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Everything posted by wildrose

  1. The one is very small (about 2"x3") and the other 4"x6" or so.
  2. That made me think of two scenes from favorite horse movies of mine: (the music in the movie was much better...mixing in music from Spirit didn't do it for me)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgnJgZ2yQdc...feature=related (starting around 2:20)
  3. I'd be afraid to hear the waist sizes - LOL - not gonna put mine up... I'll be happy to pin it.
  4. I had done a big order for a fraternity a while back, so I was going on that: I cut the band at 9" long, set the first set of snaps at 1/2" in from the ends, then another set at 3/4" past that, then the last at 3/4" past that. This way, the band was adjustable to anyone in the group. 'Course it meant I used ALOT more of one side of the snaps, but I was well paid so I didn't care that much. But now that I'm making mystery braids and braided bracelets (like 'Roo taught me), I'm using the same measurements, with just two length adjustments rather than three, and I'm finding they're not big enough! It's actually more rare that they're too big. So I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if people down South here just have big wrists... I do know that mystery braiding tends to shorten the length when you're done.
  5. I'm finding that the bracelets I make are not fitting as many folks as I'd like. So I figured I'd take a little poll of the folks here! I know this is in inches, sorry to those in "metric land"....
  6. I can see Hilly's point about cruelty (though I did enjoy Art's video), because as a cat lover, for example, I find it awful how some cultures treat cats (and dogs for that matter!). But again, they do not view them as pets the way we do. So I'd have to agree with Ray. I too didn't think Hilly was directly calling Art an idiot, but I did feel the idiot statement could've been read the wrong way. Anyhow, let's get back to some more amazing and interesting videos, huh?
  7. If you're making them to support a cause, people will likely pay more for them (i.e. if part of what they pay you is going to a charity). Either way, I'd ask at least 10.00. I say that, because I do plain mystery braids for 5.00 and yours are worth way more than that. They are really awesome. My prayers are with you.
  8. I have a set that were, I believe, metalworker tools. I got them from a woman selling her husband's shop stuff when I volunteered with 4H. If you can't find something similar, I'm willing to ship them to you as a loan. I have to use them this week to make a "plaque" for the inside of a box, so I can send you a pic of how big they are.
  9. Thanks Max, I needed that laugh. I'll share with you that I've gone over fences without horses when I was riding jumpers. I was told they could sense when the rider wasn't confident they could make the jump - it's true.
  10. That is an amazing horse! (and rider!)
  11. I used kip on a small money clip/wallet project and had a really hard time with it. I agree that a slightly thicker weight might be better. Aside from that, I like what you've done! (clearer pics would help, but I know how it can sometimes be hard to get those)
  12. Funny thing is some might view him as a troublemaker, I'd bet. But gosh that takes balance and talent! (and muscles!)
  13. I wanted to add this to the last batch, but couldn't find it. If you've ever ridden a bicycle, or even just admired bike stunts, get a load of this Scot:
  14. I have been "blessed" when it comes to insurance, overall, as either my job or my husband's, or both, have supplied us with insurance. This was done by taking a deduction from our paycheck each pay period. Then, when we went to a doctor (of our choice), we would pay a "copay". With my husband's current job, for example, it costs us 25.00 to see a physician of our choice, and 35.00 for specialists such as an allergist or chiropractor. There is a yearly "cap" on such things as chiropractic care, for example, so if I go very often, then I have to pay for the visits entirely. Health care often also covers a decent amount of emergency room, hospitalization costs and tests (like MRIs or such). Again, you are paying for this from your own paycheck. If you don't have an employer who provides insurance, work part time or are self employed, you can buy yourself insurance from one of many companies. I have a few borderline poverty level friends who have no insurance at all. That is a HUGE risk. As was mentioned, you can get ER service with no insurance - they're not allowed to turn you away, I think - but is that fair to those there with REAL emergencies? Not really. I do think the system needs and overhaul, I won't deny that. But the only time I personally had a problem was when my husband was between jobs and we had to buy "COBRA" - a system that lets you keep your company's insurance briefly, at a higher cost. I should mention that I have allergies and asthma, my husband has allergies, I have high blood pressure, and he has sleep apnea. So we're needing health care!
  15. wildrose

    mini roses

    I'm happy to help! Glad it's working out for others, too...Janice, I'll send you the pic/directions.
  16. It might be easier to find me under Holly Atkinson Moore or by my "network" Roanoke, VA
  17. A few of you have found me already, but for anyone interested, I'm on Facebook.
  18. You might get a more pro response than mine, but here are my "bits of knowledge" (LOL!) I grew up on a small farm in NJ. We rode both Western and English, and primarily had Arabians. I also took lessons on Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred mixes and showed jumping for a few years. We had one old mare that only used a hackamore: a bridle with no bit. Her mouth had been mistreated over the years, and bits were too harsh for her. One time at a lesson, a horse I was on took the bit between his teeth and took off at a gallop. As a small teen, it was impossible for me to stop him. He ran around the ring for a while before tuckering himself out. Bits come, as you've mentioned, in many shapes an varieties. The difference is primarily in what you need it for, and on the horse itself. Some horses have tougher mouths than others. The bit should go over the tongue. When, seated on the horse, you pull on the reins, it puts pressure on the mouth to direct the horse. (Of course, most times you use your legs too) I haven't ridden in years, but I'll be honest with you in saying I would use either no bit or a very basic one if given the choice. But some horses really do need it!
  19. Here are some "people pics". No one better give me a rough time for how they look! I do wish I had a picture of "Santa" the tool sharpener. Ethan was amazed that Santa was in Chicago! Me with Allan with Blanche happy to meet you Brent! with George Hurst with Pat Goodman With Silva Fox and Johanna. I'd not seen Silva for many years, it was great to meet her again. Of course I have to have an Ethan pic in here...he was totally fascinated by this "fountain" in the hotel lobby. We had a great time at the show. We got there early on Friday, giving us time to relax (flew in from Charlotte, NC to O'Hare). Our only complaint of the weekend was the lack of reliable shuttle service from the hotel. They did take us back and forth to the local train station for free, at least. I enjoyed the chance to meet up with people I'd not seen in a while, and the banquet was wonderful. PSLG ran a fun show.
  20. If you're on Facebook, please friend me (inc. a note of where I know you from!). Here are my show pics. I didn't take pics of every piece in competition, I confess, just some of my favorites. These are mine before they got to the show. The dragon got a first, and the butterfly a third. Some belts That beautiful bike seat Some binders and such Other items Those chaps were INCREDIBLE! I can't imagine working with something that furry! At first, I thought the leather strips were just sitting on top of a rug, then someone pointed out they were chaps! LOL, shows you what I know! Pictures Silva raffled off that pic with the birds...unfortunately I didn't get it! I liked the WTC Memorial though. It was one of my two favorite pieces in the show. My absolute favorite was this:
  21. Tandy has a free downloadable pattern page on their site. You might check there.
  22. I have a 2 and 3. I use the 2 for almost anything like wallets and such (thinner weights like 4/5); and the 3 for 6/7 oz and up. That's me.
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