore. I can get it cheaper there is not a good line to hear. and there is my two pennies worth. wonder how long that $16.00 belt will last? I saw a belt made by Al Stolman the other week -- been heavily worn for about 30 years. And showed that it was loved. but you could still see his signature and most of the carving (and his little black skunk) Don't give up
  2. good website -- I know the lady that runs it - her patterns work. also a lot of good info on different styles of corsets
  3. I've tried braiding in my fist but I prefer my Kumihimo stand and weights for myself I get a much "steadier" braid and I can walk away from it without it getting all messed up (unless the cat "helps") of course I work with thread (silk and rayon) no doubt horsehair works "different"
  4. My SCA "Mom" told me the other night that there will be a Leatherworking day at Pennsic. Thank you to the ones who joined the new Artisan's Row. I wish I could go and thank you in person but I have to miss this year. Maybe next year. Lady Mariassa Ashgrove PS - I am curious which ones of you are helping out?
  5. I like the Ott-Lite brand for my crafting needs. really bright light sort of expensive if you don't find a sale though
  6. Hi all silly question time...... without haveing searched the net yet Do they even make a leather stamp that is a waterfall? and if they do where would I find one? Thanks in advance
  7. I recall somebody on this forum that took a bunch of number 11 exacto blades and put them all together and stuffed them in a handle might want to go play with the search engine
  8. ok another post from the "not leatherworker" My family used to sell dollhouse minitures (hand crafted by us) and we saw a radical shift in customer base in the almost 20 years that we sold. when we first started (in 1980) jobs were not all that scarce and life was good People would pay $$$ for just about anything if you called it a miniture. I recall someone varnishing the breakfast cereal CHERIOS and calling them "doughnuts" and getting more money than if you bought real ones to eat. Another was a person who was selling sparkly quartz pebbles for "paperweights" as the years progressed the economy turned down and you couldn't give things away. (we sort of faded out of the business in about 97 or so, Dad was ill and I found the SCA) but on the other hand when the economy did turn down MORE people were turning to the hobby - mostly the ones who wanted to craft their own things though. So the people that were selling the KITS were the ones to make the money and the crafters were left with a few loyal customers. Now in the years we were running the circut we NEVER had the illusion that it was a real money maker for us - more like a marginaly profitable hobby - working a show gave us hotel money and trip money and a lot of good memories of places that we would never have been able to go to otherwise. A 3 to 4 hundred dollar show was "good" for us. I think we topped one thousand once or twice. But then a lot of things we sold were one dollar each, and that is what made the table rent.
  9. the SCA folk at ren fairs and such are Demoing what we do -- there is a huge event in Pennslavania every summer called Pennsic War (www.pennsicwar.org) in August in 100 degree heat -- they armor up and stay that way most of the day. (trust me some days a "strong man" is NOT good to find -- or follow) If leather armor got all squishy in the sun they wouldn't be wearing it. Our rules and regs for keeping people safe are very strict.
  10. http://www.legiodraconis.com/ http://www.armourarchive.org/ I am not an armor person but these two sites and message boards should give you just about all the info you need. and wax hardening isn't so "melty" as you think it might be. I play in the Society for Creative Anachronism and a lot of people wear leather armor and I don't notice it melting in the sun. you also might want to look into japanese plate armor, it is made up of little plaques laced together, and there are a lot of sources for buying the plates. (Most are plastic barral and are VERY hard. Done right you might not even need the "regulation" paintball armor)
  11. turn the cushion over? >ducking and running<
  12. http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/candy/recipe-taffy.html try this one des you almost had it -- 270 degrees
  13. I like -- very well done
  14. Well now -- what you have there is an early heated ice scraper..... the hose end hooked up to your gas jet with a long hose and then you could light the gas at the other end to help melt and scrape ice off of things. OK -- I got no clue
  15. OK for the uninformed -- an Artisan's Row is where the Event Staff provides a place to teach and show off and how to do - this that and the other I know that there will be a fiber pavilion going on with all things fiber - spinning, weaving, and the like there will be a group that will be teaching period gaming another that will be teaching about period Rosarys (Paternosters) What Fidnata is looking for is the leatherworkers that will be at Pennsic are in the mood to have a day to teach "everything" and "anything" instead of having a one hour class you can get a whole day or part of a day to demo what you do. For the Artisan's it is a good time to connect with each other and for the general public a great time to learn about leatherworking. hope this helped a little
  16. Hi all I was asked to post this by my teacher of all things fibery..... the book goes to the printer MONDAY MAY 3 So any input before then would be appricated You can contact her at pennsicartisans@gmail.com or artisansrow@pennsicwar.org Greetings All, I am in search of leather workers (decorative or functional) attending Pennsic this year who might be interested in participating in a Leather Works day on Artisans Row. I have a person who has volunteered, and I am looking for other people to join his group. Can anyone recommend people I should contact? I'm working on a short deadline, in order to get information into the Pennsic onsite book, but we have the rest of the summer for pre-planning! In Service, Fiadnata Dean of the College of Applied Arts (Artisans Row) Pennsic University 39
  17. what they said and double it really nice work
  18. well I found the most used part of my dremel look alike is the "flex shaft" this lets the weight of the tool somewhere else and all you are holding is a pencil like thing to work with - more control. I do not like the collet thing -- my look alike has a chuck like a drill. and I use up to size 80 drill bits. (Or should that be down? they are really tiny things)
  19. and does Ivan's momma KNOW that you are calling him "spawn"? cute guy (and is that red hair I see?) congrats
  20. Even worse Kevin that Half Gallon (three pints) of ice cream is most likely half air. so if you made it "right" about a pint and a half of ice cream. and I have seen a lot of bonded leather stuff around. Looks good for about a week. I have a whole slew of belts around here that came with skirts that I bought. they are braided belts and have a really nice cord running through them (only reason I kept them)
  21. that is sooo cool would love to be "stationed" at a desk like that. and did you catch the flash/thumb drive in the old watch? Neat
  22. and I hope the Easter bunny brought plenty of chocolate for you all.....
  23. giggle yes those "gadgets" are called NEEDLE THREADERS by the way..... and I have yet to find any that work for thick threads. (the little wire ones anyway) they break easy now they do make another kind that is stamped out of metal and has a "C" hook on one end that works -- sort of -- for yarn in big hole needles.
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