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About EricIsaiah

  • Birthday 05/22/1987

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, bags, book covers
  • Interested in learning about
    functional leatherwork

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Member (2/4)

  1. Perhaps it make a bit of sense in the case where you only buy one ft2. The deal gets way worse the more you buy.
  2. $20 ft2?? W&C's highest price per square foot is less than $10, if I recall correctly.
  3. Yeah, doesn't look A/B to me... Sorry for the bad experience and thanks for sharing with the rest of us.
  4. I snagged one of these on ebay for $30 last year. Definitely worth the money.
  5. Very nice! Can you make one for me? I've been in the market for a creaser for some time now. Let me know if you're interested and how much you would charge. Eric
  6. Hi Nigel (or anyone else who can lend a hand), I was wondering if you have any tips for sharpening a blade like this. I have a similar splitter and I've been trying to sharpen it for months with only mediocre results. I've seen a lot of sharpening guides on the web, but most aren't for blades like this. I even took it into a "professional" sharpener, but it came back duller than I brought it in. Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated. I can post photos of the blade, as well, if that would help.
  7. Haha, darn... I saw IN and got excited. I'm in Chicago, but that's quite a drive there.
  8. Post pics! Is it veg tanned? What's the temper and weight?
  9. Great stuff! I got my order from John on Friday and I'm totally satisfied. Can't wait to put it to use.
  10. What I wouldn't give for this! I'm in Chicago, too. It's a little above my paygrade though.
  11. I'm interested
  12. I've seen conversions like this before. How well does it work? What size pieces can you click out?
  13. Haha, I second what nstarleather said. $10/ft2 is not happening.
  14. 很有意思的视频,Udol! 那种牛皮太好看! 是小牛的吗? Sorry... my Chinese isn't so good anymore Edit: I meant to say: Interesting video, Udol! That leather is gorgeous. Is it calf leather?
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