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About chuck123wapati

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    Leatherworker.net Regular

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    Yup all the redneck stuff.

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    mostly mistakes
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  1. I use it on a lot of stuff, but not leather so far. I have found that it's pretty much all the same stuff, just with different labels.
  2. funniest thing I've heard this year. Trump telling Trudeau he could be the governor of the 51st state. I'll bet the look on his face was priceless.
  3. there is a ton of info on this site a search will turn up virtually everything you need to know about holsters. A lot of the real good makers don't repost much and some have left altogether. THe search function is your easy answer.
  4. my daughter took this last fall Elk hunting. It seems appropriate to the occasion LOL happy new year..
  5. I wonder just how many belts you would need to sell to pay for the thing. And just think you can make the same automated-looking stuff they sell in those high end Walmarts for half the price you can make it. if that is the market niche you are looking for it's certainly the ticket. Just my opinion but that's not leather work that's computer work . Just my two cents so don't beat me up first thing this year lol.
  6. Happy New Year HS its been a long one for me and frankly I'm ready to see 2024 in the rearview mirror. Still tending my daughter twice daily. She now has a fistula that won't heal and it will be April earliest that she can have this whole mess re-done. Meaning another operation to reverse the colostomy. I Hope you and your pops are having a wonderful summer!! Its cold but not to much snow yet just our wonderful wind lol take care my friend and hope to hear from you soon. I think some nice elk steaks and homemade brandy will set the course for the new year LOL. God bless and stay safe... Chuck
  7. OMG, really? Well, I would look into maybe shoe polish and check out videos on reconditioning and polishing leather shoes and the process. Good luck to you!!!!
  8. You had a new portfolio. You may have ruined it, sorry, but you should always ask first. I think now the bigger problem is fixing your mistakes. It appears you have taken off some dye and possibly scuffed up the leather itself.
  9. put on a dust mask and spray it one light coat first to help set the antique then more light coats. 8 degreees here this morn but no wind
  10. "Put another way, this is almost the opposite of the dream machine post " It is interesting how folks interpreted this lol.
  11. First, you have to figure out just what you plan on making, Shoes, saddles, clothes or maybe wallets, all take somewhat different tools. You can make most anything without a machine of any kind so I would/ did start with quality hand tools first IMO. Bruce is the man for those!!
  12. Merry Christmas and god bless friend. and get well I think it's gonna be a great New Year indeed.
  13. You are way overthinking this drying/ hardness problem IMO to cook a steak to medium rare you pull it off the grill at 120 degrees internal temp so that at 140 your leather will be cooked. I've made a lot of hard sheathes and holsters you don't need heat, they will be plenty hard if you limit the oils you put back in. Plus if you over-dry your leather in an artificial source like an air fryer it will just suck in the natural humidity of the atmosphere as it cools back down.
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