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Everything posted by 24VOLTS

  1. VERY NICE!! I like the inlay line. How do you do that? The tooling looks great! What leather did you use? Thanks, Phill
  2. Ren, I will take your knife. PM sent
  3. tried to send you a message but it state you cannot receive messages. trying to get pictures of the punches. let me know thanks Phill
  4. I will take the ritza thread. Thanks, Phill
  5. Hello, What size Ritza thread? Will you ship? Thanks, Phill
  6. Thanks for letting us know Ren. Hey Stevenson, do you have a contact or website for the person you are refering to? Thanks, Phill
  7. That was a good video. I have that creaser and it works well. I bought the one made by C. S. Osborne. Nigel Armatage uses similar creaser in one of his video. I figured that the Vergez Blanchard might be better for getting around points and other tight areas..
  8. Crayola make a kids toy called light up tracing pad. My niece has used it a few time and actually works decently for a kids toy. Might be something to look into.
  9. Here are my attempts at the coin purse. I origionally wanted to use saddle tan by ecco flow but the leather did not take the dye. So I went with angelus bismark brown. I had some blue thread that was itching to be used. I hope the pictures loaded. Thanks, Phill
  10. I am wondering what leather creaser everyone is using? I have two adjustable leather creasers. One is from Tandy and the other is from eBay which is the fork style (for lack of better terms). Neither seems to be the best tools. I do like the fork style best. It has better function and is easier to get around corners and points. I have been able to file down the fork style to a size that I like. I also find that it is better for detail work. I am looking for a creaser that is good for detail work, especially for working around corners and points. I have seen different styles of adjustable creasers. I have also seen the single iron style creasers. I understand that they take more practice. I have looked at the Vergez Blanchard creaser which looks like it would be better to get good detail and better at getting around points and corners due to the shape of the head. What are your thoughts and experiences with creasers? What creasers are you using and why? Thank you in advance! Phill
  11. Ok keep me posted when the tools become available and pricing. Thanks, Phill
  12. I have purchased Nigel's burnisher. It is very well made. It is expensive and to ship to the US. It does works very well and do I like the design! It mounted to my polisher with no problems. So far so good. It is a tool that will get a lot of use. Thanks, Phill
  13. I would be interested in a set of beveler and edgers. I don't use instagram. Is there any other way to get ahold of the maker? Thanks
  14. Thank You Tom!! Greatly appreciated! I glued them to some poster board last night and used them!!! Thank you again for all your help!
  15. THANK YOU !!! Very appreciated!
  16. Good idea! Where is a good place to have someone make a stamp for a makers mark? Thanks Phill
  17. What leather did you use?
  18. really Cool!!! Very nice work!! I love the leather and the edge with crease along with the details. Very nice! Phill
  19. Are the strap cutters still available? Thanks Phill
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