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Everything posted by 1hp

  1. https://www.schmetz.com/en/industrial-needles/needle-compass/cutting-points/
  2. https://parts.jacksew.com/upper-gear-cover-cpl-consew-17015c/ https://parts.jacksew.com/upper-gear-w-screws-consew-17021c/
  3. 1hp

    Acquired Tools

    chuck them up in an electric drill and hit them on a belt sander.
  4. https://zamirsew.net/juki-dnu-1541s-industrial-walking-foot-machine-leather/ bought my 206 from these guys. you could drive there and save shipping.
  5. it is the original consew cs1000 that came with my 206rb5 like 10 years ago. had to do the optical mod on it.
  6. thanks to @DonInReno for shoving me down this rabbit hole. it is a 4:1 by Micron.
  7. you might want to check the power switch first.
  8. seen these used for a similar purpose: https://www.mcmaster.com/products/rivets/screw-nails-for-metal-plastic-and-plywood/
  9. on my RB5, using a 135x16 size 25 for 207 thread. working well on 1/4" hard veg. Organ brand RTW.
  10. bought some from these guys: https://www.acesteelruledies.com/steelrulediesupplies.html#!/2pt-918-high-steel-rule-die-cutting-blade/p/48395670/category=12629242 they are in New Jersey though.
  11. have you tried holding them in there with grease?
  12. looks like they mean move lever to desired stitch length and tighten knob "M".
  13. these guys are in LA: https://zamirsew.net/leather-machines/ purchased a 206RB5 about 10 years ago from them. it arrived set up perfectly.
  14. these are store-bought reins by Tory. 1/2" at widest.
  15. looks like you are in Cali. bought my machine from these guys: https://zamirsew.net/products/ Consew dealer.
  16. bought one on Ebay. brand: Kung Fu King. it works great. really got it because of the funny name. looks just like this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/384661036151?hash=item598f959c77:g:oDAAAOSwQ51h1ldu
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