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Everything posted by Spider

  1. That's pimp Drac. Can't wait to see it done...
  3. Dude!!! How long is your needle?!?!?! lol jk. I will surely try it. thank you again Don. You Rock
  4. Nice one. Skulls make everything a bit prettier.
  5. He's filled with leather shavings and dust and rubber cement. He's solid. Hey! I'm not a slacker....oh wait, gotta get back to work. lol Thanks Drac.
  6. Just to clearify. I do have an 8 hour Job, wife and almost 3 year old son. I do not neglect any....I don't think at least but I try to squeeze in leatherwork where possible. This is a project I am working on here and there. It will be my briefcase to take my leather samples or just to mess around with... brace yourself cause this looks kinda freaky... Evantually I will make some bags with this concept and maybe some bike stuff. My Dr. says I will be well someday so to keep hanging in there...
  7. Corter, Just put your knife into the leather and go. That's what I do. I usually just draw on the leather and skip a pattern. Of course that is for stuff like this and not for more serious items like seats and stuff. Even a stick figure will look good in leather.
  8. Holy crap I think I get it!!! Do you use a curved needle? Grumpy, I use an existing cigar tube as my model so the diameter is good. The bigger the opening the better since I smoke the larger ring sized cigars mostly.
  9. Im gonna assume it's to finely sand the edges with the rotary tool and smooth them out.
  10. Wow that is the great thing about this forum. Great minds that I have access to. How could I stitch it? Like before the side or after? I do the sides on my machine.
  11. FYI This is my new stamp I got from Daryl at Dbarleather. I TOTALLY LOVE IT!!! Thank you Daryl. This is one of my most prized tools and you are right Don it hides so well.
  12. Thanks all. This one was fun. Skulls are tiny since it is a 1" band. I think i got cross eyed for a bit. The color I use is Tandy's Antique Tan Gel. The redish one is also an antique but Saddle Tan. I love these colors. They give that old beat to crap look. Skulls are fun and they obviously catch the eyes. Now i have to make a knife sheath because it was mentioned. DAMNIT!!! You have to watch what you say around me people. lol Thanks a million
  13. Thanks all. LOL, my edges are so jacked.....LOL It's ok for now because now I will try the Rotary Tool like Roo said. THANKS ROO!!! I love every flaw because it does look hand made very rough as I like it and it is another thing I learn from. I take failure or mistakes with my leather these days as a learning too. For now at least...
  14. Thanks Tom. I have a Dunhill holder I really like. It's a 3 finger one but it is old and is falling apart. I still use it but it was made ages ago. I actually like my smokes with Diet Coke...lol. No really I do.
  15. I made this as a sister to the "I Wish I Were Dead Wristband" per the suggestion of LarryB. THANK YOU LARRYB!!!!
  16. I've been kinda busy. This turned out ok for a practice piece. I think I need to wear gloves more often....
  17. Scouter, I've seen that and always wondered how it would be to do it. Yours came out cool. Don't tell me...Sharpie? Looks good.
  18. Absolutely Beautiful. I love it. You have done wonders with the bag. VERY VERY VERY NICE!!!
  19. Welcome to the forum. You have some good looking knives. They make for some good looking sheaths. You can post them in the "Show Off" section.
  20. I love the look of the seat. Shape and leather, including the lacing. Thank you for sharing.
  21. I was wondering when you would return. You my friend are an inspiration to me. Keep posting more.
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