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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. Way Cool Paul!! Thanks for letting us see another great work of art from ya!!
  2. That's a grear looking cross, and I envy all who can do braiding like that. Very cool idea... Here's another idea for someone who wants something special to remember their horse by (as tho they need anything...)
  3. That's just the right amount of rawhide accent on that hanger, IMO..great job I really like it.
  4. I am itching to spend some time with a braider (in a very manly way, of course) who can show me some basic starter type stuff....anybody in South Eastern Michigan area?? Thanks!!!
  5. Dave...your work is eye-candy and an inspiration to me...
  6. Question Romey...on your sheath, does the welt follow along the contour of the stitching on both sides of the blade?
  7. I could use that outfit for when I go into some of the pool halls in Detroit area... Overkill...are you a re-enactor? There's a couple guys who frequent the same Tandy store I do, who make giddy-ups like that, but I've never seen a full body one...you must do full-contact battle huh?? Very impressive work!!
  8. Nice work Russ...the length of the stitching looks a wee bit tight, but that should be an easy adjustment on the Adler, right? Very nice carving and stamping too!
  9. Nice job..good using stuff is my favorite and this looks like it will last a lifetime.
  10. Check out allaboutpocketknives.com They offer a service whereby forum mebers set up a store to sell their stuff. And there's always your web-site "for sale" page...in case posting here is a no-no.
  11. Very impressive work...and I enjoyed visiting your web-site...I got the itch really bad to start learning some braiding..
  12. I'm about to start on a set of cuffs for a friends Christmas/Retirement present....should you actually make them about an inch larger than the actual measurment at the wrist and forearm? Good job on yours, they look very nice...and they look like they will last a lifetime!
  13. Rawhide, got my bracelet in the mail today...VERY COOL!! Great work and it fits perfect! Thanks so much!! RG
  14. That was foolish alright, considering all he would have had to do was give the $65 back to the lady, and promise to "cease and desist" or whatever....and of course, give the purse to that company's CEO so he can re-gift it to his wife.
  15. Very impressive work, I like it a lot!! Do any horse gear?? Rawhide accents on headstalls, maybe??
  16. That's some fine carving, I really appreciate it because as much as I would like to do Sheridan, I've tried it and found I don't have the patience that it takes to do it..... Great job you do there...
  17. I wasn't sure if this was the correct area to post this, but here goes... How much allowance is made on the pattern for the person's wrist/forearm measurements? In other words, if the person'w wrist measures 8", and 7" up the arm, his forearm measures 12 1/2", what should I make the pattern sizes at those spots?? Thanks much for your immediate and enthusiastic responses
  18. Cool Heather...now let's see some pictures!!!
  19. Looking good Robert!! Thanks for sharing. Thank God for making the BOSS huh?? Stitching makes the belts look so much more professionally finished, but I'm still hand stitching, so not doing many belts as of late. Maybe you've inspired me to do one soon
  20. Rawhide...the picture in the middle...and the bracelet in the middle of that picture...I would like one please. Please send me info...how much, your address, etc. Thanks!!
  21. Good lookin stuff...and it looks like good using leather too. I bet your budz that you're stationed with will all want one... Welcome to the group...try going over "to the other side' and see if you can pickup some nice Toxco silver!!
  22. You are indeed an artist...great job on the reining horse! Your work, like so many others' on here is very inspirational. But you shouldn't mention mistake, now some will be looking for it and seeing through the beauty of your work....not me, ain't got time for that.
  23. I believe 6/7 oz. should do it for that mail bag...also, since you are familiar with Tandy/Al Stohlmn books, look over the saddle bag patterns they have available. They are a bit smaller than we want our bags to be, but just take the sections and copy them up to the % you want, and wala, you have patterns. Just add dees on the sides, a strap and you're off!!
  24. I hear that Tandy will be coming out with some bio-degradable leather real soon to go with their eco-friendly dyes.....
  25. I always have liked the PRO DYE line that Tandy used to sell. I have just finished off a couple projects using that water-based ECO-FLO and I was not happy at all with the results. I apllied it the same as I always have and it left some splotchy spots that looks like the leather had been stained...I always got a good even coverage with the PRO-DYE stuff. So can anyone tell me where I can still get this PRO-DYE stuff or a good equivalent? Thanks. P.S. I liked the smell of it too. a lot more than this watered-down stuff.
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