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Everything posted by Viking

  1. That’s really a cool concept! Really creative. I wonder if I could make a similar one for a lace less work boot? Something like a rifle sleeve tightened with lacing?
  2. Simple field holster I made for S&W 66-3 .357 mag. I don’t know how to make grey vinagroon yet, so it had to be Boba Fett rather than the Mandolorian.
  3. Beautiful work! Thinking about making one for my Henry .357 but a few projects in front of it
  4. Great work - I can see that rig working well with a medium/large framed revolver
  5. A very well thought out design. I like your riveting system in a he back of the holster for support, and your hammer retention strap in the 686 holster. Getting all the “moving pieces“ of a rig like this together for me is too much of a challenge ...
  6. I can’t even begin to describe how cool this is. Just when I think I’m started ng to get decent about my art I see some thing like this that blows me away. question: is it acrylic paint or dye & what do you use to seal it?
  7. Unbelievable craftsmanship! I love it.
  8. Wow looks great! You have convinced me to make one for my Henry now! (I’m going to attempt .357 bullet loops on one side & carve the other.)
  9. Absolutely inspirational. The whole rig is absolutely crisp and flawless. I dream to be able to attempt this type of workmanship someday.
  10. I definitely learned a lot on this one ... bit super happy about the final result, but it is functional...
  11. Thanks for all the advice! I think I am going to run the stitch line “Partially” outside of the design. I did a looser molding last night & I think I can find a way to make it semi-reasonable with the carving. I find that pancake holsters retain pretty well even without a thumb break because the belt slots pull them tight to the body. I agree if it was for a customer, I would start over, and modify the carving location/size. But this is just a field holster for personal use. Call it “practice.” I learn a lot from trying a new style of holster, and it usually takes me a couple try’s to make something professional... which is why I have a bunch of rough “mistake” holsters, that while perfectly functional are ugly ducklings, for sure.
  12. I love it. What type of Belt loop did you use for Back of the holster?
  13. Hello - I’m asking for help on my first pancake, cross draw attempt for a Ruger SP 101. This Is my first cross draw and I’m encountering some snags ... Normally, I sew the straight stitch line first - then wet form to get my stitch line nice and tight to the outline of the gun. Will I Have any retention (or other?) issues with an irregular stitch line around the design I started to carve? It seems to me that moulding will provide a decent amount of fit? This holster will include a thumb break, for additional security. Or should I just sew through the carving? What will look better? thanks for your help!
  14. Really unique idea & well executed - I love it!
  15. Looks really clean! Nice work !
  16. Love this style of holster! Will the beeswax help with durability & rain resistance in the field? (Seems intuitive that it would ...). I’ve never had any issue with a leather holster that I allowed to dry out after it got wet & reapplied neatsfoot oil to. Also, anyone know if tooling or carving would look ok under a heavy coat of beeswax?
  17. Nice work! I love the tanker style holsters...
  18. I love this, I’m sure your dad will too! - I have a Blackhawk as well and that revolver is a tank to lug around in a standard western rig. (I’ve settled for a pancake type with a thumbreak, but I really don’t like to carry a single action strongside as I am not proficient with it as a a defensive pistol) I’m very interested in this type of rig for field use or to carry a second pistol comfortably for hunting. I’m curious if you could illustrate or expand on how you cut the bandoleer shape? You say “v” but do you mean a rounded off “v” ?
  19. It’s leatherworker.net, I’ll have to learn to build my own!
  20. Outstanding! My first attempt at a single action, quick draw rig was a fail, but hopefully learned enough for my second attempt soon!
  21. Wow that knife has character! and the sheath complements it perfectly!
  22. I’m really enjoying following this topic & learning from your whole process. Keep the updates coming!!!
  23. This is outstanding - if you replaced the leather scales with bronze ones it would actually, likely be strong & crafted well enough for actual hoplite battle armor, to serve in The phalanx. Really impressive.
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