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Everything posted by Blackjack21

  1. Rivets will never replace a great hand sewn product. You have made a really nice bag and am sure you will make fine saddlebags when you get to it. I myself have built hundreds of motorcycle tool bags and saddlebags and all have been hand sewn or laced. I usually use harness weight leather for the large bags.
  2. going way back for this one StitchingHorse.pdf
  3. I use a 10 ton hydraulic press with two 12 inch square metal plates one inch thick.............put the stamp between them and get great results at about 4,000 lbs
  4. I spent years building the shop I have............buying my tools and equipment and never would dare to ask fellow crafters to fund the building of any of it. Shame on you.
  5. Wonderful work.....I also like to hand sew the majority of my projects. The hand print tag as fab!
  6. like the western rustic look really good.............I would think hand sewing with heavier waxed thread would enhance the look
  7. Blackjack21


    Customer asked for a holder for a travel set of drum sticks. I tried for something different than the regular fold and stuff case.
  8. Blackjack21

    Beach Ghost

    Great start at tooling, always a challenge with animals so keep at it and best of luck
  9. Looks like a very nice project, good work. Is the patch for a vest back?
  10. I recently found this old bottle of a Tandy liquid antique dye in the corner of my shop and know I liked it a lot years ago. Was wondering if there is a similar product still being made today.
  11. simple mask attaches to helmet strap with snap.....................art is marker and black dye
  12. You simply should buy a better quality punch and correct the problem cause Tandy punch is a basic tool only
  13. Klein Tools #23015 single serrated blade blunt shear the very best way to hand cut heavy leather
  14. need help and info for making a mans leather vest by hand.............all info welcome
  15. Mother of invention..............I like it
  16. Tandy used to sell these years ago and I wonder if any company still makes them
  17. does anyone still manufacture this kind of edger
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