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Everything posted by zuludog

  1. It looks like a glazier's hacking knife that has been ground down. The notch was probably for removing small nails Search The Net for 'leather paring knife' and 'kiridashi' and you'll find something similar
  2. Play around with the Search function on Google and YouTube. For example on YT try - how to repair upholstery; how to repair leather furniture; how to repair carpets, and so on. There are lots of videos Search Google for - forums on upholstery; forums on carpets. I have found - the upholstery forum.com; upholster.com; the flooringforum.com, but there are others
  3. This sort of question has been asked several times before. Search the 'Getting Started' and 'Leather Tools' sections Also search YouTube for 'making a dog collar' and 'beginners tools for leatherwork'; there are loads of videos. Then if you need to, come back with any more specific questions You can sew the leather with the saddle stitch, for which there is lots of advice, or use rivets. Search YT for 'using saddler's rivets', especially the video by Ian Atkinson But if you've never worked with leather before, Search YT for videos on leatherwork and watch anything you fancy. The same sort of techniques are used on a variety of items - belts, sheaths, wallets, bags , etc as well as collars - and it will all help A quick & easy way to start would be to buy a kit. Tandy Leather do them, or Search Google for 'dog collar kits'
  4. You want some thread that's about 0,6mm diameter Ritza 25, aka Tiger Thread, is popular and frequently recommended but I don't like the way it feels/handles. You might, and there's only one way to find out. Rocky Mountain Leather Supply sell smaller reels Mostly I use linen thread but when I want to use synthetic I use Tandy's Waxed Nylon Thread, which is twisted, not braided. I find this easy to use, and I think it's underrated Recently I've been using Amy Roke 0,55mm braided polyester and I quite like this; I may well change to this in the future Search YouTube for 'how to make a leather knife sheath'. There are lots of videos, and you'll see how different people make the same sort of thing
  5. I make knife sheaths from 3 to 3,5mm vegetable tanned leather At first I used Tandy Craftool Stitching Chisel # 88046 - 02 which is 2 prong, 4mm spacing, but recently I've changed to Seiwa European 2 prong 4mm spacing as this has slightly thinner prongs I ordered the Seiwa from Goods Japan, which took a few weeks to arrive. The Tandy would be easier to get hold of, and probably cheaper But there are several other makes available, some more expensive. Search the Net and see what you fancy. Nigel Armitage has several review videos on YouTube A sheath has a front, a back, and a welt, which means the total thickness will be around 9 to10mm; so you might still have to do some additional work with an awl Briefly, this is my method - After I've cut out my leather I glue the welt to the front of the sheath, then mark the line of stitching and make the holes through those two thicknesses with a chisel Glue the front & welt to the back Make holes through the back of the sheath with an awl, using the holes in the front as a guide Finish the sheath - trimming, burnishing, sewing etc. I no longer use a stitch groover, I mark the line of the stitching with dividers
  6. I'm sorry, but my computer skills are even worse than my leatherworking skills, and I don't know how to post those sort of links or pictures. I've said this before, so my apologies to anyone who finds this a bit tiresome, and it's getting frustrating for me, too This computer I'm using is old, slow, and wobbly (not unlike its owner) but my plan for the coming winter is to buy a new computer and a few books, then lock myself away and try to catch up. However, back to sharpening - Search YouTube for 'How to Sharpen an Edge Beveller'. There are several videos, including those by Tandy; lb custom knives; Harry Rogers; and Leathertoolz. Here's how I made my sharpening board. The dimensions don't have to be absolutely accurate or precise - Take a piece of plywood or similar board about 240mm X 160mm Get a piece of vegetable tanned leather about 3 to 3,5mm thick. Bevel both sides of one edge. Cut off that edge 4mm wide and 190mm long. Glue down the strip on its flat edge, so the double - bevelled or domed edge is uppermost. This will give you a narrow strop that will fit into bevellers; as you use it, it will conform to the profile of your beveller Glue down a length of braided nylon cord about 3mm diameter and190mm long, and a metal rod about 2,5 to 3mm diameter and 190mm long (brass/steel/aluminium is OK). These form a base for laying over some fine abrasive paper. I use 2,000 and 3,000 grit wet & dry paper, but you could use finer grit as well I've added a piece of leather 180mm X 35mm to make a small strop; not strictly necessary as you could use your main strop, but it's convenient to have them together. Load this and the narrow strop with stropping compound. You can use metal polish, but I suggest you treat yourself to some proper stropping compound; a small bar is cheap enough and will last for ages I used general purpose glue for this, and let it all set overnight. It looks very similar to that by lb custom knives To sharpen the inside edge of a beveller - clamp it in a vice, using soft jaws or rag so you don't scratch the handle; plait 3 pieces of 18/3 linen thread about 500mm long; load it with compound and pull through the beveller
  7. Yes, a strop is just about the easiest piece of leatherwork you will do, and you generally make it early on. It will get you used to handling leather, and you will, of course, need it to sharpen the tools you need for other work. There is loads of information on this forum, and videos on YouTube about making a strop. It doesn't have to be absolutely brilliant & wonderful, just good enough; you can always make another one as you gain experience I made one from a scrap piece of wood and some split leather that came as packing/wrapping for a delivery of better leather I started out with Autosol metal polish as a stropping compound but that was a bit messy, so I changed to a bar of proper honing/stropping compound Recently I cleaned up my oilstones and made a bench hook for them. I also made a new strop that fitted on the bench hook I've also made a sharpening board for sharpening edge bevellers, as shown on YT videos
  8. Calculating & converting so many individual measurements would be tedious and easy to slip up and make a mistake or two, and rounding up or down would lead to more errors Easiest would be to just buy a metric ruler - a long and a short one if necessary. And of course, once you have them you'll have them for any future work, leather craft and others
  9. My favourite wallet is just the right size & number of pockets for me, but it's nylon and showing its age - worn, threadbare, and fraying Do you think that if I carefully unpicked it I could use the pieces as a pattern or template to make something very similar from leather?
  10. I forgot to mention flattening the stone. I used a sheet of 100 grit wet & dry paper on a sheet of glass, which was the oven door from an old cooker. I lubricated everything with paraffin which stuck the paper down onto the glass and lubricated the cutting/flattening process The paraffin kept the dust down so there was no need to use a mask Fortunately my stone was in fairly good condition so it needed very little flattening, just enough to remove any ingrained dirt or metal particles After flattening I washed any loose powder off the stone then laid it on old rags & newspaper overnight to allow any paraffin to drain off
  11. Yes, I also find flat braided thread tricky to use, so I use mostly linen Rocky Mountain Leather Supply sell the Chinese Yue Fung threads under their own label of 'Twist'; both synthetic and linen. I reckon their linen thread is easily as good as the much vaunted Fil au Chinois thread An 80m reel of 0,55mm linen thread is $11-99. They have other threads While you're at it, get some John James size 002 needles, JJ product code L3912. These are considered some of the best, and not too expensive; also stocked by RMLS. I changed to these from Tandy and that improved my stitching A few months ago I bought some hemp carriage thread when my nearby Tandy store had a closing down sale. It's nice thread, but not a chance of my paying full price! I also use Tandy's ready waxed nylon thread. Although it's synthetic, it's twisted, not braided, so is round, and easy to use You could Search for 18/3 linen thread; that's reasonably priced, but get it from a leathercraft supplier or buy a reputable make, like Crawfords, Coates, Barbour, Somac. Don't buy anonymous linen thread off Amazon or Ebay as some of it isn't very good
  12. I inherited an oilstone which, if not as old as that, was in a similar state I cleaned it by soaking it in paraffin/kerosene overnight, then scrubbing it with a nylon pan scourer. I used an old plastic food container as a bath to submerge the stone. You could probably use any similar solvent - mineral thinners, petrol, and so son Traditionally carpenters made their own wooden case for an oilstone, but I didn't have the skill or the patience for that so I just bought a plastic one off Amazon They are usually 8" X 2" but check As the stone will have been cleaned of all the old oil & grease it will soak up a fair amount of oil at first, but this soon slows down It's certainly worth keeping and trying it out Search YouTube for 'cleaning an oilstone'; there are several videos
  13. You look as though you are covering most things, and are happy to start at a simple level. My tools are mostly Tandy or home made, especially the knives, though I did buy some Seiwa stitching chisels from Goods Japan there are several YouTube videos on sharpening bevel edgers; they do work much better if you can get them sharp. It's easy enough to make a sharpening board like those in the videos by Tandy and LB Custom Knives, though I think most of them show something similar To sharpen the inside of a bevel edger I plaited 3 pieces of 18/3 linen thread about 50cm long and loaded it with stropping compound. Clamp the tool in a vice fitted with soft jaws then run the thread through the tool
  14. Hello Woldbill. Remember. of course, that you will need some leather! Leather is the skin of a cow, and different parts will have differing quality & thickness, and be priced accordingly Somewhere on Tandy's website there is a guide to the types of leather and what they might be used for I make knife sheaths from 3mm vegetable tanned shoulders. I've just had a look at Tandy USA website and they're $39-99 each Veg tanned belly isn't as good, but it would still be OK for making smaller, simple items, like small sheaths, coasters, key fobs, a strop, and general practice. The advantage for beginning & practising is that a belly is $15-99. You probably couldn't make a tool bag out of it, but you could make a belt pouch or a small possibles bag. They wouldn't be as good as using top class tanned & coloured leather, but neither would they be as expensive, and you've gotta start somewhere. Search YT accordingly. Or you could make a roll for some tools & spanners (wrenches to you!)
  15. Yes, the question about tools for beginners has been asked several times before, just look through past Threads on the Getting Started and Leather Tools sections There are also some videos about beginners tools on YouTube, though you will notice that each one is slightly different Wizard's suggestions are good, but before you buy anything I suggest you look at videos on holsters, sheaths, and the rest of the items you've mentioned. That way you will see how other people make them, the tools they use, and how they are used. I make mostly knife sheaths from 3mm vegetable tanned leather. Here are a few things to get you started - A cutting mat, the usual green thing from a craft or hobby store; get the biggest you can manage A utility or craft knife A stitching chisel. Tandy Craftool 2 prong 4mm spacing. In theory they replace an awl, but when you have a few thicknesses of leather to penetrate you need to do extra work with an awl. You can start with a steel hammer if you already have one, but this will damage the tool if you use it regularly so you will need a soft hammer/mallet - nylon, hide, wood, but not rubber as this will bounce too much Needles; Rocky Mountain Leather Supply sell an assorted pack of John James needles Thread; Tandy ready waxed nylon thread is good & cheap, or see what your local craft shop have Dividers, to set the line of stitching and it's distance from the edge; or you could use the stitching chisel An awl. Don't be tempted by the 4-in-1 awl sold by Tandy, and others, it's expensive and not very good. Just get a simple, ready mounted, fixed blade awl An edge beveller; Tandy Craftool size 2 is a good one to start with. It's fairly cheap, and easy to use & sharpen A tube of contact or general purpose glue An edge burnisher Beeswax Even if you get disposable blades they can be improved by a bit of extra sharpening, plus you will need to sharpen the awl. There is loads of information about this - various stones or wet & dry paper, and making a strop is just about the easiest piece of leatherwork you will do Have look through the websites for Tandy, Rocky Mountain Leather Supply, and other leather craft suppliers. Even if you don't buy anything from them you will see the sort of things that are available
  16. TYRA - I make mostly knife sheaths and belts from 3 to 3,5mm thick vegetable tanned leather, and this would not be suitable for wallets. Not sure what I would use if I did want to make a wallet, so I would need to ask for advice as well, either here or from the supplier I have heard that this is a reliable supplier of leather, though I haven't used them myself; they ship all over Europe https://buyleatheronline.com Use the Suppliers! They will know their products, both tools and leather, (that's their job!) so contact them and ask their advice. For leather try leatherhouse and buyleatheronline Have a look at this video - 'How to Make a Simple Hand Made Wallet' by Nigel Armitage He discusses the thickness and types of leather, as well as making wallets
  17. Well done for making something so soon, and with basic tools Soon after I became interested in leatherwork I went on a beginners course, and it was very good, I probably learned as much in that course than many, many videos - there's nothing like talking to real people! I have found this company in Brussells - NIYONA. They mostly sell finished goods but they also have training courses, from beginners to advanced I made my scratch awl from an axle off my son's broken toy car, glued into an old file handle, and sharpened on an oilstone I use a vegetable peeling knife as a leather trimming knife, but you will need to be able to get it very sharp Here are some suppliers. You don't have to buy from them, but you will see the sort of things that are available. And as you watch videos and follow Threads on this forum you will learn more & more www.leatherhouse.eu www.goodsjapan.com www.identityleathercraft.com www.tandyleather.com www.abbeyengland.com There are lots of videos about leather, but I think we all agree that two of the best channels are by Ian Atkinson and Nigel Armitage Remember that the same techniques of planning, pattern making, sewing, burnishing, etc. are used on all leather items - bags, belts, pouches, & wallets
  18. For skiving you should work on a hard glossy surface such as a polished stone slab (which can be a bit expensive) or a sheet of glass like a glass shelf from an old fridge. I use the glass oven door from an old cooker Skiving knives need to have an edge that is absolutely as sharp and as polished as possible. There is a section about sharpening on this forum, and loads of YT videos about sharpening stones, making & using strops, and how to sharpen Unless you get the very expensive top range knives, most makers only give you an averagely sharpened knife as that keeps the cost down, and you are expected to do the final work yourself Either of the knives you mention will do the job. I would choose the Japanese style as that is easier to sharpen and you can also use it for cutting. You could also consider an English style leather paring knife - Search Google & YT Yes, veg tan is a bit easier if you dampen it slightly Round, head, half round knives are OK but good ones are expensive, and you need practice & experience to use them Search YT for skiving leather and any of the other things mentioned that look useful
  19. Hello Tyra, and welcome to the forum. Here are a few comments for you - Have a look at YouTube videos on making wallets; the methods & principles will be the same as for your project. There are lots of videos, watch as many as you have the stamina for and you'll start to see how things are done. You'll be using thinner leather, say 1,5 to 1,8mm thick, so you should get a smaller sized edge beveller, size 0 or size 1, and learn how to sharpen it. Again there are YT videos about this As you will be cutting thin leather, and straight lines, a rotary cutter is fine, but you could use a utility knife if you already have one, and save a bit of money You will need something to mark the line of stitching, and the spacing of the holes. I got a divider from a secondhand stall, about £2-50, say just over $3. Set it to 2 or 3mm; put one point on the edge of the leather, and mark the line with the other point there are two options for making the holes - mark the position with a rotary stitch marking wheel then make the actual holes with an awl. Or use a stitching chisel which both makes the holes and sets the spacing. In theory a stitching chisel means you do not need an awl, but it's always useful to have one Assembling the pieces for sewing is easier if you glue them in place first with contact glue A block of beeswax is cheap and used to wax the thread, burnish the edges, and other odd jobs in leatherwork A steel ruler or similar straight edge is used to cut the pieces Search YT for videos on leather working tools for beginners, there are several, and as you will see, each one is slightly different I assume you are American. Rocky mountain Leather supply has most of the things you need. At the moment they have an awl on offer at $16-99. As far as I can tell from the pictures it looks pretty good, and good value https://www.rmleathersupply.com for sewing leather you almost always use a two needle method called the saddle stitch, find it on YT. RMLS have a mixed pack of John James needles (which are the best) and will cope with all you want to start with Before you go straight into your wallets & cases you could try making something simple from cheaper leather, like key fobs. That will get you used to how the tools & materials work Oh yes, I nearly forgot. You'll need a cutting mat; the usual self - healing cutting mat from a craft or hobby store. Get the biggest you can manage
  20. Any tools must be well maintained & sharpened; once you get into the habit and have them up to the desired standard it doesn't take so much effort as at first. A lot of the cost of expensive leather tools is to get the final sharpness/finish/polish ready for use. On cheaper tools you get a basic edge and are expected to do that final processing yourself, that helps to keep the costs down I don't do tooling or stamping so I can't help you there, but Search YouTube for 'sharpening an edge beveler'; there are several videos. This one is good - 'How to sharpen an edge beveller' by lb custom knives. I have made a sharpening board similar to that shown - a piece of plywood, but it could be anything similar, 24 cm X 16 cm bevel both sides of an edge of some 3 mm veg tan leather about 18 to 20 cm long, and cut off that edge so it's 3 to 4 mm wide; use general purpose/contact glue to fix the strip to the board with the rounded edge uppermost. rub the strip with stropping compound a metal rod or bamboo skewer about 3 mm dia and 18 to 20 cm long; glue this to the board. this is a base for 2,500 grit wet & dry paper a small leather strop, about 18 to 20 cm X 4 cm, also glued to the board; could use my main strop but this is convenient This will cater for edge bevellers that are either flat or grooved on their underside to sharpen the inside edge of bevellers I use a similar method as described on earlier posts. I have plaited some 18/3 linen thread about 60 cm long and rubbed it with stropping compund. I fix the beveller in a vice, using soft jaws so I don't mark the handle, then dreaw the coated thread through the beveller as required
  21. I'm with CHRISASH on this one. By the time you've messed about cutting, skiving, sewing, dyeing and all the rest of it you might just as well make a new belt. Plus a modified belt would probably not be as neat or as good as a new one However if you still want to lengthen it here's my suggestion, though I haven't done this myself - Unpick the stitching to remove the buckle. Cut off that end of the belt including the slot, then - EITHER Add a new piece of leather to lengthen the belt as required, and fit the buckle to that new end. Use the existing stitching holes to sew on the new piece, and skive then both to produce a flat join. Fit the buckle as usual OR Cut the buckle & slot off as above. Then get a new piece of leather to be sewn on the front of the existing belt to extend it; make the slot, fit the buckle, and fold it back to the back of the belt. Skive & sew the three thicknesses of leather at the old stitching holes - new at front, old in middle, new at back Clean the leather & dye it all; a darker dye will produce a more even result When it's being worn most of this patching will be hidden by the tail of the existing belt Like I said, unless your friend/customer insists, I reckon it would be easier and better to make a new belt. But you could re-use the existing buckle, and perhaps use a the old belt to make a couple of keepers, as a token geature Incidentally, I have recently subscribed to Nigel Armitage's Vimeo Channel; it's excellent, and only about the price of a pint per month. There are about 50+ videos, including a complete series on making a belt, with more to come
  22. Hello Sangrati; sorry to hear you are having problems as sewing wallets should be straightforward as they are usually soft, thin leather I make knife sheaths which have a similar procedure, except that there are three thicknesses of leather to sew as it includes a welt, and the leather would be thicker than that for a wallet, at 3 to 3,5mm I glue the welt to one side of the sheath, allow it to dry, then glue on the other side of the sheath, clamp it together and let it all dry for a couple of hours. I mark a line with dividers then make the holes with a stitching chisel and an awl, then do the sewing. I don't have any problems with the parts separating while I sew It could be that you are not using a decent glue, or enough of it. I use a solvent based general glue like UHU & Bostik, or leather glue from a craft shop, but still solvent based Search YouTube for 'making leather wallets' there are several videos which will be helpful This video is good for a beginner - How to Make a Simple Hand Made Wallet by Nigel Armitage Also Nigel has made several videos on pouches; although they are on pouches they are masterclasses of neatness and precise methodical working. The same sort of techniques can be used for wallets. Search YouTube for Nigel Armitage - Pouches Hmmm..... I've just re-read your post. When you say 'prong' do you mean a stitching chisel or an awl? The layers shouldn't separate if you are using a stitching chisel as you will be hammering it down onto a flat surface But if you mean an awl it could be that it is not sharp enough and though you will be able to force it through one layer it might not be sharp enough to penetrate the second layer, and instead it will be pushing it away An awl must be absolutely as sharp as possible, to pass through the leather with hardly any effort. A new awl is rarely sharp enough and you must prepare and sharpen it yourself with a fine sharpening stone or wet & dry paper, followed by a strop. Again Search YouTube for suitable videos
  23. Yes, as above. But a warning. Wherever you store it when you have it, protect it from bright sunlight as this can bleach or otherwise discolour the leather You may not have a large workshop & bench. If you plan on using it, unroll it and lay it out on your floor last thing at night, then it will be pretty flat and ready for use the next morning
  24. George Barnsley and Sons was a traditional Sheffield manufacturer of good quality, no frills tools for the shoe making and other industries, but they ceased trading years ago. However, the story I heard is that recently the administrators discovered a warehouse full of unsold stock. With these, they relaunched the company and also started manufacturing again. Well, as I said, that's what I heard, and I would be happy to have that confirmed, or to be corrected I have one of their head knives, and it's excellent! But like many traditional makers you only get a basic cutting edge, you must do the final sharpening and polishing yourself. This keeps the costs down. They make head knives, round knives, and other knives & tools. I seem to remember that the head & round knives were about £20 & £25 Unfortunately I cannot log onto their website, either by entering it directly into Google or via the link on this Thread, so I'm unable to confirm the prices. If you can log on I'd like to hear from you, in which case I need to get in touch with my local computer expert. That's why I hadn't mentioned them till now, as I didn't want to confuse matters. They also have a Facebook page. I can't log on via that either. I think that most decent suppliers will sell for export, but check for shipping costs and import duties
  25. I don't do a maker's stamp, but some of you might be interested in this stamp supplier. They are British, but say they supply world wide. I found them in the magazine 'Waxing The Thread', produced by GDH Leatherwork https://www.gdhleatherwork.co.uk https://www.artisans.co.uk
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