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Everything posted by dsenette

  1. hi billy...are you asking for actuall help designing a webpage? as in HTML and layout kind of stuff....or just help wording the document that the guy will be putting up there?
  2. i deleted the duplicate of this one
  3. next time you get an error as such...it's probably posting...i'm noticing some slowness on the server today....instead of refreshing or something like that...if you can open up another page to the forum and check to see if it posted...i'm gonna get with johanna and see if we can figure something out
  4. i don't have anything to add to your rant...but so far this post has posted itself 4 times...(counting this one)...i've removed the other three as they're duplicates....are you having posting trouble?
  5. good info guys (and gals maybe?) i know squat about saddles...or at least i did before reading this (and the other two threads here in the saddle forum that i've read) i know know (sort of) what you're talking about when you say "trees" (and here i thought they were just for climbing and getting apples out of) and having to google some of the other terms you guys are using has forced me to learn even more things....good info guys (and gals if there are any)...i think this will turn out to be a great resource for saddle makers and people just wondering about the "hows" and "whys" of all this stuff
  6. i'm with rose...david, romey, and dusty...be civil or don't post...it's ok to have a discussion or disagreement...but keep it on task...we'll chalk the current "digressions" up to a heated debate...but if you continue down the path you're going on...then "we" will have to take action...please check your tone and continue in a civil manner
  7. welcome to LW.net steve...since you made two intro topics i went ahead and merged them into one
  8. whatever i say now might not be based of a full understanding of the Muslim religion (never studied it formally)...but IMHO...the religion itself isn't necessarily to blame for the radical nut jobs that are carying out all of the bad stuff on the planet right now....it's just a sheild to make them feel justified in their actions...not the actual guide to their actions...Hitler was born and raised a roman catholic...but later just concidered himself a christian in general...he twisted his own interperetation and beliefs of the bible and christianity to justify to himself (and others) his actions...he believed that he was doing holy work by eradicating the "killers of jesus"...could you blame the bible for hitler's actions? the hollocaust?...i don't think you can...the same with neo-nazis and white supremecists...they generally concider themselves to be fundamental christians (most are protestants i believe)...and claim that the "work" they are doing is "holy" work handed down to them directly from god.. i don't think you can say that the turmoil in the middle east is an inherantly muslim issue...it's an issue of people misinterperating their religion and using their faith to further a personal cause.. might sound nuts here...but...it's generally assumed that the US has placed such an interest in the middle east because they (we) are just after oil....couldn't it be a pretty easy jump to say that these muslims/extremists in the middle east are fighting so hard for the same thing? if they can kick everyone NON muslim out of Iraq..they would be in control of the oil...they would be in control of the world...they could set their own prices, and do what they want... any reference to religion being the cause for any of this war stuff...well...it's just a mask to hide the real reasons....just like any other "religious war"...anyone who thnks the crusades were really about religion...needs to read a little more...all actual wars start for one of two reasons....#1 taking land from someone else to make your "empire" larger #2 money....plain and simple...if you look back through history...any actual WAR that was ever started or entered into by another country....you'll see that SOMEONE had something very large to gain..and it's almost always monetary or based on land...sure...the atrocities of WWII were horrible...but i would postulate that this was not the primary cause for the US getting into WWII...no matter how many people claim it was
  9. well...you could get a repeater which is designed to boost the ethernet signal but does nothing else to the traffic...so you would run cable from your central location to the repeater then from the repeater out to the other building... if the total distance (i.e. up the wall through the ground down the wall or whatever) is less than 300' you should be fine without the repeater...i've seen runs that work up to about 325 feet...i just don't trust that the signal will always be there on things over 300'
  10. this thread requires no more input except that of David Genadek (the person who asked the original question), Art (to tell my why my statement was BS) or Wolverine (if he sees fit)...absolutely NO other posts are required here
  11. seriously...why you, or anyone else in this thread felt in necessary to question my tone in this thread is beyond me. i was asked a question based on my chosen field of expertise by someone who had an issue. i posted my answer...then Art decided to join in, which is fine, as long as he posts educated information...his information was incorrect (based on my knowledge base...and..honestly the facts) i posted a correction of that information...at no point was i condescending towards anyone in this thread and at no point did i state that art's information was junk....art felt the need (possibly due to ego? or some other factor other than actual knowledge) to simply state that what i said was "BS"....i then asked art to clarify why what i said was BS (which he has yet to do)...which is when you folk decided to question my tone... why exactly was my tone in question? Art was the confrontational one here...no matter how YOU decide to read this thread...i was NOT the one being out of line here do you not consider roaming around and chastising someone for something that wasn't there immature? i don't know why you (or anyone) felt that it was your place to make a single comment here...this is a forum....we have a group of administrators and moderators...guess what they are here to do? moderate and administer this site...when you see objectionable content or someone who's tone needs to be checked...then you report the misgivings to them...not take it into your own hands....with no experience of your previous yahoo groups setup...i would venture a guess that this fact is the reason that it failed....you can't accept a standard process for handling conflict.... if you were in a conversation and someone started chiming in with complete nonsense...wouldn't you tell them to piss off? i was giving you the benefit of the doubt and as a courtesy decided NOT to tell you to simply "F-OFF"....apparently this courtesy was misplaced this was not a statement of ego...this was simply an invitation for you to check your tone with regards to position here...as a person...i may or may not be any better than you....we each have our strong points...but as an administrator of this site...I'm in direct representation of the vision, direction, and control of this site...if you don't like that you can find another place to post...plain and simple... so now...I'll kindly ask you to go pound sand and learn some manners...i'm sure you won't see it...but you've been given a large amount of courtesy here (not only by me) at this site...as far as i'm concerened that courtesy has ended. i hope that our paths do not cross again in this respect
  12. wovenstein...i don't meen any offence by this but... while i appreciate your bantor and the fact that you may have been a mod or admin at another site......you're not a mod or admin here...i believe that you don't need to question my tactics, or my tone...especially not in this thread.... if you'd like to find out why i'm an admin here...then you can ask johanna....if you'd like to see why she hasn't steped in here as the administrator of this site to challenge me as you are...you can do the same... other than that....i'd kindly ask you to take your nose into either your own...or someone elses business
  13. thanks for your concern wolvenstien..but i (can only speek for myself here) am not trying to initiate a pissing contest...while i do fancy myself to have a pretty large amount of knowledge with regards to this stuff (and networking in general)...i know for a fact that i don't know everything....if Art has knowlege that i don't...i'd like to have that knowledge...but i'd prefer for him to explain himself instead of just saying that everything i sad was BS and leaving it at that....that's all i'm looking for...
  14. well...like i said...not posting that for an arguement...but...if you want to clarify some things for me...then that would be great...since your 37+ years in the industry might enlighten me...never know..learn something new every day right? what about gigabit traffic requires the RJ45 connector on the end of a CAT6 cable to be terminated by a manufacturer instead of being terminated in the normal fashion of placing the wires in the RJ45 plug and crimping it? while CAT6 has VAST advantages (especially when you're running gigabit) over CAT5 and 5E....what about the physical cable makes 5 or 5E unusable at gigabit speeds? what is the detriment to running 10/100 over 6?
  15. well...gigabit or 10/100 or any of that has absolutely no bearing on the termination of the cables...they're all punched the exact same way (hell...doesn't matter how they're punched as long as the ends match) for the distances you're mentioning...even with range extenders the connection will be iffy at best...and frankly...i can't stand wireless...it's more trouble than it's worth right now....any router or wireless NIC that's a draft N router/card is just that...a DRAFT of the protocol...i.e. it's not finished...i don't trust them...it's not that they don't work...but not ONE manufacturer has issued a guarantee to replace or modify hardware if the protocol changes by the time it's finished...not worth it... if you've got conduit burried already then running CAT through the conduit will be fine....even if there's a little moisture intrusion...as long as the ends of the cable don't get wet you're fine while it's technically true that CAT6 was developed at about the same time gigabit became popular...it's not specifically designed for it...you can run gigabit pefectly fine on CAT5 or CAT5E...as long as there's not too much EMI...and you can run 10/100 on CAT6....the cable doesn't controll the speed...just helps with interferance...(not arguing...just disambiguation)
  16. i have had no experience with Ncomputing units...but it looks like a standard thinclient (no OS on the system...it runs an os from the "server" etc...) i'll do some more reading on the site...but it looks pretty much standard... the MAIN difference between CAT5, CAT5E, and CAT6 are the twists in the wire....CAT6 has X amount more twists than CAT5 (i'll find out what X is for you) the extra twists reduce crosstalk and EMI interferance....at a distance of 250 feet...that might be handy...especially if there are any machines or other electronic widgets in the path...i run CAT6 though my facility exclusively...it's kind of just good preperation for the future.... i assume the reason you're going with a thinclient is to avoid having too much of a server setup etc...? thin clients are great for multiuser systems with different requrements etc...also good for software licensing (you only need to license office for one user for example)..there's also less to screw up.. do you have any plans to go farther than 250"? the max distance on CAT is 300" so you're getting close to the edge...you might investigate pricing on runing fiber to that location if you plan on having multiple PCs back there...fiber's getting cheaper these days (still isn't cheap)...always an option
  17. thanks!...though you were all a day early.. for the traditional monkinease birthday song click here
  18. from a purely administrative stand point...i think in the contest structure you'd beable to have a couple of levels in the competition...like a best newbie and best old hat winner...that way someone who's just starting out could actually compete against someone who's done this from the womb...just the monkey's 2 cents
  19. so you don't wonder where it went...i deleted the topic without the pictures...figured you didn't need to keep it
  20. hehe....i think the update will go fine...as long as blair doesn't do it HAHAHA
  21. dsenette

    MS patch

    as a note for anyone who just happens to be a network administrator for a medium to large network running exchange.....the DST patching process SUCKS on the large scale......completely easy for home users though....just a random computer nerd rant...
  22. ok...i found a setting that i can change in the admin panel to default you to the "white" skin if you like it....let me know what you want to do (still looking for the place where you can change the default by yourself...)
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