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Everything posted by Suze

  1. could yo make the "margin ads" long and skinny and put some on both sides? (split the space in two) that would put the "reading area" back in the middle of the screen.
  2. Well if you hurry up and get yourself moved to Tenn I'm sure "somebody" on this forum could hook you up with a rodeo somewhere.
  3. This also happens in the "big leages" too I build lift trucks (well the electronics for them anyway) Our bigest competetor "R" builds trucks for slightly different warehouse designs than us. We (my Company Crown) bought several of them to pull apart and "copy and upgrade" and we now sell a truck that also fits where theirs does. With a lot better build and manufactur process. A Crown truck is about 90% built on site here in my town. An R truck is about 20% built in their factory - the rest of it comes from all over the world (cheapest parts) We hold about 50% of the WORLD market share for trucks right now. And even with the economy here in the toilet I think that is doing pretty good. You have to expect people to buy your product and rip it apart and copy - that just means that you have to keep making YOUR stuff better than the last thing you sold. People bought my things at dollhouse shows and I saw something "similar" on their tables later. But there were little tricks that I never shared on some of my products, and theirs just never quite caught up.
  4. We used to use those cardboard boxes that you can buy to put 9 pairs of shoes in (I hope you know what I am talking about) as risers on the back of a table - advantage you can use shoeboxes to store backstock in and still be able to get to it all. this really only works if you are doing a "walk by the front" booth and not a "step into booth" if you ave a lot of little things (key fobs and the like) cosider some kind of rotating display. We built one out of pegboard and an old lazy susan. the advantage there is that you can rearange hooks to fit what you are selling now. and if things get "low" you can take hooks out If you want to make table risers the "lazy way" you can take PVC pipe and cut twelve inch or so lengths of it and just slip the table legs in the pipe when you set the table up. Personaly I never really liked that it seemed a little unstable to me - but there were a lot of dealers in the dollhouse shows that did that. One thing that we always tried to do was to leave a bit of space on the table open so that people would have a place to "park" their purse while they were fishing out their money. Check out Fire Mountian Gems for ideas on display stands - some of them would not be hard to copy Hope this helps a little Have fue
  5. You guys know I am not a leatherworker (yet) but those would so be going back.... they are poor quality that even I can see. (Well - I am a crafter)
  6. wow I'm glad you had a good time - Just went through the compition pics I think my Ohhhh---Ahhhhh----OOOOOOOO Is broke.
  7. Suze

    Craftaids wanted

    Ray - I think you have developed that dread illness known around here as "Helium Hand" symptoms include -- Your hand raising by itself when someone askes for a "volunteer" Somehow doing things that you are not good at Asking everybody in range for "help" and the ever popular - Ask Ray - He can do it (cause you did something for them a billion years ago)
  8. Oh - it all becomes clear now I think I will keep my trap shut and learn things
  9. If I knew that the profits from these would be going to the Breast Cancer Fund I would have no problems with paying $10.00 for one of them. top two maybe $15.00 Which gets your materials cost back and gives you something to donate to the "cause" They are unique and I think that they would sell for those prices
  10. somebody said something about using tape to hold down the patches and that it worked well except when you wanted to move the patches later wouldn't it be easy to sew around MOST of the patch and then reach in with a pair of "handy dandy hemostats" and pull out the tape? then sew the rest of the patch down? just asking
  11. need a navigator? Of course with me navigatting we might end up going by way of California or Canada or maybe even Mexico....... and it is really hard to type with a cat laying on your hands
  12. maybe you could "marry" an exato blade holder top into a turned handle?
  13. maybe the hide sat in a "crumple" long enough to damage it? in just a section of the hide. I think that I would wet down the whole thing and see what happens. (this from the fabric chick)
  14. Springfield leather sells thread and needles so does Tandy and lots of other stuff - have you looked at their sites?
  15. http://www.quiltingstencils.com/index.asp?...amp;ProdID=6351 I have one of these here "somewhere" all it is is an exacto knife (sort of) with the slot already spaced for two blades and a spacer If you don't put the spacer in and put a couple more blades in instead.....
  16. look to the top of the page see those nice ads there? I'll bet they can help
  17. Public Service Announcment ------ and for all the Non-Mom's out there stay out of any resterant till tomorow or go at a really weird time. Oh and for all the Mom's and Almost Mom's and the Mom's of the Heart Love you all and have a great day.
  18. I think you are right Cuz - I am a crafter - I am fair to good at a lot of things. I do any project more for my own use, and enjoyment than to sell. (Yes you keep saying I am an artist - I don't see it but there you go) What we sold at the dollhouse shows were mostly things that just about anybody could make. (Mom's work excluded) there were a lot of times my "glue a bead to a button" type projects carried the table. Fifty cents at a time. But people bought them because they didn't want to buy ten packs of beads to get one out of each pack. and then there is the whole "what ARE you selling" if you are selling baked goods THEN you WANT to use HOME MADE Most of the Leather Workers that I see at SCA events use Custom Leather as part of their names. and let you figure out if it should be home made hand made hand crafted artisan person with a side of leather and a little skill or the ever popular OH MYYYYY (which is reserved for the HOW in the world do you do that!?!? kind of projects)
  19. Suze

    Bull's Pizzle

    Yes - Hilly a bulls "pizzle" is his boy parts - the long one, not the big round ones....... Grin
  20. DID NOT --- just whined long enough that you did it to shut me up....... grins and giggles
  21. wow - nice Bob, I have always used the rule that if a craft is an extention of "self" Why make "half" of an expresion? as in don't do it half way and say "close counts" (I HATE that term with a passion - close counts only works in hand gernades, horseshoes and nukular warfare) too many people do this and shrug and say well it was the best I could do - close counts no it was not the best you could do or you wouldn't be saying that - the person who says that KNOWS that if they took a little more time and effort it would be much better.
  22. and that would be Hand Crafted with the side note of Award Winning (plus $50.00 for that one) and no I don't have anything better to do (at least that I WANT to do) I'd rather have a Pina Colada......if your going anyway.
  23. for me (and the area I live in ) it usually boils down to QUALITY and PERSEPTION OF WORTH home made is usually not very well done. (like the "ghost" halloween costume out of a bed sheet with two holes for eyes) hand made is a step up from that - using a pattern from the store and it looks pretty good if not very original. Hand Crafted is the master work - you made that costume from scratch and it wins the prize at the contest. It also has something to do with how much you charge for your work. People will pay more for something that is listed as hand crafted over hand made. (and it could be the SAME product. merchandising is important) Hand Crafted implies to a lot of people a BETTER product. (doesn't matter if it is or not.) just my two pennies worth but it sounds like Seth means that if you do not touch it with a machine it is "hand made" and if you use some sort of machine to do some of the work it is "Crafted"
  24. look up on regular sewing things -- how to sew piping It might give you some ideas also what your machine foot should look like. and I don't know if it would work with leather but an easy way to turn FABRIC inside out is to sew around a cord (don't catch the cord in the stiching) Sew ACROSS one end (add a bit to the length you need) Pull the cord - if you do it right the cord will start to pull the tube of fabric inside out. (I usually make the cord a bit longer than I need and put a couple of knots in the end that is stiched down on the "outside" so that when you pull it just doesn't shread and pull straight through.
  25. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?s...c=15323&hl= found that already
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