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    Leather, Shooting, metal detecting, and Honey Do's lists

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Wallet, Belts, Holsters

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  1. Hi all, I would like to buy a TIppmann BOSS as I can't hand stitch any more due to medical reasons and age. Are the old cast iron models the same as the new models? I'am starting to look for a used one in fair shape. Thanks, , Howard
  2. Welcome, from Toronto
  3. Anyone using, and how do you like or dislike? Howard
  4. Hi, I use Ruler Magic to hold templates and on back of rulers. Howard
  5. Hi, I would like to try some horsehide, what type of sander did you use to sand off 3 oz.? I have a small hand belt sand. Thanks, Howard
  6. I received 2 shoulders from W&C and the flesh side is very rough. How do you smooth it out? Or, should I have ask for it to split or something. Howard
  7. Hi all, I use a few wood carving knifes. Howard
  8. Hi, all I use round hole punches and sharp woodworking chisels for the side, no need for bag punches. Howard
  9. Hi, My wife just gave me an idea, for marker Barry King stamps. I have a some but can't remember if its a 1, 2, 3 etc. when ordering a different size. She gave me 10 bottles of finger nail polish and a sample card with 10 colored spots number 1-10. Now, when I receive my order I marker that stamp with the right color. Thought is might help someone else. Have a great and safe day, Howard
  10. Frodo, They do make a nice weight. I have a piece 4" long with leather on the bottom, and I zip tied a work clap light to the top. I move around when I am tooling, or need a little extra light. At age 77, my eyes need all the help they can get. I would like to get a couple more for the shop. Have a great day. Howard
  12. seabee

    Hand press

    HI, I forgot about is post. At 76, I do that a lot. I setup my arbor press like the following. Used a steel plate 3/8 x 6 x 6 to make a table on the press. I also pined the plate using the small hole in the press. Than used a 6x6 cutting board, used a scroll saw to cut the hole for the die base. I than used roll pins in the four corner of the to hold it in place on the plate, no movement. For the ram, I took the die handle and cut it to 2" long. Drilled a hole in the end of the ram, installed a set screw. I like this setup. I hope this will help. Howard
  13. Hi, #6 is spindle from a cotton picker machine. I operated on in Buttomwillow, Ca. in my youth. They make great pin drive punches. Howard
  14. Thank YOU
  15. Hi, all I hope everyone is coping with the STAY AT HOME! Today I modifier my HF arbor press for Buckleguy rivets, snaps. I like his hardware, but I didn't buy his press. I use my HF press for a lot of things. My shop is small, and no place for single use equipment. I would put pictures, but aways have bad luck using my flip-phone. I tested it out and I am happy with it, made a few things using there snap setter. Howard
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