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Everything posted by rickeyfro

  1. Thanks Scott That was cordovan Dye, dont know why it came out as red as it did.
  2. John, Id really like to take a shot at one of those, does anyone offer a pattern, seems like it would be kinda complicated figuring it out without one. Rick
  3. Just wanted to show a couple of seats I finished up this weekend
  4. The oil doesnt affect dying later?
  5. A little better pic than the previous one
  6. A couple more Indian Larry Memorial Seats. I keep getting requests for these and I try to do them different each time.
  7. thanks Bruce, I love this Barry King edger, and I really dont wanna mess it up
  8. Can anyone tell me the best method for sharpening Bissonet Edgers?
  9. i plan on making a lether sleeve to cover the cam, Ive used it as is and not had a problem so far
  10. Heres the clamp I used, they come in sets of two for something like $11
  11. Just finished my new stitching pony, I came up with a different clamping method using a cam clamp sold by Rockler for router table jigs. Let me know what ya'll think
  12. Jerry, enlighten me on the diggerence between overstitch wheels and stitch markers, cant the tools generelly sold for laying out stitch holes also be used for running over the stitch to set in in the groove properly?
  13. Elton, you always seem to recommend Mcmillan, who carries these??
  14. Any recomendations on quality overstich wheels? Who's do you prefer?
  15. Julia, let me know if you have trouble finding them, if so let me know how many you need and I'll get them. Id also be interested in having a burnisher made. Rick
  16. Ive gotten arbors from lowes that fit a 1/2 shaft, they were actuallly just sleeves with set screws to lock them to the moror shaft and to whatever you put in the other side whether it was 1/2" rod or say a carraige bolt long enough to go through the burnisher, they were only like 4.00
  17. Bob, If you get a chance could you post a sample of Ellises, but just using the first tool, just for curiositys sake, also by having to buy two tools from him does the price come out to be about the same as Beards??
  18. Thats a pretty nice looking leather, Ive never heard of anyone using these, what exactly are they used for primarily?
  19. Yes Murse that seat is going to the smokeout and I'll send you a P.M. this evening with the contact on the pans
  20. A couple o f seats I finished up over the holidays
  21. Usually spend all my time on Cycle seats, been trying some different stuff, this is a wallet I made for my daughter over the weekend
  22. I have a set of Bruce Cheaney "How To Build a Roping Saddle" in VHS format. 3 tapes 8 plus hours of detailed instruction. Im asking $100 if interested. Rick
  23. That mexican round is slow at first but it gets quicker each time, I use it on almost all my seats, got it down to about 2 hours now.
  24. Anyone have any experience dyeing sharkskin? If so what did you use
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