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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. A friend of mine sent me one that he found on ebay, and wanted me to do one but with a bit of edge stamping on it. Pretty simple, hardest part was finding a nylon washer to insert between the Chicago screw. I just used the one he sent me as a pattern. They're popular anong Biker Buck 110 carriers.
  2. That's a great looking pouch for him to carry his balls in.
  3. Flaws?? I don't see no stinkin flaws!! Great job, neat idea. I really like the carving of....your name(?)
  4. Thanks Barra...by ID I meant inside diameter, the actual size of the hole. Thanks for advise. R
  5. I need to find 1/4" or 5/16" ID eyelets with a post long enough to go through 3 layers of 8oz. leather...so approx. 3/8"....suggestions?? Thanks.
  6. OTB??? I have no OTB catalog.....I have a Springfield Leather Co. one however, and they list a 3/16" eyelet with "long" post, but they don't say how long is long.....1-800-668-8518...I'll be calling them too. I'm gonna check on Weaver Leather as well.
  7. The ones that come with washers are usually a bit larger and are considered Grometts, I believe. Eyelets are usually one piece and the tool crimmps the edges over, to make it look like the other end. They are out there....gotta find em, I have an order to fill!! Ill post a picture of what I need them for next....gotta find the picture....here we go. This sheath shows the eyelets going thru 3 layers of 8oz. approx.
  8. I'm also looking for long eyelets...have you had any luck finding them? Please let me know and I'll do the same back at ya!! Thanks.
  9. Thanks guys, now that I look at the pictures, I wish I would have dyed the LEE black...too late now, I've put finishing on it....live and learn...sometimes....
  10. Just finished this set for "LEE". The sheath will accept up to a 4-1/4" folder...the belt.....we won't say...
  11. Funny you should mention that, the guy who I'm fixing this for..( I hope) asked me if there was such a thing....think I'll google it...
  12. I have a friend who has deep scratches in a trophy saddle fender....More like gouges...and he would like to fill them in with something. He won't be using this saddle any more so the fix is just cosmetic, but I would like to come up with a putty like substance to fill in these deep scratches...about 1/16" deep x 1/8" wide x 3" long....two of them.....running parallel about 1/2" apart. I would then like to stain/dye over whatever to help blend in with the leather. Any suggestions on what to use?? Would a silicone caulking work?? Thanks, RG
  13. The only place I ever saw a Tippman for sale was at a Tandy store, (and of course, ebay) so I naturally assumed it was over-priced there. I wonder how they would price them if they went directly to the leather workers.
  14. Catalog is out today!! I'm sure i can live with their leather Dye, or Pro Oil dye. The tandy store I frequent doesn't carry that many colors, and I miss Pro Dye's med. brown, saddle tan, and others. Thanks again for your suggestion. Rick
  15. Thanks Pete, I just contacted them and they are sending me a catalog. RG
  16. I believe I've given this new stuff...Eco-Flow enough of a chance and I still say....I don't like it...and Fiebings doesn't seem to have my favorite Pro Dye colors, like Med. Brown #2056, and a couple Saddle Tan colors. Anybody know where I can get some Pro Dye.....?????
  17. Hey Rawhider...what's next, hobbles for your wife???
  18. Great looking sheath! WOW, lot's of "show off" eye candy this morning...now I'm gonna be late for work!!
  19. Warren, great looking holster. Where did you come up with that pattern? I would imagine putting that Mexican loop together...there must be a secret to it, else you can get the thing all scrambled up. Do you have to have it good and soaked b4 you push it through the loops??
  20. Yep, that be the latigo (or cinch strap) keeper. The latigo, or cinch strap ties the cinch (that thingy that goes under the horse's chest). You then pass the access latigo strap through that slot in the latigo keeper, to keep it from dragging on the ground, like I like to do....
  21. How wide is that strap? A latigo liner would look cool with it if you really want to get a saddle feel to it...as long as you went through the trouble of stitching it...at Tandy they usually have a scrap box of latigo (cheap, they sell it by the pound), and even it it wasn't one continuos piece, you could still skive/glue/stitch and make it work....just my nosey 2 cents worth...
  22. The latigo keeper is the doodad you're refering to, I think. I like seeing things of leather that look like they will stand the test of time...and your piece sure does....nice one!!
  23. Roger, do you have a basic stock pattern that you start your tool bags with? I've visited your web-site, very cool stuff.
  24. I voted Tandy because they are so conveniently located to me...just 10 minutes from my work....for just about everything I need cept leather....I use Wickett & Craig..can't imagine anything better.
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