So you still have options. Contact your Credit card provider and make a dispute, stop the payment stating you have not received the goods.
If its Paypal check the date and deadline you can dispute not getting your machine and have the funds returned,
Go to the place you bought it and demand a full refund.
We can assist you in another supplier in your area for another machine
Contact artisan and ask if the part was indeed ordered and ask what the delay is. To be honest no mater what country the part is coming from it should NEVER take that long to arrive.
List the business on a friendly leather affiliated Leather forum so othesr are not bitten by this business. I sell machines on occaision when a customer needs me to set them up. Sourcing a machine in need does not take a lot of time, nor does shipping in these days where shippers are fighting for your money.
Really sorry to hear your have not gotten your machine, You must be quite agitated as I know I would be through the roof about now. Nothing like waiting endlessly.. Look into your options as a customer not receiving the goods, take action and control of the situation!
Good luck