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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. Easiest way to remember is if the needle isn't on it's upward stroke, it hasn't picked up the bobbin thread yet. And without the bobbin thread, you have no stitch if you lift the foot.
  2. Rayban

    Wet Formed Cue Case

    At golf shops you can get these plastic tubes you use to keep the clubs from tangling up in the bag...those would be good inserts I think. As for you comment re- using a machine, I don't agree.....but that's a whole nudder conversation.
  3. My customers have never asked for my definition of it, they take my word for it.
  4. Rayban

    Wet Formed Cue Case

    Carey, my opinion is that if you intend to go at this niche market, you'll have to be competitive in price. You'll only be able to sell the hand-stitching benefits to a few.....most will buy because it's a cool looking product, not because it's hand stitched. That case can be machine stitched in 10 minutes and wouldn't jeopardize the quality of the piece. Sooner or later you'll have to decide if you want to spend half the day hand-stitching those things.
  5. I ordered a replacement blade from Douglas (Sheridan leather actually, that is where I was directed when I called Douglas) and I ordered a medium as I had when I first ordered the awl...I too noticed that the new medium is larger than the first one. No deal breaker here as I only hand stitch when the machine can't get to those hard to reach places, so it works out ok.
  6. Here's my Bob Douglas...I push on it with the heel of my hand, and NEVER set it down on anything flat. I don't use it as much anymore now that I have a machine, but it's my most prized tool in the shop.
  7. Good job, looks like it will last a life-time. Next time, burnish the belt loop before you stitch it in place....also, if you glue the suede liner in place, and you should. you don't have to run it to the edges in the pouch area. That way you only have the two layers of veg tan to burnish. The glue will keep the suede in place. You have no forces pulling it apart from the veg tan, so it's not going anywhere.
  8. Rayban

    Wet Formed Cue Case

    Nice job, I like it. Very nice looking hand stitching and well thought out project. What weight leather did you use? As for pricing it out.....guess you have to figure what that 4 hrs of stitching is worth to you.....$10, $20 per? Totally up to you.
  9. I haven't known that to be the case.....you line up 6 guys who wear 34 pants, they are very likely to have different belt sizes...ranging from 36 to 39. We're all built differently and most times that comes in to play. One guy who wears 34 pants will have 6-pack abs, another, love handles and a beer belly......those two belts will not be the same size.
  10. I believe Pounder knows how to make a belt...his question is about how to make the best guess at the size when only the customer's pant size is known.
  11. I agree, not a goof idea......assuming it's a working radiator, the leather would dry out, twist, crack...get pretty ugly in no time.
  12. Hope this doesn't turn into an analogy comparison exercise...as these discussions often do. Not knowing anything about shoe manufacturing, I can only speak of my process...I cut a piece of leather of the side of a cow, and make something out of it, by hand.
  13. I have never been asked by a customer if my work is hand-stitched or done by machine. Never. Seems like the only group of people that are concerned about that are leather workers. I read on a gun forum recently that a holster that is not hand-stitched cannot be called hand-made...and this guy went on to say that any holster maker worth his do-do shouldn't use a stitching machine and cannot be taken seriously......very silly statements of course.....he, by the way, is a holster maker hobbyist who only does hand-stitching....and not very good at it. I average making a belt or holster a day and have found electricity to be pretty handy in the making process, including stitching, and I have absolutely no problem with my makers stamp which says "handmade by..."
  14. I have found this equation to work pretty good when I only have the pant size to work from: up to 30" pant size, add 2" 30-33, add 3" upwards of 33, add 4".........this isn't scientific, just a good guess...the wearer may not use the center hole you make for him, but it will be close.
  15. Glad to hear things are working out with your CB...that's a great looking saddle.....looks a lot like a Bona Allen I once had.
  16. I'm sure someone will advise that you keep it.."never know when you'll need it" ..and so on....but I can't imagine you would now that you have the 441 clone. I found electricity to be soooo much better than hand-cranking :-)....and meanwhile you can move the Boss on to someone who could really use it....just my opinion.
  17. I like!! I'm thinking of offering a minimalist type like that , but I was thinking of a window for an ID card. Thanks for the inspiration.
  18. I have the same machine and I use it like you intend to....I would say at $300 you better not pass it up. The minor draw-backs as Eric has mentioned is it does not have a reverse, but I've learned to work around that, and I've also learned to control the clutch motor...my Cowboy 3500 has spoiled me at both fronts. But a great machine to have in the shop.....get it!!
  19. Thanks Van...I have the Cowboy 3500. It's the 9" arm but I've never needed any more length for what I do. I never thought of having a machine til I stitched a belt once....and only once:-)
  20. Fine job...good looking belt.
  21. That one of course, looks like a two-seater...if you ever do a tutorial of sorts on a one-bottle one...or if you have one to post, I sure would like to see it.
  22. I touch the too-long stem to my belt sander and make real short work of shortening it. Also, don't try setting it with one big pound of the mallet...if you come down at the slightest angle, the finished job won't line up. Use a few lighter taps instead.....I learned that the hard way, like I usually learn everything else..
  23. I finish un-dyed leather the same way I do when it is dyed....depending on how the piece will be used, i use the appropriate finish.
  24. My thoughts exactly....I guess some folks just like to roll their own. Myself, I'm more than happy to pay Weldwood for the development of their fine product.
  25. Great job, what a nice gift....I'm sure your friends will be very happy with that.
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