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Everything posted by Sporty1

  1. Very nice work! Looks great.
  2. Very Nice as usual Rohn! Maybe I'll eventually get the hang of the basketweave.
  3. Thanks Glenn, I'll give heat a try. So far brake cleaner and Marvel mystery oil have not worked. I can still only turn the wheel about 1/4" either way. Maybe try a heat gun on low setting.
  4. Thanks Tom I'll do a search with these key words. I'm not sure if it's due to improper oil or just lack of use. Machine sews fine if you just leave the stitch length alone and don'e use reverse.
  5. Very Nice Shop! You would probably never get me out of there!!
  6. Thanks shoepatcher and Constabulary for the response. I will try some cleaners and see if it will loosen up. when I tilt the machine back and watch the movement as I try and change stitch length, it appears that it is froze up. I don't see rust, but it does seem like there is an oil buildup that is dried on. The 211G157 is hard to find information on,I'll look for info on the 211W157. Thank You guys for the advice.
  7. Very nice! You can be proud of that work.
  8. Looking for some advise on my backup machine. It is a Singer 211G157. My problem is that the wheel will not turn when I push the lock button down to change stitch length. Is it possible that the adjustment plates or spring is froze up on the shaft under the machine? Is there anything I can use to soak the plates and rod to clean them up? The 211G-157 seems to be kind of an odd duck in the Singer line without a lot of information available. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. If worse comes to worse, I have a chance to buy a Pfaff 145-P-6C.
  9. Very Nice! What a unique idea.
  10. These are awesome!! Very nice work all around.
  11. Looks Nice!! I agree the colors make it come alive.
  12. 1911 3" , been looking at these lately!
  13. Looks Awesome. Very nice details.
  14. That is an awesome quilt/ wall hanging and great detail.
  15. Just a thought, if you had it stuck to a magnet, the screw may have become magnetized and bounced from the paper and stuck somewhere to the metal on the machine. Long shot, but worth checking. For what it's worth.
  16. Practice. Practice,Practice and practice some more. I have bought some leather squares at Hobby Lobby. I believe they were 8.5 X 11 sold individually wrapped and are actually from Tandy. Package should say veg. tanned and also indicate good for tooling. They work well for practice carving and stamping. I agree though if you have a Tandy Leather close by, you can get more for your money. Don't give up if it's something you enjoy, it will become addicting!!
  17. I have to agree with everyone. Nice to have these patterns even to use as a starting point. I even had to take him up on the Black Friday deal on his patterns, that was awesome. Thanks Jeff, and by the way- how did you know I was looking for this 1911 single stack pouch? Enjoy some time off.
  18. Looks really nice. Good job for the first attempt.
  19. Very Nice work!!
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