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About rickdroid

  • Birthday 09/26/1945

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lubbock Texas
  • Interests
    Pretty much any areas of leather work, guns, cars, motorcycles, and lots of other stuff I can't think of right now.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Doing quality work.
  • Interested in learning about
    Getting it right the first time
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search

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  1. That is a very, very nice piece of leather. You consistently do amazing work. rick
  2. Really nice, professional work. I am very envious. rick
  3. The PM should be almost instant. Anyhow mine said that I want the second divider shown and the complete set if creases Please send me your PayPal info Thanks Rick Richardson
  4. Not sure how this might work for you since each dash would have to be individually struck but thought the link might be useful. Good luck rick https://www.pjtooljewelry.com/new/dot-dash-stamp-pack.html
  5. Who says it is a flaw? It is a unique characteristic of an item that is handmade, not produced in some sweat shop with 10,000 other look alike items. rick
  6. I use the dia-sharp bench stones and am very happy with them. I have got 6" x 2" double sided in coarse/x-coarse- (325 mesh/45 micron) -- (220 mesh/60 micron) 6" x 2" double sided in fine/x-fine (600 mesh/25 micron) -- (1200 mesh/9 micron) and 8" x 3" single sided xx-coarse (120 mesh/120 micron) and 8" x 3" single sided in xx-fine (8000 mesh /3 micron). I've had these for about 3 years and they have held up very well. The xx-coarse makes reworking an edge fairly fast, and the xx-fine will put a pretty high polish on a tool. The coarse and fine fill in and give me a good selection for any tool i have. This combination of grits and sizes works well for me, YMMV. I sometimes wonder though, that 8000 mesh is so fine that I could have just used a flat piece of steel and gotten similar results. ;-) rick
  7. That is all beautiful, professional work. Makes me envious. rick
  8. I've got a pair or those and occasionally need to user them but they really slow me down. The Tacky Finger allows me to work at a pace closer to people who don't have arthritis. Saves me a lot of time and a fair amount of pain. I just thought that some others might find the information helpful.
  9. I have arthritis and hand sewing can get painful at times. The problem is having to grip the needle hard enough to be able to pull the needle through several layers of leather or, sewing some really tough leather. I have been using nitrile gloves (the same ones I use for dying leather) to give me some extra grip on the needle. Problem is they make your hands sweaty and are pretty uncomfortable for a long sewing session. A few days ago i came across a container of 'fingertip moistener', trade name "Tacky Finger" that is normally used by people who have to handle lots of paperwork. 'Tacky Finger' is used instead of having to continually wet your fingers when sorting through reams of paperwork. I used to use the stuff and remembered that it did make my fingers feel tacky so i thought that i would try it to see if it was of any help - and it worked very well. It makes my fingers tacky enough to be able to grip the needles without feeling like i have to squeeze them in half. The grip is pretty close to what i got with the nitrile gloves but didn't cause any problems handling the thread. Thought this tip might be of use to some of you.
  10. Additionally you can get help with google search simply by going to google.com and typing in "help" or "search help". Information on searching a site in depth is there if you care to read it. rick
  11. Really nice. Makes me very envious. rick
  12. My gears seem to be rusty. ;-) rick
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