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Everything posted by moon

  1. Looks like a good way to run the crafter/small shop right down the drain.
  2. I've got my mark just below my elbow but I can't seem to post a pic.Something about dynamic images or something like that.How about some help.
  3. The only thing that I would add is I think the flat grind would be best for what you are wanting to do.
  4. WOW,only five months?I can't wait to see what the future brings,great looking work.
  5. Another place you could check is www.hideandfur.com.These people have everything.
  6. WOW ,that looks great Chuck!!One question,how did you get the aged look on the jawbones?
  7. I use them as well.Mostly on my small neck knives.
  8. I did this for my boys scout master for Christmas.Bear fur around the top,horse hair hanging from underneath,braided shoulder strap and I painted some Native American symbols all over it.Good thing they wanted it rustic,I can do rustic.Moon">
  9. Sounds good.S.E. Ohio for me.Near Marrietta.
  10. The owner of this site,Chuck Burrows,also has an OUTSTANDING sheath making dvd.Moon
  11. WOW!!!! Is there no end to the ideas and talant in this place?Great work folks.
  12. Some look like mink some like weasel.One thing that worries me is the way some of them are bent,looks like they still have the bone in.If that is the case they have not been tanned and are worthless.Any other questions give me a holler.Moon
  13. Great idea,looks nice.Another vote to see the bike.Or maybe a bike thread.
  14. Very nice.I've heard a lot about WC leather,is it really that much better?
  15. No offense taken T.O. That's why I'm on these forums,to learn.Someone posts a pic.someone else might make a suggestion on how to make it better.In the end we all want to do the best job we can.Starting to sound like a beer commercial,I'm done.Moon
  16. T.O. I use a two part epoxy to lock everything in place. Windy is right on about the grain but the tang hole goes about 3/4 the length of the handle so I'm not really worried.Moon
  17. WOW,now that was a lot of work.Very cool.
  18. I am a bear paw nut and that sir is OUTSTANDING.
  19. Thanks T.O. I just got lucky on the colors matching.As for the handle it's just a hidden tang,you cut a slot in the handle and slide the knife tang in.There is a little more to it than that but you get the idea.Moon
  20. Someone was talking about Osage the other day and now I can't find the post.I just finished this one,Osage handle and a basket weave sheath.Thanks for the pics of the wristbands,great idea, thou I need some more practice with them. Moon ">">
  21. I do believe the tree you are talking about is called Osage Orange,or hedgeapple.I just finished making a knife handle out of it.I'll post a pic this weekend.I've also made a couple of bows out of it.Bois D'arc means wood of the bow.Moon
  22. I'm also a knifemaker.Have a forge and an airhammer.Love to hunt and trap with my two boys.The wife and I like to ride our bike,1988 Harley dresser.Moon
  23. WOW thats cool.I had to look at it twice to see the knife,great idea.
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