For the last few weeks I have been airbrushing dye exclusively. I'm using an airbrush set from harbor freight. I'm happy, I had to pick up a few things, a quick connector with a regulator, larger bottles that I could store the dye in and an inline secondary moisture trap. All and all another 20-30 $ US. But the set only cost me $90. For compressor, hose,1 brush and a c,leaner pot. If your going to do more than one color I'd suggest another brush but you can get them from harbor freight for $20.00 a pop. They are all syphon feed, meaning the dye is pulled from the bottle that sits under the airbrush. Dubble action, meaning you can adjust the amount of paint as you paint. I am not a pro. But I have used it a lot as of late. I don't know what Weaver's set is like but I'm sure it costs more than the one I have. Look in to it.