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Status Updates posted by immiketoo

  1. Let's all wish DoubleC AKA Cheryl good luck at her first craft show and hope that she is as successful as she wants to be! Good luck Cheryl!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DoubleC


      Thank you David

    3. volpert


      good luck!!!!!!

    4. DoubleC


      Thanks Alex, I'm off. see ya'll this afternoon

  2. Dang. Sick, again.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. immiketoo


      Thanks for the well wishes and sound advice!

    3. Genyfer Belle

      Genyfer Belle

      Well,what did you do that for silly?

    4. LNLeather


      Eat more Garlic - it has a natural antibiotic in it. Eat it every day!

  3. Waiting on the doc. I feel like I'm awaiting sentencing.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jax


      awww Mike get well soon, loadsa hugs x

    3. LNLeather


      Hope you are feelin' Better Now... I love your latest Avatar. It is Pretty Cute and Really made me Laugh - I'm still chuckling now...

    4. SooperJake


      I'd photoshop in a holster slipped off around his "ankles"...:)

  4. Please join me in wishing Jax a happy birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. capsterdog


      Happy birthday Jax

    3. groovytech
    4. shtoink


      Who's Jax?

      Just kidding...

      Happy Birthday, even if it's late.

  5. Proud uncle of a new baby niece, as yet to be named!

  6. Being up all night gets lonely once all the LW net peeps go to bed...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. immiketoo


      Sounds like you should be making leather fetish gear my friend :)

    3. Horrrk


      Haha! I should be in bed more like..nearly 2am.! I'll see ya in the morning..cutting the ropes as I type..lol

    4. immiketoo
  7. The abused pit bull puppy I have dubbed "Emma." I've never had a dog before and I don't know if I have time, but she is a darling little thing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sylvia


      Most dogs just want to be part of a pack. Just talk to her and treat her well and take a break to toss a ball now and then. Your Emma will love you no matter what.

    3. LNLeather


      Good for you for Saving Emma - I just hate people that abuse animals!!!!!

      If you haven't had a dog before - I recommend taking some obedience training classes with your Emma. It is fun and you will both learn a lot. My dogs have all really loved the classes. I also agree that if you don't have time to spend playing and exercising (both good for dog and man) with Emma, then find her a good home to go to.

    4. Spinner


      Remember that abused dogs will take a lot of patience. They generally aren't going to be all cuddly at first while they size you up. Lots of reassurance, playtime and patience will go a long way to her recovery. If you put in the time now, you'll have a fiercely loyal friend for many years.

  8. If you could learn one skill, what would it be?  Check out learnleather.com and drop me a line.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. immiketoo


      Got your message and sent a reply.  I know its hard to pick one which is why I started the business!  I'm just looking to find out what people want.  As far as figure carving is concerned, the ninja on my site is my work, so I like figure carving too!


    3. Halitech


      When I first saw your post, I was going to say read women's minds but then I saw the part about leather working lol The 2 skills I'd like to learn is GIMP design and getting better at carving in general.

    4. immiketoo


      Well, I can't help with the first, but if I could, I could quit working and retire on my personal island!  GIMP design is a great idea, and I'll look into that.  As for carving in general, there are many video classes already available on that on my site.  Check them out.


  9. In pursuit of leather perfection

    1. Horrrk


      Oh, dear... :) It could all end in !*@*^@*?!?!.. lol

    2. immiketoo


      Fork you sir. Where's Cheryl? LMAO!

    3. Horrrk


      :) I'm not sure where she is..I've just come on to play.. Hope perfection went well mate.! :)
  10. Being sick provides perspective on how awesome NOT being sick is!

    1. EquusCustomLeathers


      Sure does..now I'm sick! Thanks for spreading the joy!

    2. benlilly1


      Eww! Sorry but you can keep that!I'm going for another 10 years without getting sick.

    3. Genyfer Belle

      Genyfer Belle

      I got bros stomach bug.I can agree with this.

  11. Time for a new project

    1. EquusCustomLeathers


      What's it going to be this time??

    2. immiketoo


      looks like its going to be a belt :)

  12. It's the weekend, and I have a plan! Thanks Chancey!

    1. TwinOaks


      "The best laid plans of mikes and men, oft are gone awry."

    2. immiketoo
  13. Leather Perfectionism

  14. Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins...Mmmmmm

  15. Belts. That's whats on my mind.

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