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Everything posted by BDAZ

  1. I have just finished a case and the customer wants the leather as light as possible. It's been wet formed and lightly oiled with neatsfoot and dried in the sun and has darkened just enough. I have a bunch of options but I want to get a natural sheen on the leather and tooling without darkening it or making it look tacky. Options are Resolene, Mop and Glo, Leather Sheen, Super Sheen and Atom Wax. I could also make a run to Tandy if anyone has a killer product they recommend. I have to deliver the case tomorrow and if I can get the right finish, they will love it. I don't have time to experiment. Thanks! Bob
  2. Howzit! Here in Arizona, it's a bit like the Karoo and the water has a lot of minerals. I only use distilled water for wet forming carving and stamping. If your white stuff is only on one of the typesof leathers, say the buffalo, then it may be salts from the tanning process leaching out. Are you using water based or solvent based dyes? Do you have these issues with your spray gun? BTW I was a lecturer at Michaelis for many years, originally from Joeys. Cheers! Bob
  3. I am still waiting for my pots and connectors to arrive. The pot mod is mostly about controlling speed between 0 and 60 SPM. I have ordered connectors, leads and pots from China so I can test various components and produce a "plug and play" configuration. I'm hoping to get my components this week. Bob
  4. Not to highjack this thread but I hope you guys can help. I suffered a serious bicycle crash last Saturday. I skidded on some sand and slammed into an iron pedestrian bridge at 20mph. I lost consciousness and I spent the rest of the day in the trauma unit. I was was lucky to have no broken bones, only a separated shoulder. The guys who scraped me off the pavement were kind enough to take my bike back to the fire station. I'd like to make something out of leather as a thank you but I have no ideas what so ever. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Cya! Bob
  5. On mine it is a 220K pot connected to a connector on the board. The initial problem was setting the maximum speed more accurately since only a few degrees of rotation of the pot results in the full range of required top speed. So both mods should result in much better control of the motor. Thanks! Bob
  6. The speed control IS a 220K linear pot and changing the value to a 100K log pot WILL achieve the desired effect but your system may enhance the effect assuming there is a magnetic sensor on the motor. Cya! Bob
  7. I ended up skyving down the spongy part and gluing in a piece of 3oz veg tan and then stitching. On the back side, as an experiment, I glued and stitched in a piece of nylon ripstop, which made for a thinner loop. I did some tests on a similar piece and the nylon looks like a good solution. I used a hot knife to trim it so it won't fray. Barge seems to hold the nylon to the flesh side well. Cya! Bob
  8. Don't get me wrong, I think the strap is killer but even a slight translucent red in the roses would work better for me. I am a former fine arts professor so I guess I can't help going into critique mode. Again, fantastic job! Cya! Bob
  9. I totally lucked out! I saw the ortho today and my rotator cuff is perfect. I suffered a separated shoulder and I just need to avoid anything that causes pain for 4-6 weeks. I was told that traumatic rotator cuff damage rarely ends well. Thanks for all the information and encouragement! Bob
  10. I'd love to be buried in a case like that! Stunning! Was it a commission of favor? If commercial, what did you charge if I may ask? Whatever it was it's far less than it's worth! Thanks! Bob
  11. Wonderful concept, great products and excellent web site. If I were you guys, I'd also look at a facility in PR. Lots of incentives, good labor and $$.. Cya! Bob
  12. Thanks! I have a meet with the ortho tomorrow.. The pic attached is my good shoulder that hit the bridge. I ten bounced off the bridge and slammed the pavement with my right shoulder...which is where the main problem seems to be.. By changing the way I hold my tools I have been able to work cutting, tooling and sewing, but it's tough reaching for items on the shelves and I am doing things with my left hand it's never done before heh heh.. Cya! Bob
  13. Beautiful carving. What strikes me as odd, is that you have colored the leaves but not the roses, so the eye tends to gravitate to the leaves and it almost looks unfinished to my eye. I would have at least some color in the roses and used moe of a wash on the leaves. Cya! Bob
  14. The last one looks like a fret saw used for cutting slots on an instrument fretboard. Cya! Bob
  15. WS, you are absolutely correct. I totally missed that. Thanks! Bob
  16. Macca. Have you actually tested your "theory" or is it pure speculations. I just tested some pricking irons on a suitable poundo board with a TWO ton press on 9/10 oz leather with ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS! The only issue will be that the 1/2 ton press does not have the clearance for a standard pricking iron handle, nor does the one ton. Consequently you will have to trim the handle or purchase one with or have the ram modified with a hole bored to accommodate the handle. A small set screw would keep the iron in the ram. I think it's an excellent alternative to eviction. Also great for cracking nuts! Cya Bob
  17. 1400 RPM. There's also a video on the web site which shows burnishing on a drill press at 1350 if I remember right Excellent web site as well. Cya! Bob
  18. Seems to make a bigger mess... Thanks anyway! Bob
  19. I ordered mine last Friday Thursday and received it today, Monday. Beautifully made and looks and smells great! I had a question for Richard Loy about recommended rotation speed and he answered my e-mail in minutes. Great product, great service and great price! Cya! Bob
  20. Ever get annoyed when trying to make cutting lines or punching marks on finished leathers? Here's your answer. This marking pen leaves a very visible mark on the grain side of finished leathers and then easily rubs off with pressure from your finger when it is no longer needed. Try it today and make your lines easy to find. How can they get away with that! Totally deceptive advertising! Cya! Bob
  21. I have been using these and they are visible and easy to see, BUT Tandy claims the mark will just rub off. This has not been my experience on the grain side. Anyone have better luck removing the marks? Thanks! Bob
  22. Yikes! How did that happen!? I'm glad that she recovered. Thanks all for the feedback. I have never had arm or shoulder problems and I am just starting to realize the enormity life changing event that happened on Saturday. I will have to completely rethink how I do leather work, play music, .almost everything I took for granted. Luckily my left shoulder, which hit the bridge first, appears just bruised and swollen, My right shoulder is severely limited and took the brunt of the fall. BTW I had a 3 way allen key in my jersey pocket and I got stabbed with it and required 4 staples. I should have stayed in bed! I see the Ortho on Thursday and I'll know more afterwards. Thanks again for the information and kind wishes! Cya! Bob
  23. Why I left Salem!! That's my apartment and my no parking signs on the pile of snow I shoveled! Check out Mr. Dooley's Irish Pub on a Sunday. Cya! Bob
  24. I started with standard natural vegetable tan \. Cya! Bob
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