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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Man, that's right. That's what I've been meaning to make. Urs look good.
  2. Kevin this is cool. I love the Rana. Very nice color and texture. Great work once again.
  3. That sheath has just made you one of my hero's. Very nice.
  4. I love innovative thinking. Very good work.
  5. Dude, you are on it. This is nice. I like it. What color is that?
  6. I love this. you have done good.
  7. Oh, here it is...LOL oops. Looks cool . Maybe try to lengthen the grain lines. And maybe a few less knots. It still is convincing as is though.
  8. I thought you should post it too. Where's the pic?
  9. Yo Travis, This is for me. I'm the dude with all the cool stuff but I have a hard time selling the really cool stuff. I got a request for a coffin wallet but will have to see if I want to remake it. I might. I don't remember yours Tom. Can I see a pic? Thanks for the comments. Actually the skeleton is hanging like a puppet. If he touches my cash I'll put some flowers on him. That'll teach him.
  10. Yeah this is a cool case. I also love pens and like this case.
  11. Very cool Jordan. I was approached at the fair about making sandals. I have been thinking about it for a while and it sure looks like fun. I'm sure there are a few details to consider but isn't that the case with everything? Anyway, congrats and good luck with the book. I'm sure you will do good with it. Shoot, I'm sure I'll buy it.
  12. Hey Roger, this makes me feel better about having to do my wristband in black. If course I might throw in a bit of red....lol I know I'm stubborn.
  13. I can totally see a vampire hunter going into battle carrying this. Very nice.
  14. Thought I would post it before it goes black. I'm fighting leaving the skull with the bow natural or white. UGH!!!
  15. Cool seat busted, I made my seat on my bike with foam from Joanns fabrics and it is soooo not intended for a bike seat. It shapes good but my ass will hit the pan on any set of tracks. The springs do not hold nearly as much as they could. lol
  16. I've seen it done on Italian leather jackets. A piece of leaf was put on the jacket while the metal stamp was heated with a torch. The dude then just pressed it on the jacket and the leaf stuck where it was burnt and the rest came off. Looked good.I've seen it done on Italian leather jackets. A piece of leaf was put on the jacket while the metal stamp was heated with a torch. The dude then just pressed it on the jacket and the leaf stuck where it was burnt and the rest came off. Looked good. I like your seat so far. Please post the finished item.
  17. You ARE da man. This is cool and a cool idea.
  18. I like this. Can either be a necklace or with a belt loop. Looks good as is also. Very nice work.
  19. Hey, How did I miss this. I like the two tone. Very cool. It is a great feeling to be satisfied with your project. YAY
  20. Sure, Just make the plank dividing lines deep and straight and the grain lines somewhat broken and wiggly. Very easy pattern and very effective. I use it quite a bit. Oh, the nails are just made with a stylus or any kinda pointy item. Hope this helps.
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