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  • Gender
  • Location
    Victoria, Tx
  • Interests
    Kids, family, ranching, hunting, fishing, flint knapping, leathercraft, reloading, gunsmithing,

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    messing up
  • Interested in learning about
    new and learning / green as grass
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. That is a super impressive accomplishment! If I had a use at all for it, I would definitely be wanting one.
  2. You for sure get first prize for originality. I would have never thought of half the stuff you came up with and executed.
  3. I like raw (imperfect) additions to some items. Your sheath for example, I would leave alone. Part of the allure for me anyways is having something I made and I like the home made looking items. I really don't want my stuff to look like I went to Dooney and Burke or whatever and just bought them. I think you did well. BTW... if that is a knife you forged, you are certainly better with fire and hammer than I am! Good job all around!
  4. I am stumped how you even did that! If that is your first rig, you have missed your calling!
  5. Very elegant. Very visually pleasing.
  6. Perfect! I would love one for my muzzleloader kit!
  7. That is awesome! Gator season opens down here next week. I wonder how a head knife would work for skinning one of those monsters......
  8. Most excellent work! Thank you for taking the time to do the pictures. I sincerely appreciate it. What weapon is that made for? Truly professional grade.
  9. I think I can vision it, but could we see it on a person or mannequin? I am interested in how it fits under the arm. Excellent work by the way!!
  10. 45 and 410 go nicely into the same shell holder. Excellent craftsmanship.
  11. Beautiful!!! Making it to CSM! That is an accomplishment!! Im just a lowly E-5.
  12. Again.... Beautiful work. Very creative and original.
  13. Great looking outfit and great looking holsters!!! Thanks so much!!
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