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Everything posted by Bigfoote

  1. Hey what did we win for guessing right, just kidding thanks for showing the comparison.
  2. I have been using https://leathercrafttools.com haven't bought a lot but the stitching chisels were awesome! 3 weeks delivery.
  3. China free shipping has taken up to three months for me, I was pleasantly surprised that Japan shipping only took three weeks.
  4. Tiger thread on the left. I mostly use tiger thread, also use some of the Chinese stuff which doesn't have enough wax, it tends to slip off the needle easily. It's also a tiny bit smaller than the Tiger thread.
  5. I bought the European style from Goods Japan, almost lasted two wallets before breaking. I didn't like the stitch either. I purchased some diamond hole LC Diamond Hole Punch PRO from leathercraftools.com, very happy with them, strong and they pull out easily. I think the 6 tooth was around $11, and they came in two weeks. Hope this helps, Garry.
  6. Ya I'm going to try something similar but turn the cards 90 degrees because my customer has a ton of cards. Who uses that many cards anyway??? Well he is paying so he is right. I saw that pattern at Makesupply, was interesting. What kind and weight leather did you make yours from? I'm going to try the pigskin again, seems to hold up well and is very thin. You did a nice job there!
  7. I'm looking for a pattern for a long wallet that will hold around 20 credit cards and a wad of cash. If anyone has a suggestion they have tried I would appreciate it. I tried building one with a center leaf to hold the cards but it got way too bulky if you put two or three cards in each slot. Thanks for your help, Garry.
  8. Hey guys, just received a new set of blades from Mr and Mrs Watt. Very kind of them. I haven't given them a real major test, but can tell you I was able to edge a couple belts without sharpening. That's is about 4 times better than the first set I had. They tell me they are still in development so things should get better. All I can say is they stand behind their product and so far the new blades are an improvement over the original set I had. Garry.
  9. That Tandy stuff is great to practice with, but when you get serious buy a little Herman Oak or Wicket and Craig. Some places sell small square pieces just to try and see what you are missing.
  10. Nice job, looks great! What kind of leather are you using there! What weight?To get good tooling you need good leather, seems to me you are using some maybe 4 oz leather? Try some 6 or 8 oz, makes a big difference. Nice job on the swivel knife cuts.
  11. I agree with Yin Tx, the thread may be a little large. Also to avoid the knot tightening, don't pull your thread tight with the needles, pull on the thread instead. I suspect you are pulling with the needles, but maybe I am wrong? Are those the European or diamond style chisels? The diamond ones work way better.
  12. I sew by hand and was thinking Wow that's an awesome looking stitch from a machine, why would you want to change it???
  13. Actually the Tandy Edge beveller I have holds an edge pretty good, but the cut is straight, not rounded, takes more work to burnish. I have another from a so called "good American maker", that needs sharpening every two feet. When it cuts, it makes a beautiful round edge that is very easy and quick to burnish, but you spend more time sharpening it than you do edging. Going to try an Osborn or Barry King next. Thanks for all the expertise.
  14. Just wondering if anyone knows where I could get some Barry King Wyo quik slik in Canada?
  15. I do a lot of belts, I'd also like to find one that will put a nice rounded edge on both sides. I don't mind spending time sharpening If I could get something that would at least cut a whole belt or two without sharpening.
  16. I just finished one, good coat of gum trag and then burnish in one direction with a glass slicker, comes out fairly nice and seems to last.
  17. I use a 4mm with .8 or 1.0 tiger thread. This is a good do anything middle of the road size. If your just starting out, don't buy cheap tools, they are a waste of money and you will not get good results. Some leather suppliers will sell smaller square pieces of leather, which will allow you to try some out before buying a whole side. Mattsbagger gave you some good advice on thickness, pretty much what everyone uses. If your looking for stitching chisels I might recommend these : https://leathercrafttools.com/item?id=6540 They go against the " don't buy cheap tools" rule, and are awesome IMHO. I bought a six tooth and a two tooth, pretty much all you need. I have three other brands of chisels, none compare. They will only barely stitch through about double 8oz leather, so if your doing a lot of holsters you will have to use your awl with them. I do mostly wallets so they are great. I use Tandy leather to make patterns and prototypes because it is cheap. It doesn't tool well, and is generally poor quality, but does have a use when you are fooling around trying new stuff.
  18. Nice job! Are you using old shell box liners for the interior? I went to the shooting range, picked up a bunch from the garbage, now I'm ready to make some holders. These will last a long time!
  19. I use olive oil or Pure Neatsfoot oil to soften the leather then resolene cut 50/50 with water for a finish. You can get some real poor leather at Tandy, good to practice with but my experience is go elsewhere where they sell some good leather like Herman oak or Wicket and Craig.
  20. It's an awesome job there, can't wait to see the finished product. Everyone here knows how hard it is to make a nice case like that, but sometimes we have opinions. Now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have said anything about the straps, but that was just my opinion. The main thing is it's an awesome nice job so far and you should be proud of it!
  21. I use spruce or pine. If the mold is going to be used a lot, varnish it or it will start staining your leather. Any carpenter or cabinet shop would be able to make molds for you.
  22. I just recently bought an awesome stitching chisel from Leathercrafttools.com It was around $25 for a two tooth and a six tooth chisel, and they work better than anything else I have used. https://leathercrafttools.com/item?id=6540 Get yourself a set of these, #4, and you will be well on your way. Delivery was 15 days. Watch this as well.
  23. Gum Trag will stick those fibers down, especially if you have a glass slicker. I use it on the flesh side of most of my stuff to smooth it out after removing the tape I use to keep the leather from stretching when I tool. Let it soak in a little and a little elbow grease will have it looking nice. A bone folder will work if you don't have a glass slicker.
  24. Maybe try some Gum Trag on the straps and then burnish then real good. That will get rid of the fuzz anyway. Too nice of a bag to leave the straps like that. Great job on the piping, better than I have ever done yet!
  25. Looks real good for someone who hasn't been doing it for a while. I agree with JL, but it still looks pretty good.
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