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Everything posted by TomSwede

  1. Awww that is just beatiful!!! XXX rated material for a leatherworker Tom
  2. Josh!!! Hope it'll be a fine one and lot's of leathertools;-) Tom
  3. Very very good looking bags!!! I just can't take my eyes from the handles, very nice craftmanship I think!!! Tom
  4. Hey Mark!!! Sorry to hear you're in such a distressed situation!!! Sweden is all to far away for a stay but my doors would be open and of course my little shop too;-) I'm taking care of someone who has suffered greater losses than this so all I want to say is have faith and deal with it one day at the time. As long as your children are alive you have a very good reason to try and work this out. They will be here tomorrow and the next day too... Hope things will work out for you!!! Tom
  5. That's a bunch of really good lloking work Crystal!!! Love the mirror reflection look on the flask and the floral work looks great. The baby photo album is very neat and I love the way you worked with colouring it. Very nice details. You've done good girl Tom
  6. Happy birthday Kathy!!!! Hope you have a wonderful 29:th celebration!!! Tom
  7. Do we fly Ryanair or?? Thank you Ray, maybe you'll come back with us for a beer at your fav plave in Stockholm marina;-) Tina is moving back to Sweden so maybe we can bring her too. I won't make it this May due to financial stress but I'll bring a feather for closer inspection if I ever catch up with you!!! Would be nice to meet you all. Ray, can we bring Luke over too;-? Tom
  8. Welcome to the board Devrim!!! I think you're the first member from turkey, or at least the first one I see around here!! Tom
  9. Looking good SSM!!! The angle to adapt for the widening of the arm seem about right from my experiences. I recommend installing eyelets if you don't have it planned allready. It looks preffisional with stitching and that's my first reason to add eyelets. They look a bit unfinished without them. Tooling is coming along for you and some more practice and you'll walk the beveler just fine. Tom
  10. That is a sweet and clean belt!! Just love it! That border is so nice to look at. Tom
  11. I'm here;-) but is absolutely clueless on saddles and their history. Runestones from Uppland adn Swedish heavy metal bands is more my field;-) Maybe Oldtimer would know more about theese?? Tom
  12. I had some stuff going on lately that kinda kept me off leathers a bit but hey, it's just those things that happen to you in life..I'm picking up more and more and have some interests from customers but taking one day at the time and don't stress with it. I just finished a eyeglasses case for a dude. Didn't have the glasses available to work with so kinda worked in the blind, lol. He's testing it now so we'll see if it'll be a redo or if he is happy but sounds like he liked it alot. I think it was to simple he he. Keep it up, you're good with bracers!!! Tom
  13. Oh wow!!! The granddughters name is incredibly beautiful Anne!! Standing ovations The rest is great stuff too but the lettering on the grandaughters name....veeery nice!!! Tom
  14. TomSwede


    Hi and welcome to the board!! Mighty fine flask you made, looks really professional!! Tom
  15. Heeey how come I missed theese ones !!!! NExt time you mailbomb me about it, okies!!! They are wonderful, just gotta love some stuff from our own backyard anyways. Love the way you braided the black leather onto the main piece, don't think I've seen that before so bonuspoints for originality from me on that one;-) Thors hammer and vikingships is a fav but the hair on hide is also very seductive. I really like th good looking border on the flap!! Once again bigSis you show who's ace!!! Littlebrother
  16. Nice work Busted!!! I really like the colour and how well it goes with the black parts!! Really nice pattern and tooling!!! Tom
  17. Thanks Lui!! Great idea, I haven't thought about hiding the seem in a small slit with this method allthough I have considered the thought of running a stitch right though it. I have allready given the heart a it's final layer of acrylic sealer and I'm not sure it will be able to take slicking even if I deglaze it. Tom
  18. Thank you Bree!! Your'e all to kind to me!!! Tom
  19. Beautiful bracer!! I use the same tecnique with putting on the antique in a streay fashion and just love the way it looks. Nice carving...are we going to see some tooling in the future too?? Tom
  20. Thank you John!!! That is a good idea but for know I have had my head to full of other issues than tangling it up with braiding so I stick to whatever doesn't confuse me to much;-) Good to see you on the board again and I should hav written you long time ago, gunna do sumting about that this weekend!! Tack Jonny!! Kul att höra så fina saker om mina arbeten. Mitt bästa tips är ändå att ta det lugnt och tänka igenom noga innan man startar på fullt allvar. Jag kan ha en ide' i tankarna länge innan jag påbörjar arbetet. Detta är ett undantag just för att jobba med ide' och utveckling samtidigt. Tom
  21. Thanks all for the kind words!!!! I use veg.tan leather and and 2,5-3mm thickness, that is about 1/10"-1/8 in thickness in inches but what weight??? PLZ help me out someone who's more familiar with the subject of American standars and units. In Sweden we use metrics only with the exeption of measuring leather in sq.ft. I have considered lining them but customers doesn't seem to care and I seldom do stuff that is not to be sold. I did line the small braided bracer I did for myself and I really love it. So smooth and nice on the inside. I used the thinnest available cowhide for that. Tom
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