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Everything posted by BDAZ

  1. I'm not concerned about going fast. I want to max out at 60 spm and have the full range of the pot cover 0 to 60 ONLY. Thanks! Bob
  2. Found the problem! The pot is a 220K Ohm linear pot. The machine is off when there is zero resistance. When I crank it to the maximum that I would eve use, it's around 80K ohms. So that's the answer! Replace the 220K ohm pot with a $.99 log taper (for testing) 100K. If I get the range and speed curve I am interested in, I'll invest in a better pot. The pot is plugged into the board using a standard Molex connector, so one could conceivably have a 20K 60K and 100K and simply plug and play. I have ordered a couple of pots and will install them when they arrive. I have just ordered the pots and connectors and I'll give it a shot. Cya! Bob
  3. The pic s not my machine but one off the net. I assume I also have a 2" pulley. I'll try to take a look this afternoon. Cya! Bob
  4. THis shouldn't be rocket science. I spoke to Bob the younger, and they are not aware that there is an issue. I'll oopen it up when I have cleared my back log..Any chance of getting hold of a schematic? Cya! Bob
  5. Welcome! Just said hello to the new member from LA, where my daughter goes to college at the University of New Orleans. My son goes U of South Alabama. My next rip East will be to New Orleans then Mobile! ... As I mentioned in my last post, you will find someone who knows something about almost anything leather. Cya! Bob
  6. Welcome! You'll find someone who knows something about most things leather on this forum. Last time I was in your neck of the woods, did some kayaking on Bayou Teche.. My daughter is at UNO. Cya! Bob
  7. This is the servo motor I have on my 3200 and I believe it is the same as the one on the 4500 as well. I have running at around 60 stitches a minute maximum but to get there I just barely nudge the pot from it's zero position, I would like to get more control over the lower end of the range but the pot is way to sensitive and just a touch makes a huge difference in speed. I have not seen the schematic of the motor but it sure seems the pot is wrong for this application. Has anyone replaced the pot on their servo? It seems that the pot is probably linear and should possibly be a log type pot. Here is the motor: Thanks! Bob
  8. I've used Legal Zoom to set up an AZ LLC. Piece of cake! However, be absolutely sure you follow the annual requirements to the letter or you give the lawyers a crack to crawl into cockroach style. Cya! Bob
  9. Very kewl! I assumed they were lined with lead. Brewers pitch is an interesting concept! I may give it a go and make some leather (cold) sake boxes. Thanks for the great idea! Cya! Bob
  10. I think you will have to have a custom table built. Nor rocket science and you can use the existing holes. Possibly one of the vendors like Toledo can make one for you. Cya! Bob
  11. My 3 knives arrived this afternoon and all appear to be quite sharp and well made and certainly worth the $19.95 each cost. The speculation that these were made by children is ludicrous! While they are probably not of the quality for a hand made knife by one of the well known makers, they will do the job they were designed for at a fraction of the cost. Once I become proficient with these knives I may purchase a high quality US made one if it is justified by useage. Cya! Bob
  12. I have been using Bank of America's system on my droid phone and tablet with great success. One of my out of state vendors uses Square for tens of thousands of dollars worth of my transactions annually with no complaints. Cya! Bob
  13. Here's a technique I came up with yesterday when I was trying to transfer a design. usually use Stapes "Vellum" paper which is translucent, tough and goes through my laser printer with no problems. I couldn't find it and was in a rush so I printed out the design in reverse, taped it to leather then saturated a piece of paper towel with acetone and rubbed the surface. TaDa! The test example is on a piece of scrap and each character is 1" high. The actual piexe is double sized. The lines were completely eliminated by the cuts and beveling. Cya! Bob
  14. They were just about to fill it with sake because they first thought it was a sake cup. The owners English is not too good! I did place our makers stamp on the back..just in case! Cya! Bob
  15. My local sushi bar is the best in the area, owned by a Japanese guy and nice folks. The treated me like royalty on my birthday and I wanted to repay the gesture so I thought I would trow together a pen and pencil holder to replace the ugly one (a coffee mug) on the bar. I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn to make a cylinder. The back is stitched with a cross double bar stitch. They loved the holder and they gave me a free sake! Comments and criticisms welcome! Cya! Bob
  16. I was watching a recent episode of Pawn Stars and they were negotiating over a bunch of paintings that bore the portraits of Jimmy Hendricks, Elvis, and a bunch of other R&R stars. There was no issue about copyright even though each was a reproduction of the original in an edition of 300. Cya! Bob
  17. If the tragic event we've been discussing ever occurred, and the lawyer saw that the LLC owned an edger, a couple of round knives and a Tippmann Boss, then it would probably never get to court in the first place. The first thing a lawyer will try to do is "pierce the corporate veil" which means they will look for any irregularities that will dssallow corporate protection. Didn't hold a directors meeting in 2007? Didn't file a particular document with the stated 5 years ago? The protection of a corporation is over rated. Your best protection is to shield your assets so you have nothing to go after. Not a lawyer so take this as worth what it cost. Cya! Bob
  18. I was good freinds of the photo editor for the National Enquirer, Bob Stevens when I lived in South Florida. The operative word is public figure, and they are only alowed to publish the images as news, not allowed to sell them on mugs or wallets. Bob, btw, was the first guy killed in the post 911 anthrax attack at their offices in Boca Raton. Cya! Bob
  19. In general, the first barrage is a cease and desist letter. The copy-write owner is more interested in having you stop then taking you to court where he has to prove monetary damages.but can also demand punitive damages. Unlikely in the case of a mom and pop shop. Immediate compliance with a C&D will usually end there. I have some experience in patent infringement which is similar, but the best advice from the leather workers here is don't take our advice! Cya! Bob
  20. Another option is the spray adhesive used for gluing in auto headliners available at the auto parts store. I prefer it to most of the 3M adhesives. It is designed to not be too viscous and goes on nicely and is tough as nails. Test it on scrap first. Cya! Bob
  21. Brilliant idea! All component purchases, in this case, leather, thread, dyes and other consumables are allocated to COGS so from an accounting stand point it's all a wash at the end of the year. Once sales and overheads are allocated then I have an accurate accounting of P&L but that doesn't help me, at this stage, with initial costing. Again, I do like your idea of weighing the scraps from a piece after it's used and comparing it with the original weight. Probably the bsts method to compute waste percentage. Thanks!! Bob
  22. I have stated buying drum dyed veg tan so I can produce consistent product and have been buying double shoulders and double bends but it's still problematic because i need continuous pieces up to 30" cut length ways so I need to come up with a smart way to cut as well as costing to allow for waste so I can keep my prices as low as possible to get volumes up while still making a profit. I am looking at a clicker press and dies to make some form of small item that would turn scrap into profits, but it will be a different market. Thanks for the suggestions. Cya! Bob
  23. Sure looks a bit like the Cowboy 4500. The flat bed is available from Bob for $85. Cya! Bob
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