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Everything posted by St8LineGunsmith

  1. I bought a seeder, Pear shader, Beveler,, backgrounder, veiner, camoflauge and a swivel knife for 25 bucks the tools look to be pretty good quality but like you I have not used the tools yet. the swivel knife barrel is smaller than what I am accustomed to but feels pretty good in my hand however it is a cheap non adjustable knife that I will be replacing ASAP I just bought it because I needed one to get started back carving and am in a pinch but it should suffice until I can afford a tangle boss. so many tools so little money
  2. first thing to do is gain basic knowledge of how to work leather I would first start out by studying this online text book that covers a vast area of leathewcraft also you can learn a lot by watching the video tutorials tandy leather factory has on their website there are a lot of other video tutorials on leather craft on youtubeI would learn everything I can on how to stitch and lace leather I would also encourage you to learn how to tool and stamp leather fifty dollars will not go very far but it will be a start I would suggest gettinga basic stamping tool set like the one I linked to below http://springfieldleather.com/29331/Stamping-Tool-Set%2CSLC-Basic-10/ you can often find these starter sets at Ebat and amazon at a discount so it pays to shop around You will also need stitching tools these tools can also be found at ebay and amazon you will need dividers for making stitch lines, a adjustable groover, a overstitch wheel needles waxed cord a chisel for punching stitch holes a stitching awl or if you have a dremel tool you can make holes with a small drill bit, you can pick up hole punches at harbor freight tools they also sell a stitching awl pretty cheap that is just as good as the expensive ones they also have some modeling tools that will be handy for tooling just look around at diffrent types of tools and see if they can apply to leather crafting. you will need a stitching pony but you can make one of those for next to nothing. you will also need to get snaps and fasteners, buckles and other types of hardware depending on which hardware a certain project will require. once you have some of the basic tools you will need to buy the leather you will also need to know which weight of leather you will need for the type of project you want to make stuff like holsters and belts I use 8 to 9 ounce and belts need to be 10 Oz or thicker stuff like wallets 4 to 5 oz you can usually pick up half shoulders for anywhere from 25 to 50 dollars depending on the weight and quality You should expect to pay roughly 200.00 to get the necessary tools and leather to get a good start in the leather craft and expect to buy more tools as certain projects will require. I hope this helped.
  3. I will take these Items if still available send me a PM and give me payment terms. Craftool Adjustable Groover 8074-00 5.00 · A103 – Seeder · A104-background · X514S-basket weave · B200-beveler · C770-camouflage · V407-veiner · U855-mule foot · U853-mule foot · U851-mule foot · CRS-3-cross
  4. Rawhide your writeup is very good however I have to disagree with you about using a drill press or dremel tool to make stitch holes and you can get very small drill bits that will not make the holes too big and it is just as easy to get an awl out of line stabbing through two thick pieces of leather . gluing together the two pieces and keeping the stitch line as close to the jaws of the stitching pony/horse clamp as possible is also important to keep uniform holes when stabbing or drilling through leather. in my opinion the overstitch wheel and a good straight stitch line is the most important factor in having uniform stitches I do also agree the saddle stitch is one of the strongest stitches you can make, far stronger than a loop stitch. these are just my opinions and what i found out by trial and error as to what works best for me, YMMV.
  5. if you make something with a jackass logo for your own personal use or as a gift then it is fine but to make items to put on an open market would be considered copy right infringement of the use of the logo without expressed written consent from the owner of the copyright.as far as the tandy kits are concerned if you buy a kit and make what is in that kit then sell it you have broken no copyright laws because tandy has marketed it to sell to the public after you buy the kit you can do what ever you please with it . now where the copyright infringement would come into play with something like this is if you were to mass produce the kits using the exact patterns and boxing them to sell as a kit.
  6. As I mentioned in another thread I would like to have one of the new tangle boss swivel knifes I think it is revolutionary in swivel knife designs and when i am financially able I am going to get one
  7. If I was going to drop a lot of money on a swivel knife I would get a tangle boss
  8. Beacons fabritac works good for bonding stitch lines there are a few other glues and contact cements that can be used in a pinch in the crafts department at Wal Mart if you are not in a hurry silicone works good for a flexible bond. these are a few common glues that can be found pretty much any place.
  9. Not sure if this has ever been posted before but... I found this great website and thought I would post the link this site covers a broad spectrum of leathercrafting it goes in depth on lacing which leather weights are best suited for pretty much everything a beginner would need to know in order to get a good start in the craft of leatherworking. http://www.kingsmerecrafts.com/index.html
  10. different strokes for different folks. I think Chief summed it up pretty good
  11. if you are wanting to know how to make a saddle stitch ,Buck stitch, lacing and double loop lacing here https://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/infoandservices/Leathercraft-Videos/Leathercraft-Videos.aspx and scroll down. there are a lot of tutorials for basic leather crafting and you can find a lot of tutorials on youtube the books will go more indepth about how far the stitch line needs to be from the edge, spacing of the stitch and the tools you will want to get to make a professional looking stitch line.
  12. I had a machine back 25 years ago but sold it when I sold off all my other leather tools now 25 years later I am kicking myself in the head for selling everything. A sewing machine would be nice because the speed in which you can sew however unfortunately they are way out of my budget. but being that i am at the hobby level i see no need for a machine. a stitch groover, divider, overstitch wheel, an assortment of punches chisels, needles, small drill bits, a dremel and a good stitching pony suffice well for a saddle stitch once i glue together my parts to be sewn I will make a stitch line or groove then use the overstitch wheel then i will drill the holes with a dremel. I use sewing palms on both hands to help push the needles through and have small pairs of pliers handy if i need to pull the needle through and the stitching pony is a big help to keep the piece in position to speed up the stitching process, I have a stitching awl but i don't see where it would be any faster to stitch with an awl and i think a saddle stitch is stronger than a lock stitch so i rarely use the stitching awl. I do a lot of loop and double loop lacing and buck stitching on a lot of my projects too which require different types of chisels to make holes and a sewing machine can't do lacing. I probably have close to $150.00 in just hand stitching & lacing tools alone. it would be nice to get to a point to where I need a sewing machine but there a lot other leather working tools I need more than a sewing machine at this point .
  13. Rooster in my experience i have better control with a maul
  14. Sending a PM you can save some money buying from harbor freight tools for certain types of tools you can get a good stitching awl from them for cheap utility knives and shears for cutting patterns and leather glue for gluing the seams leather punches. they have dividers for making the stitch line. You can also save money by shopping with springfield leather company http://springfieldle.../14/Hand-Tools/ and the tools they sell are high quality I would invest in a diamond chisel at least four prong and a buck stitching chisel a 4 in one hole punch you will want to get a overstitch set for perfect stitch spacing a stitching groover is not necessiary but sure makes a good looking stitching line. you can learn how to hand stitch, make buck stitch, loop lacing and double loop lacing as well as other tutorials here https://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/infoandservices/Leathercraft-Videos/Leathercraft-Videos.aspx you can also make your own stitching pony for cheap I always use a stitching pony I but I don't like the ones tandy sells I would make a floor model where you can anchor it with your feet at a height you can sit and stitch A stitching pony makes stitching much easier, frees up both hands because you will need them and makes it easier to hold your work steady and rigid it also works good for clamping your leather parts together when gluing to keep the punch holes aligned. edge slickers, burnishers leather creasers are tools you can make.
  15. Good information to know Sir Titus
  16. Deliveryboi My Hats off to you for exercising your constitutional 2A right to arm ourselves against a tyranical government and other ravening wolves who may try to steal kill and destroy our loved ones, property or way of life whether or not your holster business becomes a booming success. Which I hope it is a successful venture for you!
  17. Dividers can be used for drawing circles, arcs, dividing circles Bisecting lines tracing lines etc. Anything you can use a drafting divider for on paper can be used for making geometric shapes and patterns for leather spesificdesignins as well it is one of the most versatile tool in any craftsmans tool box. these are the kind of dividers I am talking about and have a wide variety of uses from Drafting, metal work, Leather work or carpentry. Like I said Dividers are one of the most versatile measuring tools you can have.
  18. Ya once leather is dyed it don't take stamping/tooling. you can replace the existing bridle strap with a new part with the desired stamping/tooling. making new bridle strapping for an old bit is pretty common just use the old parts as templates and use the existing hardware.
  19. Well I understand about financial situations is Jim a big heavy fella? If so it is the same guy who used to run the Broad street Location because that guys name was Jim too and a really nice guy, The Broad street location was a pretty good sized wearhouse and had a large selection of leathers in any grade or type you wanted I always had to get the economy tooling shoulders because they were priced good and weren't too bad looking once they were tooled. even untooled the stuff i made looked pretty good once they were dyed i like working with the thinner leathers because it is a lot easier to stitch I bought some plans for building the Stitching Champ Leather Clamp Stitching Pony I am thinking about making a few extra and sell them to finance some supplies, I just need to figure out what a fair price would be, they are pretty nice stitching ponys They sit on the floor and the clamp has a foot lever for easy clamping and unclamping and the right height for sitting down to do the stitching.
  20. I know what you mean I used to have every leather working tool you could think of but sold it all about 25 years ago now I am finding my self buying tools a piece at a time and these tools are not cheap. I am going to get started back tooling leather and make some holsters belts and cases hopefully I can get over to tandy and pick up a half shoulder in a couple of weeks.after Iget this Long Rifle I am building finished and make me a stitching pony. i guess for the type of cases you are making you are using 5 to 6 OZ tooling leather? have you been to the store on bonny oaks? the last time I bought leather was when they were down on broad street and not sure if the same people own the store on bonny oaks maybe once I get my garage cleaned up and start pounding on some leather we can meet up sometime,
  21. I found plans for a stitching horse that i would like to build but i have limited space in my work area so a stitching pony like this would be more practical I think I will build this design. any one who would like the file for the stitching horse PM me your Email address and I will send the file to you.
  22. Nope that is a Remington 1858 not sure if it was .36cal Navy or .44Cal Army model the only diffrence between the Army and Navy models were the bore diameter. Neither the 1852 Colt Navy or 1860 Colt Army model had a closed frame
  23. I think Lee Van Cleef used a Remington 1858 cap and ball revolver in that movie. I have some patterns for that style, if you PM me your E mail address I will send you the file.
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