So my cousin mentioned her husband used to do leather work, but gave it up for other hobbies. So I asked if he still had the tools and would be willing to part with them. She got back to me and said you pay the shipping and they are yours, but he wants you to make him a wallet. Below are a couple pics of what I got, which included 37 stamp tools, they are mostly craft tools but are the older, better craft tools not the new crap ones. The funny part is there were only a few that I already had. There was also a whole bunch of tandy patterns (the ones on the big legal size paper) some of them dating back to the early 80's. I got several hundred dollars worth of stuff for less than $30 dollars. I am very grateful to both of them and he will get the nicest wallet I have ever made!!! Things like this dont happen to me often so I just had to share with someone who would appreciate!