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Hi Im Joe

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Everything posted by Hi Im Joe

  1. I know. I just couldn't resist. I know there is a lot of stuff wrong with America. However, I still love my country very much.
  2. It's true....Texan's are crazy as shit.
  3. I also use DAP weldwood. Works really nicely.
  4. Really really nice work!
  5. Damn my reply was tongue in cheek but I guess there really are a lot of options. Just goes to show ya.
  6. ^Yeah if he cut that all out by hand he is in the wrong profession. Should be a surgeon. That is awesome.
  7. I usually whittle them myself. To ensure high quality!
  8. Man those are sweet! Really nice job.
  9. Thanks!
  10. I use a heat gun on a magnesium stamp and it works great on cxl.
  11. I agree with this entirely. Unless you literally don't have the cash to buy a shoulder it makes more sense to suck it up and spend the money up front to save in the long run.
  12. Maybe buy belt blanks and then cut to size? That would be cheaper....I think. I've never bought belt blanks before.
  13. That is a great idea!
  14. Only people from Texas say "Texas" instead of the "USA." LOL. I"m from the greatest country in the world...United States of America.
  15. Yeah. You have the wrong type of awl. You should buy a diamond shaped one. It will help a lot.
  16. Your welcome! I'm learning as I go pretty much along with everyone else. I hope this helps you make your own maul. All I ask is you post some photos! Can't wait to see it.
  17. I was going to say the same thing. Polish the awl and that might help. Also what are you using underneath the leather while you are pricking holes into it? If you put some scrap leather underneath it's easier to drive the iron all the way through and you will get uniform holes on both sides.
  18. Thank you very much! I drilled the hole in the wooden dowel a size smaller than the metal rod I put it through. It is on there TIGHT! I had to hammer it down onto the rod like a crazy person! The disks are not glued either. There is enough pressure from the nuts and washers to hold them together tight. I definitely should sand the head. I think it will look neater that way.
  19. Thanks!
  20. Thanks a lot! I definitely learned that patience pays off. I tried to take my time with the handle and it turned out pretty good!
  21. I can't take credit for the idea. I saw it somewhere else and just kind of made it my own. Here's an updated picture where I profiled the handled with a rasp and sander and then stained it with a walnut stain (I suck at woodwork...a lot but I figured this looks better and is more comfortable on the hand than leaving it as a straight dowel): Make one for yourself man! It's not hard. The hardest part was finding a drill bit long enough to go through the dowel. And then drilling it as straight as possible.
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