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Hi Im Joe

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Everything posted by Hi Im Joe

  1. Servo motors are your answer. Can mash the pedal and regulate the speed with a dial. I just ordered one today....can't wait. Plus this leaves both hands free to guide the leather through the machine which will help with neatness and accuracy. Or you can hand crank...when I bought my machine I though exactly the same way. I'll just handwheel everything. That did not last long for me.
  2. Whether you hand crank it or use electric it's not going to look like handstitching. Also, you will get tired of handcranking it. Especially for belts and straps.
  3. I never thought to try that! Great idea.
  4. Wow...you lucky bastard.
  5. I think you would be wasting your time trying to wet mould oil tan. Just do a gusset. In the end it will take less time and effort.
  6. Yup....you may want to start by just polishing and stropping. If that doesn't work you should try and sharpen it.
  7. That's an awesome technique!
  8. Yeah that's awesome. Did you airbrush the robot?
  9. Just wanted to say. I received my delivery from Springfield. The leather looks great. However, it was cut from the shoulder of the hide and included the neck portion which is unusable (loose grain and very very hairy flesh). So I called Springfield and asked if this was normal. They said they start the cutting from the shoulder region and did include the neck. I told them I couldn't use it for the project I am making. They were awesome and asked me if they sent me 2 extra sq feet at no extra charge (including shipping) could I finish my project. I told them yes and am a very satisfied customer. The ladies I spoke with very both very courteous and professional. Props to SLC. I will order from them again.
  10. Thank you for posting this! Great to watch.
  11. Arthur Porter is the MAN! I love that guy. So much knowledge and passed out so freely. Your bag is looking pretty nice! I love the word gussie. Makes me laugh everytime.
  12. Why pay someone for that when it would be so easy to DIY.
  13. Try Ohio Travel Bag. They have a ton of hardware.
  14. I just looked at my invoice...it was 5.85 to ship.
  15. I just bought some leather from SLC and there was no $12.00 minimum. It cost me like 5.50 to ship.
  16. That's awesome! I wish I was better at woodwork but frankly I kind of suck. Great job!
  17. Yeah...although it is somewhat unrealistic...I encourage you to go for it. I have a very steady, very boring job that pays well but I basically hate. This works well for me because I have a family. If I was single there is no way in a million years I would continue to work the job I am in. I believe that although money is important, if you have enough to support yourself that is all you need. Go and do what you love even if it does not provide you with wealth. It will satisfy you in more important ways.
  18. Sure but I could go to a accredited state school for that and come out with a degree that could get me a job at hundreds of companies instead of 3 or 4....The odds of getting a job at Hermes or Dunhill etc...is probably about the odds of becoming a professional soccer player. They just don't have a ton of spots. And once you get in you probably stay for a long time... I'm not trying to be pessimistic about it. I'm all for chasing your dream and trying to make a living at doing something you love. You just have to be realistic about it as well.
  19. 14K a year is absolutely insane. Just my personal opinion. But no way in hell would I pay that.
  20. I think the Kampelli is 3 oz. The stuff I bought is 3.5 to 4 oz. I am using it to make an envelope purse. I'll have some left over and was thinking about making a simple long wallet to go with it. I'll post it up when I'm done!
  21. Sweet! Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, they were out of stock on that leather so I ended up buying this: http://springfieldleather.com/18231/Hide%2CMiracleUphlstry%2CRed/ It should get here today. So hopefully it works....I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  22. Hi Butch you are awesome for sharing this pattern. I would love a copy! Joe sevenhillsleather@gmail.com
  23. Right on! I like glue just to help line everything up secure to stitch it.
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