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Hi Im Joe

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Everything posted by Hi Im Joe

  1. I guess I'll offend you as well. It was so clean I thought it was machine stitched as well. All the entries are very nicely done. You should be proud and not offended at all!
  2. I agree that this is probably the most friendly and genteel of the forums I have been active members on. The roadbike and photography and golf forums are just so different from this one.
  3. Have you thought about a boxwood burnisher. I think you could duplicate that result with something like that. Valerie Michael references one in her book. It just looks like a lump of boxwood with a handle carved out on one end...basically the shape of the head of that machine in the video David posted. You could definitely rub it onto the leather and get some burnished or glazed effect. Good luck! I want to see the results.
  4. That looks really nice! Pretty cool to have your idea/suggestion come to fruition!
  5. Really nice! I would like to see one done of his portrait where he is sticking his tongue out. https://www.google.com/search?q=einstein+tongue+photo&espv=2&tbm=isch&imgil=maOUMthrbJm4YM%253A%253B5sz28q982IFmwM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fen.wikipedia.org%25252Fwiki%25252FAlbert_Einstein_in_popular_culture&source=iu&usg=__ULeyPvBLmYgrcxt1wFT9iGIZ1gk%3D&sa=X&ei=fbH3U-TFHs2ZyATh4oKQCg&ved=0CC8Q9QEwAA&biw=1920&bih=1075#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=maOUMthrbJm4YM%253A%3B5sz28q982IFmwM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fen%252F8%252F86%252FEinstein_tongue.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAlbert_Einstein_in_popular_culture%3B230%3B286
  6. I can say with certainty that I would take a beer over a beating any day!
  7. Yeah man. Sometimes when it rains it pours. I have to just walk away sometimes when I can't seem to get it right and then come back...usually after a couple beers and try again.
  8. I would take 1 spool of white t-70 and 1 spool of black t-70. Are you willing to separate and if so how much would you charge for the 2 spools of t-70? Thanks, Joe
  9. Thank you so much! This is definitely a departure from all the stuff I've made in the past but I can see this trend continuing.
  10. You stropped 1mm off an awl blade?
  11. The Craft Sha from goods japan I have heard very good things about. Just make sure to pay for the shipping. The free shipping takes FOREVER. I have this awl blade: https://www.osborneleathertools.com/product_details.php?pid=362 The E42. With this haft: https://www.osborneleathertools.com/product_details.php?pid=356
  12. I think OP wants diamond shaped awls.
  13. Man those shoes look great! I really want to take a shot at making shoes. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Thank you for the kind words! They really do mean a lot to me.
  15. Thanks Bill! I think overall the wallet turned out pretty good. Took freakin forever but other than that I am pretty happy with it (except for the rear of the strap!).
  16. If you cut darts or slits along the curved section it is easier to fold over.
  17. I've had my eye on a splitter for a while now. If you are interested in selling shoot me a pm.
  18. Billy beat me to it. For a while I used a wine cork for all my stitching. Now I only really use it when I'm at a corner or somewhere where it is hard to support the leather with your fingers. Honestly though most of the hand stitching I do I use chisels instead of an awl.
  19. What size are the bag punches and strap end punches? Thanks!
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