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Everything posted by Chipster99

  1. I would like to echo what Randy said about the value of the IFOLG and of membership in the the individual guilds. Participation in our guild has helped me considerably and I was fortunate enough to earn multiple ribbons at the IFOLG show in Dallas last fall. I couldn’t have done it without the help of our local guild. If anyone is around the middle Tennessee, northern Alabama, south central Kentucky, etc. area we’d love to see you at the first 2023 meeting of the South Central Leather Crafters Guild next Saturday, January 14. It’s at the Nashville Tandy store at 2:00 pm central time. After a very quick business meeting we’re going to have a class on leather braiding and knots and we’ll be making a braided bracelet in the class. All materials will be supplied to those who sign up in advance. Here’s a link to our Facebook notification: https://m.facebook.com/100064518650164/ Please feel free to ask questions here or shoot an email to: SouthCentral.LCG@gmail.com The Tandy store is located at 405 Harding Industrial Dr, Nashville, TN 37211 Hopefully, we’ll see you there!!
  2. Absolutely beautiful. Phenomenal tooling!
  3. Chipster99


    Very, VERY nice!!
  4. Common injector-type blades work well in the wooden strap cutter. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Taconic-Shave-Injector-Razor-Blades/dp/B07VQPFK68/ref=asc_df_B07VQPFK68?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79920869053527&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583520395582267&psc=1
  5. Very nice work! Try medium or dark brown. It’ll make a big difference. You’re right - the mahogany is too light.
  6. Thank you, and yes - LOTS of stitching. Makes for strong & tough fingertips. lol. The patch is from an actual glove, but not one of my own old ones - although I have plenty. I’ve only had the heart to dismantle one of those and it was too “well loved” to use on this bag. Maybe on a wallet or coaster someday? Thanks to all for the kind words - it really means a lot coming from the folks on here!
  7. https://www.amazon.com/Taconic-Shave-Injector-Razor-Blades/dp/B07VQPFK68/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=84YVGN10MFHB&keywords=ejector+blades&qid=1656368609&sprefix=ejector+blades%2Caps%2C226&sr=8-4
  8. Thank you very much! It’s Horween baseball glove (light color) from The Tannery Row (https://www.thetanneryrow.com/all-leather/horween-x-baseball-glove) and a really nice “2 for $99” sale side from Makers Leather Supply that I ordered along with the pattern for the bag. I watched Aaron Heizer’s videos on making the bag at least 3 times before I started it. Lots of hours hand stitching. Kind of a knockoff on this:
  9. https://makersleathersupply.com/products/paper-pattern-livestock-comissioners-bag
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