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Everything posted by fredk

  1. The knife ban came into force about 25 - 30 years* ago but the plods only enforce it if a local council complain about a shop selling knives. Usually its ignored by most except the shops who really know the rules. I had to give my details on buying a set of three craft knives, plastic handles with 1.5 inch blades, at a hardware store where they know me. Knife crime is rising here so I expect one of the regular clampdowns and raids for a few months then it'll be back to normal with the terrorists just using guns again. * about the time the UK introduced that the carrying/possession of a blade over 4 inches was illegal
  2. As usual in the UK, N.I. has different laws. The ban on knives is already in force - although not really enforced. You have to be over 25 to buy a knife anywheres. ASDA, Tesco etc do sell single kitchen knives still but actually they shouldn't according to N.I. law, only certain places like hardware or sports fishing shops are allowed to sell knives. Name and address of buyer is supposed to be taken.
  3. 1/4 - 24 is a very old machinist's thread size. Used on Veteran/vintage [antique] cars, Steam Traction engines and industrial machines from the mid 19th century onwards. Its continued use is like 1/4 - 20 still being used on camera equipment and bicycles. I think, afair, my 1930 Austin 7 has some bolts of this fitting
  4. I bought a new steam iron. The type for smoothing clothes. Warnings on it were: a. to keep water away from it, b. not to iron clothes whilst wearing them
  5. Get the set to match the snaps you buy from the same seller. Others may not suit
  6. Ah, good to know alls well that ends well in the state of Denmark but this is very midsummer madness.
  7. Assuming that none of the original posters were from there I wonder if this site has been hacked into Since I originally posted another 9 profiles have been changed ~ all have the same attributes as listed above - thats 50 in just about 30 hours Edit: I just sent a PM to Johanna. This activity is too suspicious for my liking
  8. adding to this: I hope the owner of this site never goes over to the dark-side of Tapatalk I'm on other forums who's original hosts were taken over by T. T keeps making changes to the forums without consulting the forum owners. Then the forum owner has to spend many hours, even days, to undo what T. changed Just recently T decided we all needed to have one user name and one password to access all the forums on T. This was accompanied by a demand that we needed to pay $2.99 per day per forum to access the forums. One owner got that sorted tho and it was dropped, but in the meantime several forum members deleted their accounts. Since T took over the forums they have not been user friendly, the changes can come at any time and some aspects of each thread in a forum can be a lottery as how it functions, eg, in one thread I can edit a message, a similar message in the same forum I cannot edit, in some I can post pictures, in some I cannot
  9. I keep a window open on 'all activity' so I can scroll thru to see whats going on in different areas. I've noticed that over the last couple of weeks about 4 dozen or more members have changed their Profile pictures. The changes seem to come in blocks, of 4 or 5 at a time, somes 3 and occasionally just 1 at a time Two things almost all these members have in common is a. They joined in 2014, usually late, ie October/November/December. With a couple of exceptions of members who joined more recently b. They all have zero [0] activity ~ that is zero postings A third common thing is that they seem not to have been on here since about the time they joined ~ but that cannot be taken as accurate as my profile says I've not been on here since March 23 2016! I find it very strange that so many inactive members have all decided to change their Profile picture at the same time, Or is there something else going on? Edit; I just did a count. Since 07:00 [my time] yesterday 41 members changed their Profile photo. All but 2 of those had 0 [zero] activity, one had 1 posting and one had 4. Almost all those 41 joined in 2014, a couple joined in '16' or '17 or early '18
  10. PVC pipe is available in many big sizes. Just a section of one, say 5 inch diameter pipe would probably do a 4 to 4.5 inch round head knife. Or a smaller section curve and the knife could be stropped across in stages [?]
  11. Use of the pipe for a strop is a good idea Not to blow cold air on your good idea, tube shaped whetstones for sharpening scythes and gardeners' curved blade knives have been around for centuries. But they are coarse sharpening stones not strops Edited; to add a thought. If a piece of pipe was to be sectioned and leather stuck to the inside curve, could it be used for a strop on blades like round knives?
  12. You need to give folk more time. Theres a lot of members who do not visit the forum everyday.
  13. Its because it is a phone. It auto-rotates the image as you turn the phone to look at the picture then when you post the image the image is aligned according to the rotation of the phone
  14. Any motorcycle or car accessory/parts places near you? you'll find a suitable nut there Those nuts have numerous names. One common name here for them is 'acorn nut' T'is a very nice looking handle
  15. On the matter of a cork block ~ go to a hardware store and look for a sanding block. Cork blocks sized about 4 inch x 2 inch x 1 inch are sold for use by wrapping sandpaper around. They cost just a couple of $$ at most. You can easily cut this block into smaller blocks as needed to suit a project.
  16. In the UK some business' show the price of goods including tax, and some don't, eg Le Prevo Leather. But in the end everyone pays that same VAT [tax] and no extra. Some business' can reclaim VAT paid on the stuff they bought. An example; one of the business I owned published magazines and booklets. We paid VAT [tax] on film, processing, cameras, computers et cetera, but magazines are 0 rated so I could claim back all the VAT I'd paid out. When I sold the magazines into other European Union countries they did not [with one exception] impose any tax on the magazine even tho they had a tax on mags produced in their country What I'm reading here is the US States are acting like individual countries, not as members of one great big country, with free-trade between States but imposing 'import & export' tariffs. Whereas the individual countries of Europe are acting like they are part of one country with free flow of trade and recognising that VAT paid in one member country is tax paid All this must really stifle any growth in any small business. It sounds like the amount of paperwork needed just to sell to someone in another state is a real burden and I guess the IRS is rather unforgiving of mistakes. We joke that our IR&C are hard nosed and bandits but they aren't bad really
  17. aye, you could be right. Its still well above what most small business' make though and I forgot, you lot have local council taxes, which we don't have,
  18. We have basically one tax. Called V.A.T. - Value Added Tax. Four rates in UK, 20% on nearly everything, 5% on fuels like coal, electricity, 0% on books and such and 'exempt' on things like food and baby clothes. Business' only levies and collects VAT when their turnover is above a certain amount = about £35,000 p/a afair Big Limited companies pay a Corporation Tax on profits but small business' like your 'mom & pop' shops do not. Brick and mortar business also pay 'rates' a local tax for town/city services As a small business working from home the only tax I have to pay is on my earned income. I remember being stuck in an area of New York [called Jamaica !] years ago. I was in-between flights and for reasons I was down to my last $10. I went to a McD for a meal. Most everything was priced at 99c. Great, I thought. So I worked out a meal costing about $6 - as I thought, but it cost me $9.80 or so with all the local, city and state taxes added!
  19. Probably not what they actually are and depending on their size, they look like the hooks we used to use to carry a brace of shot game birds home. Tied the legs of the birds together, hook that tie over the metal hook and the whole lot could be hung from a belt, shot bag or off a hook in the back of the the Landy
  20. Two things; 1. use a block of cork on the inside and push the awl thru into that 2. use an auto-awl, like this one: https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/product/sewing-awl-kit Edited to add, the auto-awl can be bought a great deal cheaper than the Tandy price. eg; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Leather-Hand-Single-Stitch-Sew-Sewing-Awl-Tool-Needle-Stitching-With-Thread-LS/223290518779?hash=item33fd26ecfb:g:HmIAAOSwyupa3sNz
  21. and here its most commonly available in small sizes, under 3mm i/d afair
  22. Done, I PM'd you a copy
  23. yeah, like I can see you're no good at this 'ere stamping & carving work, ah, it looks grand anyhows
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