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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Smith & Wesson 4006 40 cal, if I don't trade it in on one of these Kimber SS Ultra Carry II 45 Cal.
  2. Is that a dentist office or a workshop???? It looks almost sterile!!
  3. Thanks Tom! The journal cover fits a moleskin notebook so I should be able to use it for years to come! Nej engelsk till svensk lexikon , Jag har lära sig svensk på cd ändå! Tack själv för bemanningen bro!
  4. It is fieblings medium brown dye on both, there is a couple of coats on the journal. The edges I burnished except the tab on the front cover of the journal, forgot to do that one before sewing it on (one of the things I would change). Thanks for the complements!
  5. That looks really nice, I would not have known that was stitched on a machine if you had not told me, it looks like really good hand stitching to me!
  6. I really like the way you have your marble slab is inlaid into the workbench! If I ever get a spot where I can I think I will go that route!
  7. Wow, that looks awesome!!! I love the coloring on the roses! Great Job!
  8. Here is what I have been working on. The wallet is a Tandy kit, I did not do any tooling I did it to practice stitching. The journal cover is all me, pattern, cutting, dying and stitching etc.. I was going for the rustic, old look on the journal, like something that would be pulled from a saddlebag or old trunk. There are couple of places I wish I could do over but for a first attempt I am rather proud, this is also the very first pattern etc that I have completed. And now to the pics! I really need to build a light box... Thanks for looking and comments! Brad
  9. Thanks again for the response and the help/suggestions... Now to build up calluses or make some gloves or covering on my hands, they are so sore from sewing last night I can hardly type lol. I know there was a thread on here about different ways to cover your hands... Off to search for that... this site is great!!
  10. That looks like a great first holster! I only hope mine turns out that good!!
  11. Thanks Guys, in this instance I punched the holes instead of using the awl and was using pliers, maybe the hole was to small... If I made them any bigger though it would look weird.... Guess I will just go back to using the awl! I still think the needles are made out of crap metal, or as Grandpa used to call it Pot Metal(whatever the heck that is)! It was the needled with the big eye holes, I have to go buy more tomorrow so I will see if I can find some without the bigger holes. Thanks Again!
  12. Wish I had a workshop that size..... I just have 1/3 of a table out in the sunroom..... :-(
  13. I am having a problem with needles breaking off at the eye, this has happened on a bunch of different needles and I can not figure out if it is me doing something wrong, crappy metal the needles are made out of or what... Has anyone ever had this problem and if so how did you fix it?
  14. That looks really good on the bike!! Great Job!!!
  15. Congrats!!! They grow up fast so spend as much time with him as you can!!!
  16. Those look awesome! Great job and they are very "cute".
  17. I have had a goatee for about 15 years or so, I have gone from a data entry person to the Lead Database Administrator for one of the largest trucking/logistic companies in the world and have never had a problem with having facial hair. During this time I have worked for 5 different companies never shaved it off for an interview. I do trim it every week which I think makes a big difference in the appearance. If they don't like the way I look with facial hair then it is probably a very uptight place to work, IMHO, and I probably would not like working there anyway. JohnD - my family has told me to never shave it off again either (I had to for a medical procedure)
  18. That looks really good, cant wait to see it on the bike!
  19. Living in the northwest I had never heard of such a thing, we don't have many wild boar(None that I know of) in the Portland Oregon area.. I knew dogs were used to hunt boars but never stopped to think about them needing body armor... Thanks Darryl!
  20. I would like to see pictures of the dog armor as well!!!!
  21. Those look great! That is allot of eyelets on the totra belt!! I really like your designs.
  22. Takes a moment of silence for DimeBag...... Tom these look really good bro! I like the way the design goes beyond the border, cant wait to see more pictures!
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