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Hi Im Joe

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Everything posted by Hi Im Joe

  1. It looks really good! Nice job. How do you like the Orion? How's it feel?
  2. Thanks! Yeah...when you start making stuff for other people you suddenly become last in line. I guarantee this will not be the last time I put that mark on upside down. Oh well. At least I did it on a belt for me and not a commissioned item.
  3. Thank you! For the buckle tongue I just fold it over and see where the crease is (basically how long is the fold). Then I use calipers to mark in the center of the belt at either end of the crease marks from folding. I use calipers for marking out pretty much all the holes I am going to punch on the belt. Except the rivets. Those I use a square so I can try to make them as even as possible.
  4. Man that is cool! I need to take a stab at some braiding. Every time I see stuff you and Knothead post I think how bad ass it is.
  5. Hahahaha...Thanks Chief! I could use a chambermaid right about now.
  6. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I should probably do it that way. I"m having some issues with my sewing machine in the transition from one thickness of leather to another. It doesn't really like to go from thick to thin. Thanks for the info Colt! I love this forum because I almost always get to learn something new.
  7. I was praying you weren't going to say you were missing your feet or something like that. Would of really put my foot in my mouth on that one.
  8. I'm sorry you're jealous of my overly magnificent avatar's magnificence.
  9. Thank you Fishstick! I like fishsticks a lot! Especially with tartar sauce.
  10. How can you not wear sandals? They are like the next best thing to going barefoot.
  11. Thanks for the insight Jree. I'm wearing it right now...and loving it.
  12. Your carving and tooling is just beautiful. Excellent work. Google translate: Nín de diāokè hé gōngjù jǐnjǐn shì měilì de. Chūsè de gōngzuò.
  13. Yeah that's a hefty belt. If I'm doubling the belt I always cut one strip slightly bigger than the other to help with lining everything up. Then you can just trim it all perfectly even. I know it adds some waste but for me it's way more accurate. I have a feeling without the fudge room I'd be messing up a bunch of belts.
  14. So you double up 8 oz leather for a 16 oz belt? Phew that's heavy duty.
  15. Who knows? I wonder if there is some historical actual good reason or if it was just an arbitrary decision by someone that stuck.
  16. I can make a pattern in inkscape in a 1/10th of the time it would take me to draw it out by hand. This is just plain wrong. Also, when I do it on the computer I know it is exactly correct because of math and vectors. No worries about the ruler slipping etc... This is my opinion...or .02 cents or whatever....YMMV.
  17. I feel the same way...but at the same time its a such a dumb mistake to make. Especially when you take the time to figure out how it should be done and then mess it up anyway.
  18. That's true but I was trying to break the habit when I found out I put my belt on "backwards." It kind of backfired on me.
  19. Yup....got me. I was so pissed when I did it too. Because I looked at a bunch of pictures to figure out which way a men's belt is supposed to be put on. I guess I put mine on like a woman cause I've always put the buckle on the left side. I was trying to do it so the buckle would be on the right but I turned the belt and forgot to turn the stamp as well. I am an idiot.
  20. Yeah I guess it could be a phishing scam but that to me seems unlikely. But I don't blame you for passing.
  21. That servo motor helped a lot! I order some 138 and 207 sized thread and had some problems getting it to work correctly but I think I finally got the 138 to work. The machine would not sew the 207 but I had a size 22 needle in there. I found a size 23 and will try it again with that. However, every once in a while the thing skips a stitch. It makes the hole but the threads don't lock and I get one stitch that is twice as long as the rest of them. Very annoying.
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