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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. use a welt so the blade doesn't cut the thread. I think how she were to wear it would decide that, the strap could do either shouldn't be a problem.
  2. I think because thats why they joined this awesome forum. They get real life people with real life experience, like you, instead of the possibility of someone that just was hired and doesn't have a clue, says bring it in, send it to us, etc. if its a simple fix like a misaligned belt they may not tell you that, they may sell you a new motor. When you fix a problem yourself you then have gained valuable knowledge and understanding , when you have someone else fix it they have the knowledge and you have a bill every time it breaks.
  3. WOW if I had a wallet like that I would have to wear it around my neck on a string so everyone could see it!!!! It surely would never see my ass pocket. You are an amazing artist!
  4. Thank you , its my own pattern, I only had two buckles at the time and haven't found any patterns that use less than three so I came up with this. The stamping is only two stamps, a veiner and a small mules foot, matches my suspenders lol, oh and a background tool on the breast plate. I've been thinking a bit and have a better idea for the buckles to set in the middle of her back instead of on the right side. An H shaped piece that has 4 slots for the belts to go through so the buckles can be centered on her back and she would be protected from them and the leash loop also. I'll post another picture soon when I finish that piece.
  5. Looks great ! I would have run the stitching up around the curves of the frame and trigger guard a bit closer, it may loosen up there a bit.
  6. I quoted your comment maybe I didn't understand what you were saying were you calling the companies offenders or the newbys? If your reference was about companies being the offenders then I apologize for the mistake and agree with your comment whole heartedly. Sucks to buy something and get nothing!
  7. I don't think anyone here is a willful offender any more than you are don't forget you are the one who ordered 1000 bucks worth of that bad leather and kept it( they won, to them you are just one of the fish in line and they care not your experience level) . We are all in this together friend so please quit blaming everyone else it doesn't help anything but create animosity, all we can do as a group of like minded consumers is stick together learn from each other and call these companies out when needed to realign their thinking. I will surely help with that any time I don't have a problem pissing people off I spent years as a manager buying product from large companies and dealing with small people trying to screw me, I do have a problem with quality products and am not afraid to say it, you get your message to the right person and it will change. I don't need the stress and waste of time and money of wondering if I get good product over the phone or internet from a company that says they sell the best.
  8. Keep us posted I'm interested in this stuff! heres my sewing machine lol, well one of them.
  9. lol yup more like he has his nose on the doe, they put off a scent during their estrus cycle that makes these old boys follow em around like lovesick puppies.
  10. really beutiful work friend, I didn't know you folks in Russia used American currency or is that just for the pictures?
  11. Thank you! yes we had to go to these because she would back out of her collar when she saw a wabbit on our walks.
  12. I was perusing and found this thread so figured I'd add my Hodge podge of homemade tools. I have as much fun making the tools as using them. Various stamps including a hoof prints, an awl hand forged by me as one of my first ever forging projects years ago, a nice set of lifters and shapers, a round knife from a circ saw blade, a skive knife from a putty knife, and a small whittler/ skiver from an old kitchen knife as well as my scrub oak thumper from local trees, and a stitching pony from old pallet material.
  13. Print the picture , trace it on some cardstock, cut it out. print it again trace the pockets on card stock cut them out. You have a free pattern.
  14. That's very cool I have been thinking about making one with oilcloth and leather combo kinda like an old swiss rucksack I have but smaller. Thanks for the link to the pattern.
  15. Made this the other day with 2 /3 oz leather, dyed with bison brown and black. It is my design as I could find nothing that used only two buckles in the build. I had planned on lining it but after I oiled it up it was nice and soft so haven't made up my mind on that yet. Sissy loves it over her old nylon rig that was to tight and rubbed her underarms. I gotta use the scratched and dented stuff for my personal projects so there is some blemishes but she said she didn't care.
  16. Took this yesterday in my front yard, can you guess why he is smiling?miling?
  17. I agree with you wholeheartedly ! It seems there is no quality any more in any products, I find the video posted here last week about W&C not being able to sell their products kind of ironic. We don't have people staying in jobs forever anymore and any Administration or quality control nowadays goes to an college grad with a sheepskin in Business administration with little or no real experience in whatever trade so they in essence know squat about leather or whatever the product is. But they can sure tell you how good it is and build some BS selling propaganda for it. Not that a degree isn't a good thing so those out there with one , me included, don't beat me up if I offended, but it doesn't mean they know everything or even anything really. You all know that education in America is now about 17th place in the world down from #1 20 years ago, I guess I'm ranting a bit also but todays world has no real work ethic, pride of building a career, or just plain working hard for a living for the majority of our new modern society. So all I can say friend is maybe there is a way to write off your losses, donate to the scouts or some charity or maybe your accountant can find a way to write off the loss. It sure does suck though to see this happening, I have a hide, not much left, of W&C leather that I bought probably 20 year ago and its so nice I have been saving it and use it only on my best stuff because I hate to cut up lol. So now we know why Tandy cant get good hides also as well as any business that buys from the tanneries. Another big thing that is driving this problem is the BIG companies buy out the small companies, or contract with, that produce the needed materials for their products then charge more to the small business and public market. We see that daily in the grocery store fresh produce costs more than processed, costs more for the ingredients to make a cookie than you can buy one at the local crap food place.
  18. I think this is the key, the acrylic can still permeate the leather a bit and get into the fibers to make a bond. Oil/acrylic painting cant do this as the fibers are covered first by the acrylic gesso then a layer of oils which wouldn't allow another acrylic paint layer to adhere to any of the original canvas fibers and it wont bond to the oil based paint either.
  19. mix those iron filings or steel wool and some vinegar to make vinagaroon it will dye leather black as coal and is what I use sometimes.
  20. All I know is in painting , as on a canvas, you cant paint acrylic paint over oil paint it wont adhere well and flakes off. Never tried it on leather as I figured it would do the same.
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