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Everything posted by zuludog

  1. A Japanese leather knife is held vertically in your fist with the bevel facing outwards, away from your palm, and the larger or trailing part of the asymmetric blade facing away from you. Thus in the picture a left handed person would use the black handled knife In use, the bevel faces the good side of the leather and the flat side faces the waste Try holding a ruler or a pencil vertically in your fist and extending your arm slightly. It's quite difficult to hold it perfectly vertical; there is a tendency for your wrist to turn and for the pencil to slant outwards at the top and inwards at the bottom. Because of this the bevel is vertical even if the blades slopes slightly, and so the cut is vertical. Have a look at this video, he shows it well enough 'How to Use Japanese Leather Knife' by Leathertoolz
  2. That's a fair comment. I started with a Stanley knife/craft knife/box cutter knife and still use it sometimes. It seemed to work better after I'd resharpened the blades with a fine oilstone and a strop; probably because that reduced the shoulder of the bevel and gave it a better polish Whatever knife you get, you will need two - the first is for cutting leather. The second can be more or less anything you want. Use it for opening parcels, sharpening pencils, cutting string, and that sort of thing; its purpose is to make sure you use the first one exclusively for cutting leather
  3. Thought I'd add this - I've made my own Japanese style knives; one from an old plane blade, and one from a piece of 40,, industrial hacksaw blade, the cost was very low GENEH - looking at your other interests, I don't think you would find it too difficult to make one yourself. You will need to find someone who's good with a bench grinder, and go slowly, with quenching, to avoid burning such thin steel. Final sharpening by hand, and they get better as you use & resharpen them. Search YouTube for ideas. Handle can be any hard wood; I've used beech & hawthorn
  4. Two things for you to consider - A head knife, aka a half round knife like an Osborne #73 A Japanese leather knife I use both, and I'm happy enough with them. Once you've got used to the asymmetrical shape the Japanese knife works well Search the Net for suppliers or Goods Japan; and YouTube for how they're used. JH Leather has a video on sharpening a half round knife, with a short demonstration of its use at the end
  5. I made a strop for the internal curve of a spoon carving knife from a length of 15mm copper water pipe. Just glued on some thin leather recovered from an old chair. The glue was general purpose like UHU or Bostik
  6. I've watched that video, and IMO it's more complicated and involved than you need I haven't used your knife, or any other Osborne tools, but I would expect that a knife from such a reputable maker would be more or less ready for use (though I'm willing to be corrected). All you need is a fine stone and a strop. The stone can be any type you want - Oil - Not as popular (fashionable?) as they were, but they do the job. Fairly cheap to buy, but because they've been around for so long you can find them secondhand. See if there's a second hand tool stall on your local market. Just ask the stall holder, they're friendly enough. Ordinary general purpose oil like 3-in-1 is OK Diamond - Probably the easiest to use. Good ones are expensive Water aka ceramic - A bit messy. You can get various combinations with different grades & prices Make your own strop from oddments, it's just about the easiest bit of leatherwork you'll ever do Take a piece of wood about 12" X 3", though it doesn't need to be precision carpentry by any means. Cut a piece of 2 to 3mm veg tanned leather slightly oversize Place the leather flesh side down on the bench (so you're gluing the grain side to the wood); apply glue to the leather and/or the wood; general glue like Bostik or UHU, or PVA wood glue is OK; place the wood onto the leather and weight it down - a few books, or a small toolbox, or a couple of saucepans of water. Leave it overnight to set. Next day trim the leather to the wood. Treat yourself to some proper stropping /honing compound, I use Veritas 05M08.01 from Axminster Tools. A 170g bar will last you for ages It will take a while to break in the strop. When the colour changes to black you know it's working because that is the steel that's being removed from the blade There are loads of sharpening videos on YouTube. Play around with the Search box for sharpening knives; using an oilstone etc; making, & using a strop. Watch as many as you have the stamina for, you'll see how things are done, how they're used, and work out your own technique
  7. Sorry, but the best advice I can offer for that is to watch the videos and practice As Webicons posted, a Japanese style leather knife is easier to sharpen as it has a straight edge and a more defined bevel. I use both and a Japanese knife will do most things; you soon get used to the asymmetric style. Search YouTube for their use, and Google for suppliers
  8. There are loads of videos about sharpening on YouTube. Watch as many as you have the stamina for, they will all help to build up knowledge & experience. But if you want to narrow it down a bit Search for 'sharpening a round knife' I think this one is good - 'How to sharpen your head knife for leather work' by JH Leather Although it's for a head knife aka a half round knife the same method can be used Starting with a new knife I use a medium oilstone; a fine oilstone; a few grades of wet & dry paper between grits 600 & 2,000; then a strop. Lubricate the wet & dry paper with window cleaning spray. Now that my knife is sharp I just use the strop most of the time Tallow & powder, or Autosol will do the job but they're messy. Treat yourself to a proper bar of stropping/honing compound. I use Veritas 05M08.01. A 170g/6oz bar will last you ages As well as the cutting edge, hold the knife at a lower & flatter angle so that you polish the whole of the bevel & sides of the knife. This will help the blade to slide through the leather more easily
  9. I also use a Japanese style leather knife for both cutting and some skiving. Once you've got the hang of it there's no problem with the asymmetric blade. Again, Search YouTube to see how they're used www.goodsjapan.com sell left handed versions, so the bevel of the cutting edge is on the correct side for left handers Whatever you settle on, you'll need to keep it absolutely razor sharp
  10. Similar to hwinbermuda I have a home made kiridashi - cum - english paring knife; made from a piece of 25mm wide industrial hacksaw blade. I'm sure you could find someone to make something similar, otherwise Search the Net for 'kiridashi' and 'leather paring knife' George Barnsley was a traditional tool maker in Sheffield, England. They ceased trading years ago, but their old stock is still available from www.gandmtools.co.uk. Look through their website, they have various skiving & paring knives, including a George Barnsley 10" L/H Paring knife, for £15 = $19-70 Search YouTube to see how they are used
  11. Perhaps you could go back and give them a key fob or something, as a thankyou
  12. What an excellent collection, though it is, of course, a sad way to acquire them Until 1973 when Britain joined the EEC there were closer ties between Britain and Australia, so it's not surprising that some of the tools will be from traditional British makes like Maun, Barnsley and Thor I think the best thanks you can give your friend would be to get the tools cleaned up, sharpened, and used
  13. I'm in a similar position. I have about half a dozen leatherworking knives, including a home made Japanese style knife, but no round knife. A few months ago I bought a George Barnsley head, or half - round knife for £20, and I'm still getting used to it The half moon knife would be a good buy, but you have to draw the line somewhere, so I won't be getting it; but I thought I'd post it on here for anyone who's thinking about getting one The head knife was in good condition, but like many traditional makers, there is only a basic sharp edge; you must do a lot of the final sharpening & polishing yourself
  14. Ah, I wonder if you've just been on the gandm tools website and seen their George Barnsley paring knives? I think it's mostly down to the name or category A paring knife is a simple strip of steel, usually flat, but occasionally curved, rather like an overgrown Xacto knife or a scalpel, and similar to the Japanese kiridashi. Such knives can be used for skiving or paring, which are two names for the same thing - making leather thinner But you can also skive leather with glorified chisels, which might have straight, rounded, or slanted cutting edges. These are always called skiving knives Thus a paring knife is always the kiridashi type, whereas a skiving knife covers both the kiridashi and chisel types Well, that was a bit rambling, I hope you can follow it
  15. I've just had a look at this supplier https://www.gandmtools.co.uk They have various new old stock knives and other items, mostly by George Barnsley, a traditional Sheffield tool maker who ceased trading several years ago They include 'half moon knife' for £25 plus VAT - well worth buying
  16. Yes, I'd forgotten about that. I use a polypropylene kitchen chopping board about 15mm thick
  17. Most pricking irons and stitching chisels can be improved by polishing & sharpening the prongs Use a needle file followed by home made 'wands' or buffers, made by gluing 600 grit and 1000 grit wet & dry paper to a sliver of wood, such as a lollipop stick After you've done that, it helps if you lubricate the prongs with beeswax
  18. Wrong hammer - that looks like an upholsterer's hammer, which has a narrow diameter, flat face for hitting tacks . What you want is a cobbler's hammer, which has a larger diameter, slightly domed head. They're a bit pricey; a cheaper alternative would be a soft faced mallet, like hide or wood By the way, if you've just started practising your saddle stitch, that's pretty good. Get a bevel edger next
  19. I recently sharpened a new, old stock George Barnsley head knife aka half round knife that had only a basic edge on it. The method I used was more or less the same as this video - 'How to Sharpen Your Head Knife for Leatherwork' by J H Leather Obviously you can use the same method for a full sized round knife I started with a medium - fine oilstone; then working through 3 or 4 grades of abrasive paper, from about 600 grit to 2,000 grit; I used thin window cleaning spray to lubricate the wet & dry paper. Then onto the strop It took several hours work, spread over 2 or 3 afternoons One thing I did was to lay the blade flat (for each side) as I worked through the sharpening, to get the blade well polished all over; then raised the handle gradually so that I worked on all the bevel, and that there was just a gradual change of angle for the bevel, from flat to the cutting edge Also, have a look at this video - 'How to Sharpen an axe' by Ben Orford. Although it is for an axe the principle is the same, and he shows that you need to have a long, shallow angled bevel that starts well back from the cutting edge, and how you can use a felt tip pen to make sure you work on all of the bevel
  20. Yes, I've watched videos on strop making. They're OK but it seems to me that you can get far too involved and obsessed about things Making a strop is just about the easiest piece of leatherwork you can do. I've made several, for myself and for friends --- take a piece of wood about 12"/30cm long by 3"/8cm wide by 1"/3cm thick, but it doesn't have to be precision carpentry by any means, adjust the size to suit yourself or whatever you have available Take any piece of scrap leather about 2mm thick or thicker; veg tan if you have it; slightly oversize for the wood Cut it roughly to shape, then glue it to the wood, with the flesh side uppermost. I've used general purpose glue like UHU or Bostick, and PVA wood glue. Place it on a bench with the leather facing down, and stack some weights on the wood - a few books; or some cans; or a small toolbox. Leave it to set overnight Next morning trim the excess leather to the wood, and you're done I used to use Autosol for a stropping compound, but changed to a proper stropping/honing compound. I use Veritas honing compound # 05M08.01 but there are others It will take a little while to get the strop broken in. Whatever compound you use, when it changes to black that shows the strop is working as the black colour is steel that is being removed from the knife edge
  21. Here are two books I can recommend - 'The Leatherworking Handbook - a Practical Illustrated Sourcebook of Techniques and Projects' by Valerie Michael 'Leatherwork - a Practical Guide' by Chris Taylor There are dozens, probably hundreds, of videos about leatherwork on YouTube, watch as many as you have the stamina for. Make it easier by Searching for different aspects and categories - beginners; tools; or particular items, as in your interest list I can recommend videos by Ian Atkinson and Nigel Armitage Have a look at the websites for Tandy, and Goods Japan. They will give you an idea of the types & prices of tools, though there are many other suppliers Try Searching Google for 'leather tools europe' Don't forget this forum! Especially Getting Started; Tools; and Sewing. It's almost certain that most of your questions will have been asked before Have a look at this supplier; they are Italian, and might be easier for you to buy from https://buyleatheronline.com
  22. The Tandy 4-in-1 awl isn't very good, but you can't do much wrong with a round awl, so just keep it for that Instead look for a fixed blade awl. Tandy's stitching awl #31218-01 looks reasonable enough, though I haven't used it myself - perhaps someone else can comment Traditionally you bought the blade & haft separately, then mounted & sharpened them yourself. This is a right tedious job; so see if you can find an awl that's ready made up. Shop around for something like an Osborne, which is a reasonable price Even though an awl is ready mounted you will still probably have to do some final sharpening & stropping yourself I do most of my sewing with a stitching chisel, and only use a diamond awl for opening up holes sometimes, or if the thickness is too much for the prongs
  23. All good stuff! If the prongs on your stitching chisel are too short to go through all the thicknesses of leather, follow it up with an awl - a saddler's or diamond awl, not round The 4-in-1 awl sold by Tandy and others is expensive and not very good; get a simple fixed awl instead You can hold down the leather with a piece of wood if it is difficult to pull out the stitching chisel. Try lubricating the prongs on a piece of beeswax. Also, polish the prongs with a homemade file or 'wand' made by gluing 600 or 800 grit to a sliver of wood, like a lollipop stick If the needles are too tight they may be too big. Try again with John James size 002 You've done a good job on sharpening the knife; a Japanese style works well once you get used to it. Personally I would have sanded the handle to round off the corners and tone down the colour a bit, but if you're happy with it.... I wouldn't remake the sheath. Keep it, to see how you've progressed, and to look back on
  24. Search YouTube for 'Making a Wet Moulded Possibles Bag' There are several videos I haven't watched every one, but all those I have use a wooden mould or former
  25. Sorry, a slip of the keyboard. I meant Ian Atkinson
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