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Everything posted by Deb59

  1. Tim, I got an inexpensive set at one time off of Ebay to try to make some custom conchos for a belt out of some coins. It worked great for that, but I have not used it since for anything else to do with Leather. - Deb
  2. Deb59

    Kansas Guild Meeting

    Santa Fe Trail Leather Artist Guild Meeting Saturday May 2nd from 3:00 pm -5:00 pm 3030 NW 72nd Topeka, Ks Anyone Welcome!!
  3. UK Ray - Here is my tool storage - One of my husband's co-workers does woodworking on the side. He had this made for me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I can slide this to the side of my work area, and the tools are within easy reach. There are over 400 holes of various sizes and I can see the ends of all the tools. There are drawers to hold punches, exacto knives etc. It has racks to put edgers on the inside of the doors that hold 8 tools on each side (more can be added if needed), and there are hooks for head knives, scissors etc. The doors lock with a hasp and padlock on top so the sharp tools can be secured. I have small neices and nephews who come over a lot, and when not in use, I can lock it up and slide it out of the way as this room doubles as second pathway between the Living room and the Kitchen. Total measurements on this are 24 X 24 X 8 on the tool storage box. The legs hold the box 24" off the floor. The only thing I would change on it would be to turn the legs into and enclosed shelving area for How To DVD storage or something. - Thanks Deb
  4. Deb59

    new tools

    TK- What a FUN Birthday Gift!!! I took a class from Jesse Smith on Northwest Carving at the IFOLG show in Ft. Worth a couple of years ago. I started out the class with my crafttools, but by the time the first break came around, I hit the Barry King booth and picked up # 1 & 2 lifters, a thumbprint, and a concave beveler #4. I had already purchased 4 procrafter chekered bevelers from Hidecrafter. I was on a tight budget and felt I got a lot of bang for my buck. I use them all the time with floral carving, and am slowly upgrading tools also. Have fun picking out your tools!! - Deb
  5. Hi, Good luck with your machine! As far as no reverse, You can get the same effect if you sew up to where you want to stop. Stop with the needle down. Pick up the presser foot, turn your leather around, put the presser foot back down and sew a few stitches back down the stitched line you just made. This will do the same thing as a reverse stitch. A little more time consuming, but will get the job done. Be sure to post some pictures when you get some done - Deb
  6. I am looking forward to meeting you and excited to be getting the tools - Thanks - Deb
  7. Nice job! I like the inside pocket design and the closure is great! - Deb
  8. That is beautiful work!! The folks who win them will be proud to have them on their horses!! Very inspiring!! - I would also be interested in a tutorial on how you do some of your fingercuts. - Deb
  9. Tom, An Album handmade by you will be one of their most cherished gifts I am sure!! Be sure to post pictures of what you come up with when you get finished. We will look forward to seeing it! Deb
  10. Here is a copy with a brief Step by step that I sent on a pm to another leatherworker. I don't know if it will help or not, but here goes. I make mine using kind of 2 layers for the front and back. I use a heaver leather like a saddle skirting for the main body. I cut a v gouge about 1 1/4 from one end. I punch my holes where the posts will go. I wet the leather and fold it over towards the rough side of the leather and clamp it or weigh it down to get a good crease. I use a 5/6 oz leather for the front and back. These pieces are the same width as the skirting, but not quite as long. (They are about 1" shorter than the fold.) I tool my design on the front piece and stain the back piece. I sew the two layers together on 3 sides leaving the side open at the end that is folded. I take a light weight 3/4 leather that is about 12 inches wide and long enough to just fit between the stitching lines on the front and back. I put my posts in under the fold and the pages go on top of the 1" that is folded over. I screw the posts together then slide the light weight leather in to the "pocket" on each side to cover the hinged area. This allows more pages to be added and still cover the end. Hope this description makes sense. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Another person to get ahold of is Chan Geer, He is teaching a class on making a photo album, I think it is listed somewhere on this website. I have attached a picture of a finished one. I don't think I have any of the process, but I am currently working on one and will be sure to take pictures of the step by step this time. Thanks Deb
  11. The gift was from Citizen Kate to Tom.....I (Deb59) am just an admirer...but as Luke said you will enjoy it for years to come!! Thanks Deb
  12. WOW! Excellent Job Kate - you are a lucky duck Tom!
  13. Santa Fe Trail Leather Artist Guild Meeting Saturday April 4th from 3:00 pm -5:00 pm 3030 NW 72nd Topeka, Ks Anyone Welcome!!
  14. I did wonder about that, but had not tried anything. I have only made a couple of holsters, and thought I would try that if I ever had the occasion to make any more. The heavy vinyl liner sounds like a good idea. I will have to remember that - Thanks Deb
  15. I was using my Food Saver last night and thinking about what I read on this post. The Bags I used had the channels on the inside, but the outside was smooth. How about turning the bag inside out, It should still seal and not have the little channel markings, or have the possibility of having a ziplock bag wrinkle and make indentions in the leather. Just a thought, I have not tried it myself. Thanks Deb
  16. Hi Josh, I like the design with the foot resting on the email address. How about adding your Town and State between your name and your phone number. People like to know where you are from. - It is hard to find cards with leatherworker type designs on them. Keep up the good work! Deb
  17. Hello Ian, I have made several photo albums. (usually 12 x 12). I make mine using kind of 2 layers for the front and back. I use a heaver leather like a saddle skirting for the main body. I cut a v gouge about 1 1/4 from one end. I punch my holes where the posts will go. I wet the leather and fold it over towards the rough side of the leather and clamp it or weigh it down to get a good crease. I use a 5/6 oz leather for the front and back. These pieces are the same width as the skirting, but not quite as long. (They are about 1" shorter than the fold.) I tool my design on the front piece and stain the back piece. I sew the two layers together on 3 sides leaving the side open at the end that is folded. I take a light weight 3/4 leather that is about 12 inches wide and long enough to just fit between the stitching lines on the front and back. I put my posts in under the fold and the pages go on top of the 1" that is folded over. I screw the posts together then slide the light weight leather in to the "pocket" on each side to cover the hinged area. This allows more pages to be added and still cover the end. Hope this description makes sense. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Another person to get ahold of is Chan Geer, He is teaching a class on making a photo album, I think it is listed somewhere on this website. I have attached a picture of a finished one. I don't think I have any of the process, but I am currently working on one and will be sure to take pictures of the step by step this time. Thanks Deb
  18. Thanks for the information. I did give Jay a call and he is sending a catalog. He sounded a lot on the phone like a good friend of ours, very friendly and just an all around good guy. I am anxious to get his catalog. I am looking to upgrade my tools and I really appreciate the information from someone who has used them! Deb
  19. I am not familiar with Jay Gore tools, can anyone tell me anything about them? - Thanks Deb
  20. Deb59

    Air Brush

    I know there was a tutorial posted by Citizen Kate on Airbrushing a while back, I don't remember if she had any specific recommendations on brands of airbrushes, but I have met her and seen some of her work and it looks great! You can probably search and find the info and if you have any questions give her a PM. Hope this helps - Deb
  21. Very Very Nice! I love the Recipe Book, That is a great idea!. I like all of your items. You do a nice job of finishing on them. - Deb
  22. I got on the new Cobra Website yesterday afternoon. There have been some pictures added and I sent off an email to Steve inquiring on prices of a couple of machines, and asked if they were going to have some Show Specials at Sheridan. I really did not expect to hear back anything until sometime this week (during normal business hrs), but to my suprise, I received an email back yesterday evening with answers to my question, and 2 phone numbers (one of them a cell #) to call and talk to him at any time. I was greatly impressed with getting a response so quickly, and on a Sunday evening no less. I am sure with all that is on his plate right now, new business, Wickenburg, Web Page etc it just takes a little time.....(Of course we leathercrafters can't wait to see the new machines, tools etc and want the information NOW so we can either buy, or figure how long we have to save up before we can get one)....Darn leather addiction anyway:} Contact #'s for Steve are 1-866-962-9880 cell 1-909-800-1429 (Hope I did not step out of turn by posting the numbers, he will probably have a phone permanently attached to his ear) - Thanks Deb
  23. Very Very Nice! Your tooling is beautiful and I love the finish!! Deb
  24. I have had a wide variety of jobs through the years, I grew up working at a 4-H Camp in Central Kansas waiting on tables, washing dishes, cooking, cutting grass, teaching canoing, archery and other activities, and the last couple of years I was the Wrangler at the stables for the trail rides. I met my husband there and moved to East Central Kansas. I sarted working at a school, cooking and driving a bus, then in 1990 I went to work for the Sheriff's office as a 911 dispatcher. I absolutly LOVED the job! I did this for 7 years. Our daughter got up into highschool and would soon be headed for college. I decided I needed to find a job that did not have rotating shifts and paid a little more for the upcoming college expenses. I went to work in the Transportation office for a Wal-Mart Distribution center. I am the Safety Clerk and keep track of 225 Wal-Mart drivers, DOT Files and training. I have been with the Company for 12 years. I have always done some time of craft project and displayed at craft fairs selling some of what I made. My start in Leather began with getting someone else needing a hobby. My Father in Law needed something to do when he was laid up after a surgery. I suggested Leather tooling. There was a store in Topeka Kansas and Bill Gomer was teaching classes at that time. He took the classes and started leather. He taught the grandkids as they went up through 4-H. Then when our daughter went off to College, I found my self with some time on my hands. I started playing around with her tools and I loved it. I gave things as gifts and orders started coming in. I got on the internet and found the Santa Fe Leather Artist's Guild in Topeka just a couple of months before they hosted the IFOLG show in 2003. I have been hooked ever since. I have met a lot of nice people through the shows, guilds, and websites like this, and continue to learn a lot. I have started building a part-time custom leather business, and would like to be a full time retirement business. - Deb
  25. Just before Christmas I was looking for some camo leather and did some calling around. Mid Continent Leather Sales in Coweta, Oklahoma had some at the time. I know Tandy bought out Mid Continent, but I think they have some leather that the regular Tandy Stores don't have. I did not end up getting any but they did have some at the time. Contact Info is: 11160 S 265th East Ave. Coweta, OK 74429-6470 918-486-2900 Hope this helps - Deb
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