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Everything posted by Kcstott

  1. Money will only get you so far, skill is needed and the only way to get there is practice.
  2. Personal experience with the Cobra class 26 It can do all you're asking of it. Including #207 thread but that's the absolute max in thread and needle capacity and requires a bit of tinkering to get it to run right. I only use my 26 for 69 and 138 thread. You would want to run 138 in the bobbin anyway due to capacity. But it can do it. Not to mention it will run #46 thread (heavy household sewing machine thread) but no reason to drop below #69. While the advertising claims 5/8" under foot and up to 277. That's only if set up properly and then maybe. but you won't be able to drop down to 69 thread without a lot of readjustment. That said the machine can go from 69 to 138 with nothing more than a new needle, new thread top and bottom, and a minor tension adjustment on the top tension. You can get 1/2" under the foot. It will reverse in the holes if you stop the machine at the beginning of the stitch. and it will sew a few ounces of oil tanned with no trouble at all. I've yet to try the machine with 207 and most likely will not as I have a class 4 for that. Here's the catch. It's $2300. Good news is you have a Distributor in Springfield Mo. Springfield leather supply. and you might get a break on shipping. Well it won't cost as much as shipping from California.
  3. I never had luck with 138 on a class 4 to much tension and couldn't back it off enough to get it right. I now have a class 26 for 138 and lighter threads
  4. Pretty much. After hand sewing and even trying to do very light leather on a "heavy duty home sewing machine" ( i know no such thing and I agree ) The Class 4 is only out done by the class 7 but only in terms of what you can put under the foot. You can sew with rope. you can sew nearly anything and the machine just does it with ease. I've sewn cheek risers for rifle shooters. I stack up 3/4" of 12 oz leather and stitch right through it like nothing. This machine could only be stronger if it was hydraulically powered.
  5. If I had the motor and controller and no money I'd figure it out and make it work. but with the price of servo motors that are near drop in units? Leather machine co has them and so does Springfield leather. LMC wants $175 SLC wants $160 Reducers run about the same cost so for a little over $300 you could have this taken care of.
  6. the Problem is we do have both systems. and you don't know it till your cross thread a nut or round the head of a bolt. American auto's are the worst for it. is a 50/50 mix of metric and SAE. personally i'd rather see the metric system come into full use and standardized over here. Think of how much faster we could get children through school without having to teach them 3/8 x 4/5 = ?
  7. I've had my class 4 almost a year and i don't know what I'd do without it. I added a 26 because it's a pain to get it to sew with 138
  8. That's true of any piece of machinery. Never speak bad about the machine within ear shot of it. it it hears you it will act up. this is especially true of automobiles. they only break down in two places. The farthest from home or pay day which ever is further. That really is a superstation of mine and it's the only one I follow.
  9. You see the reason. it's our gun laws and gun ownership. You can't walk through my house with tripping over a rifle or shotgun
  10. Ive got a real nice 1911 WWII style tanker holster that's left handed for this very reason. I now mark my patterns Hide side and flesh side.
  11. once you get that machine setup and running. you are going to think what CAN'T i sew with this monster. you going to love it. Now take yourself over to face book and become a member of the Cobra Tips and tricks group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/101589880193668 Quicker response then here and information specifically about your machine.
  12. Figure out what you do the most of and buy the machine that will do that first. Then buy the second machine down the road when you have the funds. but yeah it seems that everyone wants a machine that will do it all and no such machine exists. belts and wallets you want light thread and fast stitching. holsters and sheaths big thread and a slow machine with lots of torque and big needles.
  13. They make size 18 needles for the class 4. they are ball tip but will work on oil tanned leather. The problem is this machine doesn't like to run thread smaller then 138. with 207 being the realistic bottom end while not having to really play with upper and lower tension to much. The class 4 will sew down to 6oz with #69 thread. I've done it, it was not fun nor quick getting it there though. took about four hours of tinkering with the tension. I have my notes on how to do it so I don't spend half a day figuring it out. but I'll never sew 138 on that machine again. I got lucky with a class 26 and that is my 138 96 and 69 thread machine.
  14. A class 26 Cobra But Leather machine company is only two hours away form me. You guys have Techsew in Canada? a 2750 pro would be my choice My light weight leather (up to 8oz stack) is sewn with the class 26 using #69 thread with a #18 needle. Medium weight leather say up to 10-12oz stack is sewn with a #22 needle and 138 thread on the same machine. I avoid hand stitching at all cost.
  15. Harry Rodgers selling off his old machines??
  16. Lets see.. 20 years ago when I didn't have any money and had time to tinker, sure, id give it a go. But in my current life I might only take one if it was free, if someone delivered it. and I needed a door blocked open because that's all I'd use it for is a door stop.
  17. well I stand corrected. dealing with machines, work space always meant what was needed to make the machine work.
  18. doesn't mean anywhere what you might think it does. it's more of a statement of special requirements. 3 phase electric, Compressed air, etc.
  19. Looks like that machine will take a #22 to a #26 needle in a 214 system https://www.sewingmachinesaustralia.com.au/shop/buy-accessories/needles-by-model/singer2012-05-16-04-19-16_/singer-k62012-05-16-04-19-16_ that means 96 to 277 sized thread. Bonded poly for anything in sunlight, bonded nylon for nearly everything else. Thread strength should not be an issue. buy the correct needles though. ball tip for fabric and cutting point for leather. needles are consumables and should be replaced often.
  20. Class 4 Cobra 277 top and bottom I reserve the 138 for the class 26 Todd I had to learn that the hard way. you just can't rush this stuff
  21. I get it. but find it funny they would ban a product that has a poison for alcohol in it. There's only one alcohol that's safe to drink and that Ethel. everything else will kill you eventually.
  22. I've been guilty of they same on occasion. that said it's not far from true with how ridiculous California laws are. Guys on wood working boards were all complaining that Home depot only sold mineral spirits substitute. Then immediately made the claim it was outlawed. I had to post a few pics to square them away on that BS No harm no foul.
  23. Incorrect. My local Tandy has a full stock of Alcohol based dyes. I'm in southern California. I can also order dyes from SLC, Makers, Weaver, Fiebings, Angelus. Rumor had it that you could not buy mineral spirits here either, or acetone, MEK, lacquer thinner. Well the big box stores quit carrying it. but my local Dixieline lumber has it in five gallon pales along with gallon and quart cans. I can also go to the marine supply house and get all kinds of nasty chemicals over the counter. you just have to know where to look. It's far easier to lie to a customer and blame the state then it is to tell them Corporate doesn't want to supply it and deal with California's epa laws where as another business will sell it with no issue and potentially loose a customer. Dixie line is a local Southern California hardware and lumber supplier they have no choice but to deal with California law. Where as Home depot, and Lowes can just choose to not ship to California and avoid the epa fees. Fiebings low VOC is alcohol based.
  24. not a cheep way to go but Rockler hardwoods sells concentrated pigments that will mix with anything. I thought about making my own leather dye but then figure I didn't want to become a dye formulator and have to keep track of a recipe https://www.rockler.com/mixol-universal-tint-20ml-bottle
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