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Everything posted by pcox

  1. I think they started with a consew 735 or something like that . I worked on of my customers for several years. At one time They could not keep it in time. They would reset the timing thru the round cover on the lower right of the base but in a few stitches it would be out. When I went to check it we marked the shaft and collar with a sharpie sew a little went out of time but the marks still lined up Turned out to be a sheared pin that holds the shuttle driver to the shaft. It finially wore out and parts were a problem after bull sold out, replaced it with Cowboy 4500. Good for them bad for me they haven't needed service in two years. They make 100 sets of draft horse harness a year.
  2. is it flat in the other plane.? If it is I can make that part for you if you would send me a profile drawing and the thickness and size of the holes.
  3. I would not hang that big of table on the arm. A table that large would provide a lot of leverage to the base of the machine. If you need that much table make one on casters to roll up around the flat bed attachment.
  4. All of the pins I have removed from 29-4 drive out from back to front, the large end is toward the front of the machine. Take a good look or a picture of the levers on the back side of the head before you remove it so you will know how they go back together
  5. probably a 15-91 hard to tell from bad picture but on tension unit on the front and a potted motor says 15-91 to me.
  6. No they are aluminum frame so they are not a strong as the old cast iron frame machines. Made for sewing cloth garments. Small gear drive motors so when they are going slow they don't have the punching power for anymore than 2/4 layers of cloth.
  7. They are both great machines BUT NOT FOR LEATHER don't mess up these great machines.
  8. I got 2 Randalls The one with the wax pot 187# , one without wax pot 183#. In case anyone is interested he also brought the head only of a Landis wax thread lockstitch (#1) it also weighed !80#.
  9. I have one coming in for repair this morning. I will put it on the scale and let you know later today.
  10. Might try a leather point needle. Round point for woven material makes it hard to pull up the knot.
  11. You would need a shuttle race shuttle and bobbin case for a 16-88. Then you just remove the 2 screws that hold the race on remove it and replace with the new one. Any time you change a race and shuttle you may need to make adjustments to the shuttle driver and or the timing. The top shuttle race assembly is from the 31-15 the bottom is the 16-88 other side looks just alike. This is not hard to do but if you are not used to working on this kind of stuff you may not want to try it. This is pushing these machine beyond what they were designed for, but they are pretty tuff machines
  12. I have 2 they will sew with 138 on top and 92 in the bobbin. I changed the shuttle race in one to shuttle race and shuttle from a 16-88 and it sews well with 13 top and bottom Will sew 1/4 and under with the right set up. I have a servo and a 6 inch pulley on the machine. wok great.
  13. Call Toledo Ind. Sewing Machine 1-866-362-7397 ask for Bob. I have bought several servo motors from him. nothing but the best.
  14. There are some differences in the 153 series. The walking foot subclass is a little different than the needle feed with no walking foot.
  15. The one the pencil is pointing to. bolt/screw it does have a slot and hex head. turn it out/down for more pressure.
  16. Long flat spring on back of machine look down from the top there is a small hole with a screw in the hole turn the screw
  17. Geneva. Do you mean the shuttle? I can make the bobbins. I have used one of these for 25 years they are great machines. Mine will sew 1 inch of harness leather and you can hardly tell the top from the bottom.
  18. Landis # 1 but it is not a Landis base looks like a singer base
  19. 201-1 treadle201-2 had potted motor. 201-3 external motor belt driven I think 201-4 hand crank.
  20. I have both. Like the brush type/ analog best cheaper too. easier to control speed and plenty of torque
  21. I don't know about other sub-classes of the 211, but my 211g155 sews 1/2 inch with 207 thread no problems. It is much happier with 7/16 and under and I am sure it is much easier on the machine. I do have a 6 inch pulley on the machine and a 2 inch pulley on the family pro servo
  22. I think I can weld that. I live in Mo.
  23. Read the manual about 5 times before you look at the machine. Then get in front of the machine and start thru the book again and again till you understand every part. Now and only now plug it in and sew on scrap not you projects you have lots of time and money in. Every new machine I have got from Bob has had a 3/4 inch piece of leather with a few rows of stitching in it the thread was still threaded top and bottom. proof that it was sewing wen it left Bob. One machine sewed 3 or 4 seams then started shredding the thread. Turns out the man that was getting the machine had went over the machine checking all the screws. He tighten the shuttle race screw tight, should be backed out 1/2 a turn. This caused the problem it even knocked the machine out of time. 3 calls to Bob got us back going It has made over a 100 sets of heavy draft horse harness without 1 problem.
  24. Web site said $1,595 + shipping. Toledo industrial sewing machine
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