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Everything posted by Suze

  1. Suze

    Belt Sleeves

    go to the grocery store guys look at all the trash bags -- they are rated in Mills (or the plastic drop cloths) buy the ones that "match" the Mills at the site FEEL UP THE TRASH BAGS >grin< you will soon learn which mill thickness you would want. educate your fingers and you will be able to tell thickness pretty close. I would think that 3 mill would be plenty to protect your belts in a shipping boz
  2. Suze

    Belt Sleeves

    Ray - are you on my "wavelength" again?
  3. Suze

    Belt Sleeves

    http://www.polybagsupplies.com/poly-tubing-c-26.html Is this what you are looking for -- sounds like it don't know if this is the "best" place to get this product - it was just the first I found ETA- link
  4. Suze


    I'm not sure Just HOW big EvilSuze's cupboard is -- the last time she had a party it seemed like the whole world was under there. I'm suspecting a "pocket universe" under there. She does throw one H of a party however.
  5. if all you want is a fleur-de-lis go to hobby lobby and look in the scrapbook stuff - they used to sell metal sealing wax stamp kits there and I know one of the was a fleur-de-lis and you can make the "wax bit" out of hot glue too. find the colored glue and a dedicated gun to go with it (once you put a colored stick in it you get that color, like forever, out of it) and a "glue pad" (It is some sort of silicon pad that the glue releases from easy) They are with the glue guns cut your strings ahead of time - you won't have much working time with the glue. put a tiny dab of glue on the glue pad and stick the string in it put a bigger dab on top of it and smish the seal in the glue (I've been told if you keep the seal "on ice" and cold it will release from the glue better. And if you stuff your finger in the glue....) BINGO one seal on a string One of our local groups did a site token this way and it hung in my car over the summer and didn't melt, although you might want to put a bit of tissue paper or better yet a bit of plastic wrap between it and the leather if you are shipping
  6. Suze


    Oh Yeah - I forgot that part I guess that is why God called US wo-man (so that we could tell man -- whoa -- when they got out of line) (We really are the smarter sex don't ya know?) >Shoves EvilSuze back in the cupboard under the stairs< Really - I have no idea how she gets out all the time. Must be a faulty lock......
  7. Suze


    I thought that the best knife was simply SHARP >running off and hiding now<>giggle<
  8. look on some spinners sites and they will have a good explination about S and Z twist threads but the basic idea is that when you pull the thread through "whatever" (I'm a cloth junkie) you will either be working WITH the twist and it will stay --- OR --- you will be working AGAINST the twist and it will untwist itself giving you snarls and tangles and a "whole new vocabulary" that is why when doing embroidry you should alway make sure your thread comes off of the spool in the same direction (thread the part that comes off of the spool first) Hope that helped a tiny bit.
  9. go to the bedding departmant - buy sheets Pre hemmed if you want to hang them all you have to do is run a cord through the top hem (although shower curtians work well for that too) lots of colors ususally much better price than the same amount of broadcloth..... better yet --- permapress -- they don't wrinkle as bad, nor do they requre special handling like velvet.....(although if you wash velvet once it becomes washable.) Or if you want small pieces of fancy material -- go to GoodWill or other thrift shops -- bridesmaid dresses are usually pretty cheap, and if they have a full skirt, a respectable amout of material as well. I just picked up two for eight dollars each not too long ago. (for Jane the Queen) although if you want velvet get the crushed stuff - it is already wrinkled so it doesn't matter if it gets wadded up in a ball...... as far as the photos go - list your website - if they want to see "pretty pics" they can go there - send them the boreing ones that just show what you do.
  10. Oh the "things we have named" over the years A DeSoto car when I was little was named........Hernando the two 49 Oldsmobiles were Sally and Billy we have a stich on our regular sewing machine that has been dubbed "evil stich" (It is a lock stich that sews two stiches forward then one back - two forward, one back) be VERY sure that is WHERE you want your seam. EvilStich is the "Polite term" for it when you have to rip it out -- the others are not repeatable, nor very ladylike >grin< somehow the dress form is named Lulubelle I have a halloween decoration that is a Raven - named Poe (a friend has two of them as well and they are - wait for it - Edger and Allen) the skull (plastic) is Yorick the castle walls that I painted on sheets has been dubbbed Box-O-Castle (Port-O-Castle is where you go to pee) Ok I admit it - I'm wierd - and I have some Weird family (Hi Johanna.....) Hernando was her Grandmothers car when I was little......I think her MOM named it that.
  11. I used to use 12 volt transformers in the dollhouse world - try looking there or in the slot car stuff - I found some there too. don't know if they were 300ma or not
  12. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I can't say much else -- but have you tried pouring all your feelings out on paper - why you love her and miss her and the children just the good things and give it to her to read maybe her heart is breaking too and she doesn't know how to mend it either. ((((Hug some more}}}}
  13. I loved the "fireworks" display at the end--- especially when they sent the dog out with a little spot on it''s butt.....
  14. After reading and looking at the many projects on this forum that are in the OMG catagory (and the "how can I ever hope to get to that point) I had an idea - it is something we do once in awhile in our histroy group. We ask all the people who are our teachers and such to bring in some of their "first projects" warts and all. To show that you CAN get better with practice and learning...(gives the rest of us the drive to keep at it) anybody willing to show off some of their first projects? You know the ones that you gave Mom for Christmas and would love to have back so that you could burn it.......
  15. there is a gentleman here that does "herding demos" with ducks instead of sheep --- the dogs are VERY well trained (sometimes so are the ducks - one year the ducks knew the pattern so will that the dog just laid in the middle of the ring and barked at them and they ran the pattern - smart dogs those border collies) "Daddy" was not real happy with the dog..... Thats about the time he started bringing more than one set of ducks. no go here and see what other silly people do with sheep...... http://reviews.ebay.com/How-to-dye-a-sheep...000000002240583
  16. http://i.gizmodo.com/5172963/sheep+powered...-welsh-hillside Ok this one is just too rich for words go look - just don't be drinking anything - fair warning
  17. Middle of Ohio here and out in the tiny town area ---- rural, big time you would be lucky to get $20 for that leash --- after all they can go to Wal-Mart and buy one for half that price >sigh< nobody appiecates hand crafted - in tiny town area get to the cities though and all bets are off.
  18. Well here goes - I have only had TWO jobs in my life - a waitress for a year out of high school - (toughest job ever - you learn to be POLITE if it KILLS you) and my current job of 30 + years -- I work for Crown Equpment - we build lift trucks - I work in the electronics assm department building circut boards - in a "cleaner room" >giggle< some days I come home filthy...... but before I worked in the "clean room" (why they call it that I have no idea - it is NOT a clean room by any definition) I worked for them building TV antenna rotators. I did that for 20+ years and then they decided that they wern't "profitable" anymore and got moved from Plant 1 to Plant 7 (We have 13 plants in one little bitty town) and 3 others in outlying bergs. Johanna's hubby works in one of the other ones. as far as hobby addiction ---- YES. If the tools to do something are not that expensive - I think I've done it. and the only reason I have been sucked into leather is a certian someone with a leather shop in her basement........(Hi Cuz) I don't have to buy tools...... Well that's me in a nutshell.
  19. not that I noticed -- -but -- they are packed in oil could be
  20. hi all I opened up a packet of parts at work today and it had this label on it and I thought you all would get a kick out of it...... Unless otherwise specifed, this package contains articles Made in the U.S.A. or from Canada, Brazil, China, Germany, Inda, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Switzerland, and/or Taiwan. what a way to only make one style imprint
  21. Nice sporran Chuck I was thinking blackwork - so that the stiches are NOT that close together - more like what you did with the sporan - a running stich in a pattern. Oh and I looked up pitiado -- wowsers, the first link I clicked on was a pair of boots.....purty Oh and Horsehairbraider - the gang is already convinced I'm crazy so it's not a far strech for this kind of "You're doing WHAT?" project....... everything has a second use and you just have to "see" it........Most people don't
  22. thanks - will have to find needles I have this coat that I bought at goodwill - brand new leather trench (for 10 dollars - yep it's a GOOD coat, sarcasm on) that I thought that I could use for "barbie stuff" and I thought that I could give it a try
  23. I have taken up a challange to create 50 things by 2015 (arts and science challange in the Society for Creative Anacronism) and was thinking about a leather gameboard for a "something" and instead of carving or stamping the thing I wanted to do some sort of embroidrey on it (I'm thinking blackwork as that is VERY graphable and geometric) I could also punch holes and sort of lace it......tiny holes - teeny tiny holes and I'm a fiber geek so I was wondering if anybody has done anything like this and had any tips - hints - or "good god, don't do it this way" stories thanks
  24. If you haven't done anything with the velcro already get a pack of the "stick on" kind and use that on the case and the "non stick" kind on your leather you get twice the yardage that way...... Just make sure you buy the same brand (I like e 6000 glue - but I don't know if it would hold up)
  25. Suze

    dumb questions time

    not a huge amount - just for myself and a couple of gameboards... around 50 all told. 20 for a 9 man morris board (need a spare token) and maybe a checker board.... and if I am going to use them for part of my "50 challange" I need to do them myself besides if I make something to SELL (gameboard wise) it gets those nice glass blops from the flower department -- I have to get rid of them somehow.
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