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Everything posted by Denise

  1. Up here it is not uncommon to have them sheepskin lined especially for that purpose for winter riding. And flapping the long ends at a cow can often get them moving when they have decided to stand there staring at you. Which direction they go depends on your skill in reading cattle, however. Multi-tasking horse gear!!
  2. Ah, I get it. I don't need that feature for any of the work I do so hadn't thought of it. All the T squares out there have that, but on both sides so they will never lay flat and that makes them useless for me. The disadvantage would be that you would then have to have the markings on both front and back of the square, and it is putting exact measurements on that is costly. Need to think about this more... Thanks Art! Ed, try a center finding rule and see if it is good enough. If not, let me know. Denise
  3. Ben, Thanks for the PDF you sent. Great idea to put it all together like this to help saddle makers promote their work. The pictures you chose are fantastic. Amazing what some people can do, and others aspire to. I know we will be studying them a bunch. Denise
  4. Showing my ignorance here, but that's OK. I have lots of that. Can you explain what you mean by "dropped foot"? By the way, this one is 18" long and 9 1/2" tall. Thanks, Denise
  5. Beav, I can straighten that pile out real quick. I do it here all the time. Get all the edges lined up so it looks neat enough for company to come. Then when Rod comes in from the shop I ask him to deal with his messy stuff and get it off the table!! That part doesn't work too good for some reason...
  6. My neurotic brain had to do this. In alphabetical order... (Hope I haven't messed any of them up.) abn - http://abnleather.blogspot.com/ adamant-leather - http://www.adamant-leather.de/ AlcoveShop - http://www.alcoveleather.com/ AndyKnight - http://www.knightssaddlery.com/ anvilcustoms - http://www.anvilcustoms.com/ artisan - http://www.artisansew.com/ badLoveLeather - http://www.badloveleather.com/ Banwell - http://www.tombanwell.com/ beaverslayer - http://www.beaverslayer.com/ beezachoppa - http://www.muthacountrychoppers.com/ bevo - http://www.fancifuldelights.shutterfly.com/ BOOMSTICKHolsters - http://www.boomstickholsters.com/ BruceGibson - http://www.gibsonprorodeo.com/ canuck - http://www.rkilts.com/ cecil - http://www.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16...=367953&ck= ChaChi - http://www.leatherworxbychachi.com/ chitin - http://www.nicholasleather.com/ clay - http://www.millercustomleather.com/ clayb - http://clayb.dotphoto.com/CPListAlbums.asp CollinsMS - http://www.theleathercraftsman.com/ dale - http://www.moonlightartstudio.com/ david - http://theobaldleather.com/ daviD A Morris - http://www.davidamorris.com/ David Genadek - http://aboutthehorse.com/ dbarleather - http://www.dbarleather.com/ deadringer - http://www.deadringer.com.au/ DelNeroDesigns - http://www.ramonaequine.net/ DennisLane - http://www.dennislane.com.au/ dink - http://www.prorodeooriginals.com/ drac - http://www.myspace.com/mollysbydrac DuaneBallard - http://www.dbcustomleather.com/ elad - http://www.eladsleather.com/ eldros - http://www.dungeonlife.com/ elktracks - http://www.elktracks.net/ ericluther - http://www.ericluther.com/ freak - http://www.myspace.com/freakeaux go2tex - http://www.brents-saddles.com/ gordonA - http://www.sagecreeksaddles.com/ gremlin - http://www.gremsgear.com/ Hedge - http://myimaginarium.com/ HellcatLeathers - http://www.hellcatleathers.com/ hiloboy - http://www.picturetrail.com/linecutter HorsehairBraider- http://www.beautiful-horses.com/ jld - http://www.horsemansshop.com.au/ JohnBarton - http://www.jbcases.com/ JohnsCustomLeather - http://www.jclleather.com/ jordan - http://mtpocketsspace.spaces.live.com/ JREIndustries - http://www.jreindustries.com/ JustWakinUp - http://anarchyleather.com/ jwwright - http://www.jerrywrighthorses.com/ kevin king - http://www.choppersaddles.com/ kimberangel - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kimberangel/ kseidel - http://www.seidelsaddlery.com/ ladyj - http://www.ladyjlivestock.com/ larryb - http://www.larrysleatherwork.com/ leathernut - http://www.hellbentcustomseats.com/ leatheroo - http://leatheroomasks.googlepages.com/home Leerwerker - http://www.leatherbyjohan.com/ manfrommuc - http://www.harleyluja.de/ mike - http://www.pmrleather.com/ mikeymoto - http://mikeymotoleather.com/ mulefool - http://www.horseandmulegear.com/ okiwen - http://orrleather.com/ onsite tack - http://www.onsitetack.com/ Opagon - http://www.opagonfarm.com/ orange - http://www.betertack.com/ pauly - http://www.myspace.com/thepauly phil - http://www.footsolutions.com/greenwood raftert - http://www.woodssaddleryandtack.com/ randyandclaudia - http://www.randyandclaudia.com/ Randy Cornelius - http://www.cornelius-saddlery.com/ rayban - http://rgleather.freehomepage.com/ rdb - http://www.rockyriverleather.com/ regis - http://www.e-regis.com/ Rod and Denise Nikkel - http://www3.telus.net/nikkelsaddletrees romey - http://www.highcountryknives.com/ russ - http://www.m2saddlery.com/ rwclark - http://www.arizonagunleather.com/ ryan - http://fisherleather.com/ SadEyes - http://www.myspace.com/holdingontohope sawyer - http://www.sawyersmotorcycleshop.com/ shirleyz - http://www.badassseats.com/ SojournerLeather - http://www.sojournerleather.com/ srigs - http://www.sideguardholsters.com/ stelmackr - http://www.pslac.org/ steveb - http://www.steveb.biz/ steve mason - http://www.stevemasonsaddles.com/ Tangent Creations - http://www.tangentcreations.net/ tazzman - http://www.nightowlleather.com/ TCLeathercraft - http://www.tcleathercraft.com/ timjtodd - http://www.timjtodd.com/ TimberWolf - http://www.timberwolfleather.com/ tina - http://www.absolutekinky.com/ the major - http://www.majorproductions.us/ thewildirishrose - http://www.thewildirishrose.com/ unicornwoman - http://www.unicornwoman.com/ victor - http://www.snakewhip.com/ waddy - http://www.pistolriverleather.com/ wildrose - http://home.att.net/~wildrosecreations/ WillGhormley - http://www.willghormley-maker.com/ wolvenstein - http://website.ubuilder.com/mikekahle/ Xothique - http://www.xothique.com/ ziozeb -http://www.denismura.com/
  7. Hopefuly this helps. As a person on dial up, the size makes a difference if I click or not. I can still see 100 kb pictures nicely, but I rarely try anything over 500 kb. It is just too slow.
  8. It is almost 1.20 a litre here, and we produce the stuff!! The oil company's line is "we sell it on the world market so we have to sell it to you at the world price." Yeah right! How come people in the US and eastern Canada can buy western Canadian gas and oil cheaper than we can??!! (OK. This is a rant. Especially since they plopped an oil well 410 metres from our house last summer - our closest neighbour now - and didn't tell us because regulations say you only have to tell people withing 400 metres!! Yes, I have "talked" to the oil company involved...)
  9. Wow, Good thing we are up in the nice-weather north country where it is +10 C in the shade, into the 20s in the sun (70F) and the snow is melting away and making puddles, rather than in the cold, snowy SOUTH!!!
  10. Mikey, I tried the link and it took a while to come down on my dial up. I had little colored boxes for a while and figured that it wasn't working, so I went and checked e-mails and when I came back it had finished downloading. Please try it again and see if it works. If not, let us know and one of the people who knows more about computers than I probably ever will can check it out. Thanks, Denise
  11. There will be a Saddle Makers Gathering from 1 to 5 pm, Tuesday, May 20th by High River, Alberta, Canada. It will be an informal get together to talk horses, saddles and trees. Dennis Lane, along with DaviD A Morris of LW fame, will be present and will demonstrate his Back Profiling System. It will be held at Key Ranch - Keith and Denice Stewart's arena. Price is $40.00 to cover the cost of the event. For directions or other questions, please PM Rod and Denise Nikkel or Steve Mason.
  12. For something of that age and value - sentimental if nothing else - I wonder about contacting a museum and seeing what they recommend. I am sure there is a whole science devoted to restoring and caring for artifacts and they would probably have solid information so you wouldn't risk inadvertently harming your sword and scabbard. Just a thought.
  13. Thanks for the explanation Kevin. Different seat than any I've seen posted here yet. Unique - as all your stuff is. And, of course, your usual high quality workmanship. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
  14. Canadian Football League? I'm obviously not part of biker culture...
  15. We're getting snow again - big fluffy fat flakes.
  16. Our site is one that comes along with our basic internet package. A real low cost affair, but it seems to do the job at this stage anyway. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  17. Disclaimer - I am not very computer literate, but I am learning - against my better judgement some days. I understand small words that are actually English much better than computereeze. I am working on putting up some new sections on our website. I am trying to make it dial up friendly since that is not only what we have practical access to, but also what a lot of our customers use. These ones have lots of pictures. I can get them down to 900 Kb to 1.2 Mb in Word, but then when I print them to pdf files (I actually know what these are!! I feel smart!!), which I like to do so they can be printed out easily by our customers, they jump up in size by about ½ again. Why? Is there anything else I can do to keep the size down? Second question. Our index page was nicely done up for us by a very helpful brother in law who taught himself HTML one morning just for us. I can get along with it simply by cutting and pasting and copying and changing what he originally did. I am now curious enough to want a counter on it which wasn't on the original page. Is there something, somewhere, I can cut and paste into my page (small because we are on dial up, remember?) that will give us a very basic counter to see how many times someone has opened up our main page? Thank you for your help.
  18. Well, it got over freezing again today. Only about a foot or so of snow left in the back yard. And the paths the horses have worn in the snow are getting down to grass/mud. Yup, spring's a-comin'!!
  19. Welcome back Beav! Nice to see the maple leaf showing up here again.
  20. We're farther north - Valleyview. About an hour before you get to Grande Prairie. There are a few Albertans on this forum. Glad to have another one!
  21. Welcome, Laura, Where in Alberta are you from?
  22. Bruce, Just curious how you deal with the "food safety" police. I have problems seeing inspectors hanging around the branding fires. And where do you get the number to feed 500 people? (For me now, if it doesn't look like muscle under the microscope, I can't eat it. So I will take a pass on this meal.)
  23. Neat old pictures, Steve. Definitely a piece of history. But to be honest, I'd rather have one of your rigs in our tack room than one of these.
  24. There was a veterinary textbook published with one of the authors as Dr. Blood. Honest. I personally have known a Dr. Cartilege, though the spelling was different from the tissue. I also know of vets named Dr. Best and Dr. Fair. I wonder how even the workload would have been if they were in practice together with a Dr. Good as well. In Edmonton there is a major cemetery in the center of the city. There is a small street bordering it with businesses on the other side. The street sits at a bit of an angle so an advertising sign for one of the businesses to the back alley looks like it is pointing to the graveyard. It says "Body Shop".
  25. I recognized Tim Tams and Vegemite. Tim Tams - loved them. Vegemite - just as well its on the other side of the world from me! Keep your head down and stay safe.
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