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Everything posted by wlg190861

  1. What I am wondering though is, When you put measurement on your leather, roll an sew, Does your circumference change ?
  2. A friend of mine wants me to make her dog a rolled collar. she needs the collar to be for a 16" neck but, I have no idea how to measure for a rolled collar. I know a flat collar is different to measure than a rolled collar. How do I get the measurement right. And what is the best leather to use an oz. Please help Thank you
  3. Thanks I called the company an they are sending me a sample or there chrome latigo. Again thanks
  4. Tramps leather Have you ever used this. I make rolled dog collars out of 8/10 oz latigo but, will this 8/9 oz chrome latigo work for me ?
  5. I was wondering if they make white latigo ? if so, where ?
  6. Dwight could you post a photo of the sander you use for leather work ?`
  7. What I would do is leave the cover the way you found it an apply a few coats of Aussie leather conditioner
  8. I just using the Bissonette edgers (CS Osborne ) an love them
  9. I am hoping someone could tell me,( I am doing a lot of work with latigo, making dog collars and belts ) when burnishing are you better off with a slower speed motor or a high speed motor? Right now I am using a slow speed motor, its a furnace blower motor, I think its 1700 rpm, What rpm motor works best. Is high speed better? I am using a cocobolo burnisher .
  10. I am hoping someone could tell me,( I am doing a lot of work with latigo, making dog collars and belts ) when burnishing are you better off with a slower speed motor or a high speed motor? Right now I am using a slow speed motor, its a furnace blower motor, I think its 1700 rpm, What rpm motor works best. Is high speed better? I am using a cocobolo burnisher .
  11. I love your bag, Great job How did you attach the bag to the bike ? My brother has an older bike an I think I would like to make him one for Christmas. Again, Wonderful job
  12. where or how can I get this pattern Dan
  13. I am having problems with the dye or what ever they use in the proses of coloring Latigo bleeding out on your cloths or the dogs hair. Is their a way to stop this an if so what works best. Thank you
  14. I'm sorry for all the questions but this is my first machine. I hope when I get this fixed It solves the problem.
  15. Yes there is a spring off in the bobbin housing. Now I just need to figure how to fix it. My eyes are not what they used to be. I don't want to wreck anything. Should I take it to a sewing machine place.
  16. Well I've done both Bob an it is still the same but I have narrowed it down to the bobbin. I was sewing an it was still making that loud tapping noise an when the bobbin thread ran out it ran fine, nice and quiet. Is it possible the bobbin tension is to tight or is the bobbin shot ?
  17. Yes I put in a new needle an still the same
  18. I bought a CB4500 last year an now there is a tapping noise when the needle reaches the top of its stroke. I'm not sure if its in the bobbin or what but, when I put oil in the bobbin housing the tapping stops for about 100 stitches then it starts again. Also when I take the bobbin out it runs great. Put the bobbin in an it starts tapping again. Any one have an ideal what it could be. Dan
  19. No: The edge finisher they have that automatically put a smooth on your straps. item # 65-6000
  20. does Cobra put a good edge on Latigo. Do you have a photo of the edge you put on a strap using the cobra ( Latigo )
  21. I was thinking of buying the Weaver edge finisher, it has a high price tag but, how does it work ? Has any one out there have experience with it ? Will it put a good edge on latigo.
  22. wlg190861


    Where can I find the best western chap patterns ? Thank you Dan
  23. `Leatherworker can you explain your process a little more in detail. Do you edge the strap first ? Con you post a pic. of a finished strap ?
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