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Everything posted by Grumpymann

  1. try the search function on you tube.
  2. Didn't try it myself but here is a quick search on you tube.
  3. Just to let you know. Tandy leathercraft library is offline, I don't know if it will be back online. Though they have made such changes to their online presence lately I doubt it will.
  4. Ah ok. mis understood. I have no idea sorry to waist your time.
  5. Like old west gun slingers..... Gun on the right and phone on the left, or the other way round.
  6. Why not the other side?
  7. congrats!
  8. For the last few weeks I have been airbrushing dye exclusively. I'm using an airbrush set from harbor freight. I'm happy, I had to pick up a few things, a quick connector with a regulator, larger bottles that I could store the dye in and an inline secondary moisture trap. All and all another 20-30 $ US. But the set only cost me $90. For compressor, hose,1 brush and a c,leaner pot. If your going to do more than one color I'd suggest another brush but you can get them from harbor freight for $20.00 a pop. They are all syphon feed, meaning the dye is pulled from the bottle that sits under the airbrush. Dubble action, meaning you can adjust the amount of paint as you paint. I am not a pro. But I have used it a lot as of late. I don't know what Weaver's set is like but I'm sure it costs more than the one I have. Look in to it.
  9. I have a set of half round, V shape, slot and 1/4th round. I have found a grate many uses for all of them. though not usually for their intended use. a good example is I use the 1/4 round, that are usually used to round the corners as a way to make English points. ( why not buy a set you ask.... I HAVE NO IDEA!) What Im saying is that for me the more tools I have the more options I have for doing stuff. That said I am NOT doing ANY thing I couldn't do before. When all I had was a sharp blade some stamps and a big metal hammer. I just do it cleaner and faster now that I have the fancy tools. .... Besides the fact I LOVE TOOLS!
  10. Wonderful....
  11. I use the type the o p asked about. I would not recommend them. The teeth seem to slip out of the pliers often. The way the teeth are set in the pliers requires extra room when clamping.
  12. for simple roller buckles I use S and Leather. also check out County Brook for everything else. i
  13. I'm testing out an airbrush right now. Have you tried it?
  14. I hope you all got your copies of the Al Stolman leather cases from the Tandy library for free cuz I looked and could not find them or a lot of other books anymore.
  15. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1717/vintage-dispatch-rider-pattern-pack-2659 changes to that pattern. and the zipper technique in this vid should point you in the right direction.
  16. No insult intended but are you new to leather work? If not how many and what projects have you done?
  17. Look at the patterns. you will find a few things there. and as for turning it is pretty easy. Look on youtube for help there. If you are looking for a one stop place for all your needs on one project. it will be hard to do if you don't want to pay.
  18. You can go to https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/ and all the books are free.
  19. Grumpymann

    ugly a-- hat

    LOL Nicer than the hats I have done! NONE!
  20. I run a string along the outside and then measure the string.
  21. I think what you are looking for is a "vegetable tan" or "veg tan" you can get a bundle of scraps to give it try any place that sells leather. Tandy, s and t, Springfield, weaver leather I would give frog jelly a shout.
  22. Check this out...
  23. If interested... something better than cotton masks.
  24. Hey my friend a few or the pictures didn't make it into the post on craft aids.

  25. Leather work is what I do to relax, clear my head so I can think. I want to work... I just can't seem to... work. Kind of strange.
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