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Everything posted by SamB

  1. You should always start with the lighter shade of dye first - remember you can always make it darker but not the other way around
  2. Have you tried Tandy's leathercraft library? https://tandyleather.com/blogs/leathercraft-library
  3. Hi! I got the pattern in PDF. I spoke with a moderator and he thinks it's ok to share with you all, since not long time ago Tandy was sharing it for free in their archives. tandy-half-pint-mini saddle.pdf Sandra
  4. You can also find some here, either digital or paper https://www.facebook.com/groups/167812935350676/ Contact Price Reynolds on facebook
  5. Hi @Northmount, I got all the patterns saved in my PC; if you wish I can send them to you and you post them!
  6. Just a question and I'm sorry it it sound dumb! Did you buy antique paste or the new gel Antique by Fiebieng's ? That would explain the liquid consistency
  7. It depends on the casing method If you use the method of submerging the leather in water and then put it in a ziplock bag in the fridge it's better to do it before taping. Otherwise I do it after Yes, it's really a great tip!
  8. Hi For me the best tip on the subject is this video from Ed LaBarre
  9. Hi D2G, I've made a similar one about 2 years ago, and I followed the instructions of Andersen leather. You should check his blog (look for the older posts, he's got a step-by-step) http://andersenleather.blogspot.com
  10. Hi @dragonhawke, if you don't mind sending me the pattern, I'd appreciate it. My email: spborges74@gmail.com Thank you and greetings from Portugal Sandra
  11. This is very nice of you! Thank you so much and Happy New Year
  12. https://www.creativeawl.com/listing/759005825/leather-card-holder-pattern-leather
  13. You can still access it through web archive. Here's the link @Tinkerton https://web.archive.org/web/20160406220204/http://www.kingsmerecrafts.com/
  14. I have it Tom! But I need your email, please. Sandra
  15. On the video George Hurst says it's saddle tan !
  16. It's simple to make the conversion just multiply the given inches by 2.54cm, or by 25.4mm if you want the result in mm! And there's also many online sites that convert easily An example : https://www.inches-to-cm.com/
  17. I've never used olive oil on my leather or EcoFlo water based products, but remember, olive oil and water don't mix. Probably what happened is that the oil is dry on the surface and not inside the leather, preventing the the water dyes to be absorbed and keep the colour!
  18. They have two types of anilines dyes, to be mixed with alcohol, or with water ("agua" in spanish) They can be used to dye any porous material like wood, cork, thick paper, leather of course And yes, their colours are great, although many places don't have all the colours available for sale. Here are the links: https://mitiendadearte.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=anilina+ https://www.manosmaravillosas.com/index.php/Anilinas_791/Anilina-en-polvo-al-Alcohol-_9030 http://www.drogueriaboter.es/colorante-de-anilina-al-agua-tagAgrupANILINAA If you need help with anything, let me know Sandra
  19. I know these dyes I've used them too, they're great! If you can't get them from that store in Madrid, I know 2 or 3 online stores in Spain that sell them I can send you the links
  20. I find it strange too, and to be honest I think the problem isn't your site or this forum, but something related to youtube. I've seen this happen on other sites when there's a third party involved!
  21. Here's a good tutorial! http://www.instructables.com/id/Making-a-Leather-Rose/
  22. Well, you already got yourself a subscriber on Youtube! :D
  23. Like I said to you once, we're always learning
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