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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. Made this the other day with 2 /3 oz leather, dyed with bison brown and black. It is my design as I could find nothing that used only two buckles in the build. I had planned on lining it but after I oiled it up it was nice and soft so haven't made up my mind on that yet. Sissy loves it over her old nylon rig that was to tight and rubbed her underarms. I gotta use the scratched and dented stuff for my personal projects so there is some blemishes but she said she didn't care.
  2. Took this yesterday in my front yard, can you guess why he is smiling?miling?
  3. I agree with you wholeheartedly ! It seems there is no quality any more in any products, I find the video posted here last week about W&C not being able to sell their products kind of ironic. We don't have people staying in jobs forever anymore and any Administration or quality control nowadays goes to an college grad with a sheepskin in Business administration with little or no real experience in whatever trade so they in essence know squat about leather or whatever the product is. But they can sure tell you how good it is and build some BS selling propaganda for it. Not that a degree isn't a good thing so those out there with one , me included, don't beat me up if I offended, but it doesn't mean they know everything or even anything really. You all know that education in America is now about 17th place in the world down from #1 20 years ago, I guess I'm ranting a bit also but todays world has no real work ethic, pride of building a career, or just plain working hard for a living for the majority of our new modern society. So all I can say friend is maybe there is a way to write off your losses, donate to the scouts or some charity or maybe your accountant can find a way to write off the loss. It sure does suck though to see this happening, I have a hide, not much left, of W&C leather that I bought probably 20 year ago and its so nice I have been saving it and use it only on my best stuff because I hate to cut up lol. So now we know why Tandy cant get good hides also as well as any business that buys from the tanneries. Another big thing that is driving this problem is the BIG companies buy out the small companies, or contract with, that produce the needed materials for their products then charge more to the small business and public market. We see that daily in the grocery store fresh produce costs more than processed, costs more for the ingredients to make a cookie than you can buy one at the local crap food place.
  4. I think this is the key, the acrylic can still permeate the leather a bit and get into the fibers to make a bond. Oil/acrylic painting cant do this as the fibers are covered first by the acrylic gesso then a layer of oils which wouldn't allow another acrylic paint layer to adhere to any of the original canvas fibers and it wont bond to the oil based paint either.
  5. mix those iron filings or steel wool and some vinegar to make vinagaroon it will dye leather black as coal and is what I use sometimes.
  6. All I know is in painting , as on a canvas, you cant paint acrylic paint over oil paint it wont adhere well and flakes off. Never tried it on leather as I figured it would do the same.
  7. I would try a small ball peen hammer for the "hammered look" Try on a piece of scrap.
  8. That's basically an army issue m7 1911 holster pattern from ww2 or there abouts. Just redesigned a bit.
  9. Iron filings will also turn the leather black is that a possibility? Been there myself as I make knives also.
  10. Gun laws would dictate that, they are different in all states and there may be some that require it, I would make a pocket for it just in the chance it goes to one of those states or just if the owner wants to carry it removed or even to carry other tools with their rifle. Here in Wyoming it doesn't matter I leave it in to keep the action and bolt clean.
  11. awesome saddles and awesome memories!!! Your family has a great legacy.
  12. Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone !!!!
  13. i'll stop in next time i'm down there.
  14. A piece of brass plate will work also you will notice the multiple size hand punches have a brass stop attached..
  15. Make one of these or both they are made from stainless all thread and I used leather washers and brass nuts to make the handles. One is just a rounded point like a pen tip. I made two lifter tips one shaper and one pen point. just chuck up the all thread in a drill and use files to work it down to shape. Because I did the same darn thing and I couldn't see the price in store bought lifters these are simple to make.
  16. a 1" wood chisel will work , or you can sharpen up a good quality putty knife such as this if you have a belt sander and with belts up to 1000 grit, then go to a arkansaw stone or 2500 grit sand paper, then polishing compound on a strop. I,ve even used my belt sander to skive once in a while.
  17. I have a small wooden knob you could attach in the middle of the seat lol. Sorry I couldn't help it and I don't really have any other suggestion as most cycle seats I have ridden on were slippery also.Don't get mad at me i'm just kidding around a bit.
  18. LOL sorry I crushed your crumpet friend didn't mean to! I get it about the lack of younger folk doing hands on type of work its happening here to I guess they just cant find an app. for it. Again I apologize if I offended you in any way I was just funnin a bit with the Starkie blue AKA smurf poo, it is a very fine abrasive indeed.
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