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Everything posted by jimi

  1. http://singer29k.blogspot.com.es/ Hi there, Here is a needle and thread chart. i unfortunately know nothing about your machine but would suspect that this is only for working cloth. best thing would be to get hold of a manual for your machine and see what it says. http://www.singerco.com/uploads/download/78d2f880b6f5e05b3ad48013cb79f9694e6858ef.pdf here is a manual,it says "some leathers" you also have the needle chart etc... it would have to be very thin leather. Heavy Duty (in this case)does not mean Leather sewing machine?
  2. Not sure but sounds like an error when the motor finds it hard to sew. this happens on my jack servo also when it is tough leather or it sticks it stops working. it has to be turned off and then on again. or possibly little tension from the belt??? just guessing.
  3. Thanks and No i don´t have a Blog. that is good to hear you got a refund and i am sure you will be able to find another balance wheel no problem as your machine is a newer type one.
  4. I know exactly how you feel?
  5. I think this is an Adler K1 43-3. up the arm and maybe across the arm too Zick-Zack.. you know what i mean? we need a German translator please https://www.duerkopp-adler.com/export/sites/duerkoppadler/commons/download/public/43/43-3.pdf here is the Singer Class 11 which is the equivalent. http://parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/11_17.pdf
  6. from that hammerite paint looks 1980`s to me??
  7. Look and see if the number is under the top plate where the thread spool sits? that´s where mine is. this machine was originally black and has the older type needle bar and had a normal tension unit and it dates 1950.
  8. Maybe one day i will get one... and you end up with the singer...
  9. just jokeing Tor, i have not tried any Adler so i cannot judge them.
  10. HaHa.. if they were Singers they would have been worth saving
  11. singer 45k93 on a 29k stand.. p.s. if the owner wants to sell his roller foot could you let me know. thanks.
  12. Singer 45K64 F1935797 there you go WIZ..
  13. I Think these plates are all user made. feet and dogs also or the feet and dogs are from an Adler or Claes and modified ? .
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Singer-45B6BC-Long-Arm-Cylinder-Arm-Wheel-Feed-Industrial-Sewing-Machine/121685885180?_trksid=p5411.c100167.m2940&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140131123730%26meid%3Dd5cc292724f64b46a211cfea9dc4388c%26pid%3D100167%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D172663996558
  15. Yes at least the parts lists are easy to find...
  16. Thank you Johan. looks like we have the same number on the foot but my foot has been altered. therefore the only difference i can see to a 45k1 is the reverse? which later became 45k92? your´s has the same foot as the 92 and now no numbers to be seen on this foot?? looks just like the # 91039 foot for the 45k1.
  17. looks like the 45k89 sold very well in the UK? they appear constantly on ebay there. and some others? at the moment it seems to be the best place to find one of the class 45 machines? already 8 of them up for sale there?? in the end folker the 45k92 i showed you for parts came home with me, and after cleaning it seems too new to break down so i will look to get it welded and move it on to someone. (EX 736179... you won´t find that one in ismacs list?) you wouldnt have a left side needle plate for sale would you ??? the one that slides off?
  18. Ok Thanks Al, iam sure they will go quick as people dont see too many around. regards jimi.
  19. Hi Al, was wondering what that screw was on the arm of the roller foot??? the one that looks like it is holding the roller on? does your singer one have numbers stamped on it?? and no number inside the lid of the oil box?? it really looks like singer to me?
  20. Singer 45B. http://www.industrialsewmachine.com/webdoc1/singer/45b.htm
  21. Hi there Oldtimer,The ring where it fits into is probably worn too? and it has a roller up the stem of it, if that sticks and gets a flat spot it could also shorten the length. and a worn foot also?
  22. Yeah Al, its gonna be hard to find one on its own, surely that treadle was for a flat bed 45 thats why there is no support. iam sure you could rustle up a support seeing how good the missing parts came out for your machine. i cant seem to find any illustrations of these big treadles?? no parts diagrams, nothing?? maybe if someone near you had one you could copy it by taking it in to a welder and seeing what he could do?? if i find anything over this end i will let you know Al. if you need the angles or what ever i can try and measure them for you. all the best, jimi.
  23. Ok johan, thanks.
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